Friday, May 28, 2021

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini & Your Forecast for May 30th-June 5th, 2021

On Sunday, June 6th (wow it's next weekend!) come to Willard Beach Studio/Breathing Room in South Portland 4-6 pm for Robin's Zodiac Yoga & Eclipse Readings. There are just a few spaces left and one may be yours! Yoga for the season as we move through Sagittarius and Gemini eclipses full of movement and change. Individual attention to your birthday and sign. Sign up today! 

Sunday, May 30th: Aquarius Moon from 12:04 am EST. Lots of thinking, strategizing and vision centered processing in store as the Moon and Sun are in harmony for decision making. Pros and cons and reasoning lead to well thought out actions. The Moon and Uranus in fixed signs call for stabilizing as inevitable and potentially disruptive changes occur. Inner or external conflict may be part of that process today. Use ingenuity and seek alternatives beyond what originally seemed possible. The Moon meets Saturn retrograde, and also Mercury is retrograde now. We'll be going back to incomplete transactions, projects, and lingering issues for another pass at resolution and completion. Wear Turquoise.

Monday: Memorial Day in the U.S. means a vacation day for some. What kind of day will it be? Aquarius Moon aligns with retrograde Mercury in Gemini and leads to reconnection with friends and other kinds of reunions. Also, it may be an important study or writing day, especially if you've procrastinated for a long while and finally need to make it happen. Edit carefully before submitting anything during Mercury retrograde for the next few weeks. Mars in Cancer is in harmony with Neptune in Pisces. We're likely to try and escape discomfort and avoid real issues. Floating in one's own daydream may be very appealing today. Trust issues arise. In emotional matters the tendency will be more to avoid than confront. Today's color is Blue.

Tuesday: Void of course Moon from 2:14 am EST when the Moon and Venus align, until 5:07 am EST when the Moon shifts to Pisces. Relationships are priority this morning, from friendships to love relationships. Connect with someone in a meaningful way. Pisces Moon isn't generally motivating, however as the Moon meets Jupiter, today brings opportunities for heartfelt transactions, emotional healing, bursts of creative energy and something that could be called 'rebirth'. Feel yourself as part of everything. Get in the water and feel renewed, if you have that option.  It's also a favorable day for gardening, fishing, and general growth and abundance. Today's color is Light Green. 

Wednesday: Pisces Moon square to the Sun, and tomorrow square to Mercury retro (also in Gemini). This looks like an adjustment day. Sometimes we resist adjusting to what must occur or has already occurred. Notice if you're going through a challenging change and be very kind to yourself while also opening your mind. Pisces Moon traits could include feelings of abandonment or being lonely or left out, while Gemini Sun traits include extroversion, reaching out, and expressing oneself. If your inner emotions are immobilizing you, reach out and express while also studying possible options for yourself that could make things a bit easier over time. Uranus in Taurus may help with inspiration and ideas as the Moon and Uranus align. Venus moves to Cancer at 9:19 am EST, where the planet of love and harmony favors romance and entertaining or getting cozy at home (or summer home!). Today's color is Pink.

Thursday: Pisces Moon meets Neptune and squares Mercury retrograde. Both aspects are easier if you're open and willing to change and alter plans. Things must be flexible and adjustable today. It's natural to change your mind and even to be completely undecided with aspects like this and the time between eclipses. Clarity or resolution are both more likely later in June, or later this summer, if the decision is very big. Pisces Moon aligns with Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn and both speak of serious and emotional implications. It's a time for taking it slow and reflecting on what you really want or need. Routine tasks and hands on projects are positive outlets for emotional energy. From 7:10 am to 1:59 pm EST, the Moon is void of course and that's often likened to waiting in line or going off course accidentally. Build in a bit of time to get lost or waste some time (which often isn't wasted if you're resting or taking care of you!). Aries Moon revs things up a bit after 2 pm. Family and home matters need tending to as Venus squares the Moon. Releasing expectations or outdated ideas is favored. Two more aspects to consider~The Sun and Saturn form a trine and attempts at deals and agreements are likely. Saturn retrograde gives chances to make things right and not repeat regrets. See if that resonates in any situation. Learn the lesson well this time around. Keep healthy boundaries and know your terms of agreement. Tonight, Venus and Jupiter aligns for powerful emotional awareness and potentially forgiveness and healing. What a great night for yoga or other self care! Maybe you'd like to pop into class tonight, virtual or in person. Whatever you do, don't let a beautiful, welcome opportunity pass by. This trine is emotionally abundant and speaks of well being and love. Today's color is Orange.

Friday: Aries Moon aligns with Saturn retrograde and with the Sun. It's an air feeds fire kind of day. Some things may seem 'cut and dry'. Communicate clearly. We are likely to ask for what we want. Notice impulses and pause before acting on them, making sure it's what you want to do or say. Retrogrades can complicate things, but there is a move toward unfinished business. Socially, new or exciting options present themselves. It's an active, possibly adventurous kind of day and night. Feelings might be overshadowed. If it's hot outside that will add to the astrologically heated up atmosphere. So, in whatever way that makes sense, stay chill or keep cool. Today's color is Red.

Saturday: Aries Moon with squares to Pluto and Mars, and those two planets oppose each other in Capricorn and Cancer. This looks very intense, passionate, conflicted, family oriented and soul searching. This opposition can be transformative, yet is also raw and may involve facing fears and invoking defenses. Fight or flight instincts may kick in. Keep yourself safe. This isn't a day or time for extra risks or to be in vulnerable situations. It is a time for pausing, being with your emotions in a healthy way, and weighing your feelings especially in matters of home and family, sense of place and present or previous trauma. Call in your trusted resources. Do no harm and stay out of harm's way. In the world, conflicts are likely to exacerbate either today or within the week before and after this. Lessons that have not been learned will come up again in the form of events that stimulate new courses of action. On an up note, some will feel huge emotional release and experience endings that are welcome. This opposition can be cathartic or violent, instigate wisdom or unrest. Wear Black today.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Sagittarius May 23rd-May 20th, 2021

On Sunday, June 6th Robin's Zodiac Yoga with Eclipse Readings is back for one spring/summer event! We'll meet on Ocean Street in South Portland indoors at Willard Beach Studio, adjacent to Breathing Room. Both studios are hosting! It's a beautiful room where Zodiac Yoga has been offered before, and it's awesome to be back there with lots of windows, earthy space, and light! This is for a fairly small group so sign up now through the punchpass app. Go to the studio of your choice to sign up while space lasts. The postures will not be too challenging and the readings are in the round with insights for each person and sign, focused on the eclipses that begin this week and last into June. 

Here's a sign up link! 

Sunday, May 23rd: Libra Moon waxing toward Full until 11 pm EST when the Moon moves to Scorpio and we get even closer to Wednesday morning's eclipse. Saturn retrograde begins today. My experience is that this creates delays with things such as home sales or purchases, perhaps due to things like inspection and other administrative type things. Saturn in retrograde also makes very clear which life lessons we have not yet learned and lived. Actions and behaviors from the past, recent or a longer time ago, reap rewards or invoke consequences during this 4-5 month cycle. Notice themes and patterns from your life that show themselves again this spring & summer. On to today, Libra Moon has mixed influences. Communication and social life may go well. Business and family matters could be strained. Void Moon 5:36 pm to 11 pm EST. Today's color is Maroon.

Monday: The eclipse is Wednesday during Full Moon in Sagittarius. Eclipses bring quick changes, sometimes out of the blue or totally not what you'd expected. We are already close enough for eclipse happenings. The Moon in Scorpio adds it's own intensity, and opposes Uranus, the wild, ingenious planet that also throws us off or takes us by surprise with its effects. Stay centered today, and if you need boundaries or privacy, create that. The other alternative, being overwhelmed, could lead to unintended actions or feelings. Temper tantrums and freak outs of other kinds may be more common than usual. Today's color is Black.

Tuesday: Scorpio Moon until 10:39 pm EST. We are also into the weeks of extended daylight, leading to a peak on June 20th, the Solstice. These days may be welcome, yet also can be pressured with a lot of 'yang' activity. Wanting to make the most of longer, warmer days can also cause us to over do and over plan. Remember to rest during Full Moon when the energy is hot and high. Scorpio Moon aligns well with planets in Capricorn and Pisces, helping us deal with emotions reasonably as compared with yesterday. Void Moon is 5:20 pm to 10:39 pm and then the Moon moves to eclipse sign Sagittarius. Get priorities in order, settle something, set up the best case scenario and see what happens. This is a potent and highly change oriented Full Moon, accelerating shifts and taking us places we likely did not expect to be. Wear Purple today.

Wednesday Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, also including strong Gemini vibes as the Sun and Moon oppose. These signs are mutable, relate to travel, communication, studies and all that is transportation oriented, cultural and global. Things will push forward fast. Opening businesses and travel restrictions lifting may be part of this. People will want to go places, book trips, be on the move, and also how these things happen may not be how they were or are planned. Sudden reasons will lead to spontaneous action. The Moon is square to Jupiter, strongly suggesting education and transportation types of news, and also implying the healing influence and compassion of Jupiter in Pisces. 

Sagittarius and Pisces are very different signs with very different tendencies, so there could very well be misunderstandings and conflicts of interest related to change. Try not to leave someone feeling emotionally abandoned if you are making exciting moves. Can there be room for excitement and also sensitivity to other people and to groups of people, such as those in need? To me this Full Moon eclipse, in a sign of culture and learning, asks and suggests "How can we be inclusive?" as we move forward and make changes. Having said that, unwelcome possibilities that arise with this eclipse include extremes of ego and greed. Always negotiating polarities, we may seem selflessness and compassion instead. 

There is much more as well, and we may be very energized, shaky, unfocused or jittery with the upward rising energy today. Best effects include freedom from emotional baggage or unhealthy cords. If you are ready, put all that in the past. Saturn retrograde aligns with the Moon and old business comes up for new review. Wear Gold today.

Thursday: Sagittarius Moon starts Thursday as we head to the holiday weekend here in the states. This is the sign of travels and freedom. Influences from the planets are mixed and contain opposition. The Moon opposes Venus and Mercury in Gemini. The effect could range from dealing with unreliability and changing minds to argumentative or dismissive tendencies. Others will do things their own way, and compromise may not come easily. Doing things ones' own way is a likely goal. Venus and Neptune are in an exact square in mutable Gemini and Neptune, and Mercury is just about to be retrograde in Gemini. Pictures painted, words spoken, and so called promises may not tell the whole story. It's worth looking deeper, closer, and asking specific questions. Unfortunately, this period screams of deception, and that will last for weeks to come. People may lean into best case scenarios or live in denial, wear the rosy colored glasses, and in doing so, may enable, lie, and play two sides of something (such as love interests). Void Moon 1:35 pm to 10:23 pm EST. Those hours are extra unreliable. Avoid saying yes when you mean no or let's wait and see. Going from a lunar eclipse to Mercury retrograde to a solar eclipse in two weeks can really rock the boat and test faith and trust. Go easy on yourself if you're doing the 'right things'. Don't go overly easy on situation and people who constantly let you down. Today's color is Light Blue.

Friday: Capricorn Moon aligned with Jupiter in Pisces overnight. This helps bring us back to earth (and water!). During Capricorn Moon, re-ground and stabilize. Take care of some business or personal priority. Channel frantic and frenetic energy through movement and exercise. Rearrange furniture and refresh your space. Work in the yard or gardens. Help things grow. The Moon does align with Uranus, one of the planets exerting extra influence this season. Uranus' effect can be chaotic or cathartic. Emotional release may be called for. Break ground on a project. Take your time and practice patience. Spontaneous changes are in the air. Wear Green today.

Saturday: Mercury retrograde begins at 6:34 pm EST. This cycle is not suggested for purchasing technical or transportation related items or any big investments. The retrograde is in gemini from today through 6 pm June 22nd. Between now and then we have a solar eclipse, also in Gemini. Suffice to say this could be a 'weird' time with the unexpected and less likely events to become common. Get used to...nothing. It's all up for revision and change. Venus and Mercury meet in Gemini today which may bring people back into our lives. It could be socially fun. It's not, however, a good time for commitment or starting new relationships beyond lighthearted friendship. Notice who pops in or turns up in your texts saying hello! Capricorn Moon opposes Mars, and it's a tough opposition for family vs other commitments or ambitions. Debate or disappointment may ensue. Others expectations vs your own wants are one way this opposition plays out. Mars in Cancer is passively aggressive. Capricorn Moon relates to the emotional needs connected with producing, being promoted and feeling successful. The Moon also meets Pluto and aligns with Neptune for reflection, imagination and inward vision. Check in with yourself. Are you grinding to accomplish tons without taking care of your self or relationships? Could there be better balance with this? Are you satisfying your own ambitions or being judged or repressed by someone else who wants something different for you? Stay true to yourself. Unravel emotional entanglement that isn't healthy. Void Moon starts at 6:15 pm until 12:04 am EST on Sunday. Today's color is Black.

Chakra Flow will be hip flows for Sacral Chakra during the Full Moon time, Thursday 5:30-6:45 pm

Affirmations, visualizations, energy clearing, self assists, and physical postures in a simplified way

Sign up for virtual class and even if you can't attend live, you will get the full recording on Friday for two full days! Breathing Room on punchpass app

Friday, May 14, 2021

The Sun Moves to Gemini: Forecasts for May 16th-22nd, 2021

During these last days of Taurus time, Saturn prepares for a retrograde. Sun to Gemini Thursday at 3:37 pm EST. Saturn retrograde in Aquarius begins next Sunday at 5:21 am EST. Currently, Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn, and Mercury is set for retrograde May 29th to June 22nd.

Sunday: Cancer Moon meets Mars and is in harmony with Neptune in Pisces. Neptune has been actively enhancing creative inspiration, romance, forgiveness, optimism, and spiritual healing. Any of this may apply to family and other relationships today and to home related projects and plans. The Moon and Mars can equal defensiveness though, so be aware of hyper sensitivity and over protectiveness as well. Today's color is Light Blue.

Monday: The Moon and Sun are in compatible signs and in harmony. Cancer is the emotional waters and Taurus, the sensual earth. Decisions may be made with ease and grace, and we may find more ease with our emotions. The Moon is also opposite Pluto, highlighting inner life, our thoughts and feelings. Pluto is in harmony with the Sun which helps with perspective and with action that aligns with our truest self. Void of course Moon is 2:23 am to 8:44 am EST, so notice if patience is called for this morning. Leo Moon from 8:44 am tends to lift our spirits, open our hearts, and encourage playfulness and lightness. Today's color is Gold. 

Tuesday: Leo Moon aligns with Venus in Gemini for social friendliness and interest in people and interaction. It's a good day to get to know someone or work with a group. Build relationships while noticing and observing others' tendencies. Try to stay non reactive, and to act with pure intention only, as the Moon squares Uranus in Taurus and opposes Saturn. Both of these aspects can be challenging as Uranus takes us off guard and Saturn is a slow burn and may relate to long term problems and decisions you're attempting to solve or resolve. Today's color is Purple. 

Wednesday: Today is 2nd quarter Moon, as the Moon waxes in Leo, increasing evening moonlight. The Moon and Sun are square in stubborn, confident Leo and Taurus. This can lead to great things when the energies are combined. Take your fire and channel it to matter, the earthly form. Create! Void Moon 3:13 pm to 4:59 pm EST when the Moon moves to Virgo. Enjoy some afternoon leisure or socializing. Virgo Moon may draw some of us back into evening work, tasks, or studies. Learn new material while Jupiter opposes the Moon. Jupiter relates to higher learning and broad concepts. Virgo helps ingrain information, process and analyze. The best application would be in health, sciences, healing arts, and practical skills. Venus and Saturn align tonight for relationship discussions and decisions of a serious nature.  Keep love and heart in your interactions. Today's color is Indigo. 

Thursday: The Sun moves to Gemini at 3:37 pm EST, marking the last phase of spring, now until June 20th. Mercury will be retrograde in Gemini for part of this time. Everything is subject to change starting right about now, though the retrograde truly begins on the 29th. Virgo Moon aspects with Venus, Pluto, and later tonight with Mars. Sort out your actual feelings about people and situations. Relationships are in the forefront, with practical & family related considerations. There's tension between sensible and frivolous, grounded vs scattered and relationship differences as a result.  Fluctuation between feeling disappointed and feeling ok is one of today's distinct possibilities. Today's color is Brown.

Friday: Virgo Moon for most of the day, and Libra Moon tonight. This looks like a very changeable day of fluctuations, shifting priorities and all sorts of moods. The Virgo Moon squares Mercury, soon to be retrograde in Gemini. Conflicts of interest, misunderstandings and misinformation are part of the mix. The Moon is also opposite Neptune, adding to potential confusion, missing items, absent people, and in some cases a lack of caring or attending to real life stuff. The Moon trine to Pluto leads to void of course time and inward reflection at 3:56 pm EST. Meanwhile the Sun squares Jupiter in Pisces at 11:03 am EST and there could be a need to reconsider the size of things, such as events or budgets. Should you go bigger or smaller? This aspects is also known to test the ego. Compromise is called for, and emotions may be running high. Void Moon time 3:56 pm to 9:35 pm EST. This can be either a chance to retreat and find some quiet or a call to socialize in a relaxing way. Libra Moon follows, for the weekend. The evening ends with the Moon and Sun in harmony, for friendship and connection with others. Today's color is Blue.

Saturday: Libra Moon aligns with Saturn retrograde. Some pending decisions will be made, even if the action to accompany them is set for the future. In other words, a tentative decision or announcement may happen. Saturn reminds us to take things seriously. Mercury in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces form a square, rising doubts and uncertainties. This may result in denial of the truth or resisting reality through escapism. Use of mind altering substances could create problems or conflicts. It's not a good time to argue with someone who's living in their own world. My Grandmother would say "Leave well enough alone", and that seems to capture some of today's energy. Do one important thing, and then keep things chill and simplify. Wear Lavender. 

Yoga with Readings is back!

Robin's Zodiac Yoga & Gallery Style Readings for the Eclipses on Sunday,  June 6th in South Portland

4-6 pm

Sign up at Breathing Room on punchpass scheduler while space lasts!

Friday, May 7, 2021

Taurus New Moon & Jupiter Enters Pisces May 9th-15th, 2021

Sunday: Happy Mother's Day to all. The earth and waters act as mothers too, nourishing and offering birth and growth. Along with earthly mothers, acknowledge spirit mothers today, providing guidance and support in either known or unknown ways. Animal mothers come forward in spirit as I write this. Fox, bear, whale, hen may be studied, observed or called forth in meditation on this day of Mothers. Astrologically, it's Aries to Taurus Moon. Aries Moon squares Pluto bringing up complexities, perhaps inner conflict of what we want vs what we know. Trust your own intuition especially where assertion of power is needed. Can quietly standing in your power mean as much or more than bold action? Or is that action called for? Negotiate the right amount of activation for each situation. Aries Moon aligns with Jupiter in visionary Aquarius for stepping into uncharted and exciting territory. Notice the call to something fresh and inspiring as we move toward Tuesday's New Moon. Use Aries Moon time to clear away any perceived blocks or physically remove clutter. Void of course Moon 6:50 to 7:46 pm is down time before Taurus Moon arrives. Finish a project or recommit to a plan of action tonight. Wear Pink.

Monday: Taurus Moon in harmony with Mars in Cancer brings up feelings and our challenge, and our benefit, comes in expressing them. Taurus is related to the neck, throat and voice. Today you may experience the lump in your throat that signals strong emotion. Once it clears, find the right words or sing your heart's song to release that energy. Mars is out of element while in Cancer and emotions may get trapped or be expressed in unintentional ways, randomly or angrily. This effect extends into tomorrow as well. Another two day influence comes from Uranus. Today the Moon and Uranus combine forces in Taurus. This happens monthly and can feel rocky or uncertain. The Moon also squares Saturn in Aquarius and we'll experience this as stuck points where it's difficult to reach consensus and work together. However, with effort a square situation can turn out well. Today, we may need to dig deep for patience, calm, steadiness and reassurance. This is the day before New Moon. Prepare for the next monthly journey which takes us into Mercury retrograde and plenty of Gemini influence. Make a step by step plan that includes some flexibility. Today's color is Black.

Tuesday: New Moon in Taurus at 3 pm EST, most closely supported by Neptune, planet of imagination, water, romance, and dreams. Some of us will experience the healing qualities of this New Moon and really feel new perspective, positive outlook and fresh starts. Some may be rocked by Mars alignment to Uranus. This sextile speaks to sudden and quick acting events, some emotionally driven, some with strong emotional responses. The spectrum runs from daring and spontaneous to accidental and shocking. You could be highly motivated or have an excess of feeling that you don't know how to direct. It's very likely that we'll feel this New Moon, possibly even like a Full Moon, with rising and increasing type of energy. New Moon possibilities include falling in love or lust, issues around building and renovation, earth tremors and high waters such as surf and tides, the beginning of a very important project or start of a similar business, and major family events and news. Today's color is White. 

Wednesday: Taurus Moon in harmony with Pluto feels constructive from the inside out. What's been gestating as an idea or secret begins to take form in more tangible or viewable ways. The Moon also squares Jupiter before Jupiter's big move to Pisces on Thursday evening. The square brings up emotional aspects related to what we're manifesting and may result in questions such as "Is this right for me, and is this the best for the whole group?" Though it is a square and indicates some negotiation and sorting through, the result may be very positive. You will know this if your heart and mind feel aligned and if others' hearts are fully in and backing the process. In Aquarius, Jupiter highlights growth and technology for the greater good of all. Jupiter's move to Pisces will shift the influence of this benevolent planet. For just 20 minutes the Moon is void of course, then moving to Gemini at 8:43 am EST. In a sense, Gemini season takes over early now that Venus and Mercury are both there. Mercury, the communication planet, aligns with Saturn in Aquarius, encouraging agreements and plans in the workplace, among volunteers and group members working for the community. The Moon and Venus then meet in Gemini for social connection, sharing of ideas and feeling aligned with one another. New relationships are fueled by this Moon meeting. Long term partners may share a new interest or activity that feels fun, spontaneous and mind opening. Friendships form. Today's color is Yellow.

Thursday: The Taurus Sun and Neptune in Pisces are in harmony, enhancing this morning, leading to good feelings between us, and hopeful news or attitudes. Romances flourish. We may tend to see the bright side and positive attributes of people, places and plans. The Moon is in Gemini, a sign related to the mind, words and intelligence. The Moon aligns with Saturn in Aquarius and meets Mercury, both of which speak to making agreements and outlining or drawing up specific course of action. It's a day for some serious thinking and figuring out. At 6:36 pm EST,  Jupiter moves to Pisces, a place of healing, intuition, and creativity. In June, Jupiter will retrograde in this sign and move back into Aquarius from July 28th to December 29th. If you're an Aquarius or feel this is important to you, just know you have not felt the last of Jupiter's wisdom and abundance. The Jupiter shift takes us on a more feeling course of psychic sensibility, growth, inner wisdom and deep connection with nature. In contrast, Jupiter in Aquarius is logical, precise, and intellectually driven, related to community and the external, technological world. Today's color is Blue.

Friday: Gemini Moon squares Neptune and is then void of course from 6:51 am to 9:30 pm EST. Taking the day off from work could be a good plan. This square can confuse matters, involve misinformation and point out where we don't see eye to eye. Deception, intended or unintended, could be an issue. Fact check and edit carefully. One of today's challenges, that could turn out well and be worth working with, is to take words and pictures and blend them. What are the visuals that match the message? Another way to use the tension of this square is to create a magical, spiritual, sacred space. This could be in the garden, at work or at home. Today be careful with your choices of words, do not spread misinformation or anything you cannot prove beyond reasonable doubt, and spend time with your own vision, reimagining. During void Moon you might get a bit lost either in thought or in sense of place. Plan for extra time during commutes and travels. Cancer Moon from 9:30 pm through most of the weekend. Today's color is Light Green.

Saturday: Cancer Moon meets Uranus at 8:35 pm EST, echoing and revisiting New Moon time earlier this week. Family and home matters are especially likely to be newsworthy and changing in unexpected ways. Uranus shakes the foundation and creates shifts. Plans must change accordingly. After midnight, the Moon will also meet Mars, strongly stirring the emotional waters. This weekend appears to focus on personal and deeply meaningful matters. Be gentle with each other and realizing that changes, especially quick and spontaneous ones,  are stressful even when they are positive. Do not remain attached to one way of being or doing things when clearly the plan must change. Today's color is Black. 

Yoga schedule weekly:

Yin/Yang Monday morning 9-10 am Stretching postures followed by strengthening and dynamic movement. Virtual through Scarborough Yoga

Gentle & Restore Yoga Wednesday 8-9 am Virtual through Breathing Room

Chakra Flow Thursday 5:30-6:45 pm In Studio & Virtual. Sign up for virtual through Breathing Room and receive the recording on Friday for two days of access. 

This week the theme is our Throat Chakra and it's flows with other chakras. The postures tend to be slow and deliberate in this subtle energy based class. We work with emotions, the winds and channels of the body, and engage in self awareness and self care. Every class has a workshop feel. 

Willard Beach Studio co hosts this class and you can sign up at their website also. To attend in person, sign up at Breathing Room and come to the Ocean St South Portland studio. 

Have a lovely week! Robin