Friday, May 10, 2024


Robin's Zodiac Zone reaches 25 years of forecasts on July 22nd, 2024

Thanks for all the years of connecting through astrology with me

From now through July, the forecast will be published in monthly format and I'll add to each month as we go. So if your 'date' isn't written yet, it will be. Check back.

You can look further ahead to see the color and moon sign.

Hope Taurus time is treating you well


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Sunday, May 12th ~ Cancer Moon for Mother's Day here in the U.S., and this is the sign of mothering and parenting, as well as home and family and the Moon. It's often an emotion filled time. Today is mostly harmonious with the Sun, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus in trine or sextile to the Moon. From a romantic date to a heart centered connection, prosperous business day or happy tunr of events, Cancer Moon brings lots of feelings to the forefront. White is our color, and I like opal as a stone for today.

Monday, May 13th ~ Cancer Moon overnight and Leo Moon begins at 6:36 am EDT. Leo Moon opposes Pluto retrograde, a somewhat odd or uncomfortable opposition and mix of energies. Inner and outer circumstances dont match in this case. Venus and Saturn are doing a serious dance around committed relationships and urging stability between partners. Nothing less will do. Today's color is Purple.

Tuesday ~ Leo Moon in harmony with Mars and square to Venus puts love, relationship and attration right in the forefront. Notice your urges and desires. If loyalty is questioned, things will be difficult in relationship and love life today. Fire energy may be motivating in many ways. Put your heart into your efforts. Today's color is Orange.

Wednesday ~Leo Moon to Virgo Moon. Void Moon, the between time, is 12:41 pm to 5:33 pm EDT. Get things done outside of those hours for most reliability and least chance of spacing on some detail. The Moon is square to planets this morning, particularly the ones in Taurus, and so work and effort are called for. Work on what's worth it and don't spin your wheel for something that's just 'not happening'. Take an afternoon break, if possible or tend to simple routines. Virgo Moon tonight for studies, yard work, building, and housecleaning. Good conversations may also occur as the Moon and Mercury align. Today's color is Brown.

Thursday ~ Virgo Moon with no aspects. The Moon is now moving toward Full, though it's days away. It's a good time to make some progress and put in some effort. That's been a key word this week, hasn't it! Fix and repair. Get something in better working condition. Including muscles. Tend to health and diet. Today's color is Indigo.

Friday~ Mercury is square to Pluto. What comes up in conversations, previously withheld information or secrets, is likely to be pushed out by this square. Ask questions! This may have applied to Thursday too. Virgo Moon aligns with Venus and Uranus in Taurus. This feels eventful and especially related to how we relate, interact, and to love relationships. Today's color is Blue.

Saturday ~ Virgo to Libra Moon. Void Moon at 5:09 am EDT to 6:23 am. Yes, it's not long but if you awaken then, things may feel spacey, and we may notice cancelations this morning. People may not feel like 'showing up'. Libra Moon moves in and aligns with Pluto, potentially keeping us inwardly focused. Venus and Uranus meets in a blast of activity regarding, yet again, partnerships and relationships. Interesting announcements and changes may follow. Engagements could be announced, for example. So could other changes in relationship status, or a big attraction develops suddenly. Sun and Jupiter meet in Taurus for prosperity, fertility, and expansion plans. Lavender is the color for today.


Sunday, May 19th ~Libra Moon opposes Mars in Aries, spotlighting our oppositions and conflicts. It could be hard to remain neutral. Activation is the key word here. Sun and Neptune align for creative expression, the arts, and time outside especially by water. Today's color is Light Blue.

Monday, May 20th ~The Sun moves to Gemini at 8:59 am EDT. Babies born before that time are Taurus with Libra Moon. The Moon stays in Libra until 6:34 pm EDT. Today looks very changeable, like a day with a variety of weather, both emotional and eventful. While the day may be social, the evening could be quite moody or intense. Scorpio Moon squares Pluto for deep feelings, long held emotions, and perhaps internal conflict with oneself. Today's color is Dark Red/Maroon.

Tuesday ~ Scorpio Moon across from Mercury in Taurus. Topics of conversation and meetings are likely to be serious, intense and important. There's a need to confront and step up, speak one's mind and truth, and try not to shy away from things of importance, even if they are difficult, involve money, life/death, health, and property. Stay true to your values. Wear Blue.

Wednesday ~ The Moon is near Full and opposes Uranus. This always feels like unexpected developments.   Saturn aligns with the Moon, adding to the serious nature of actions and events. Meanwhile, the Sun aligns with Pluto retrograde for inner strength and emphasizing the power of our inner thoughts and motivations. Do not minimize your power or underestimate your impact. Today's color is Black.

Thursday ~ Full Moon in Sagittarius at 9:53 pm EDT. This week appears to be a 'slowburn' and may feel like one long Full Moon for days leading up to now. After a couple of more oppositions and a creative or dreamlike trine to Neptune, the Moon moves to Sagittarius at 4:24 am EDT. Venus is active during this Full Moon, angaged with Jupiter and Neptune and then moving to Gemini at 4:30 pm. This feels romantic and interesting for love life, either long term or dating relationships. Jupiter and Neptune are in harmony for dreaming big. Think and act expansively and move through internal or external blocks to making things happen. Manifest it. Have faith. White is today's color.

Thursday, May 2, 2024


New Moon Sound Bath Sunday 5:30 pm with Kristine Keegan

register at

146 Ocean St South Portland, Maine

Sunday, May 5th ~ Moon in Aries, about to be in conjunction with Mercury for blasts from the past that inspire and energize us. As New Moon approaches we move out of eclipse season until next fall. This conjunction signals time to move forward, perhaps with a 'missed' opportunity or plan that didn't take off the first time. Or this could be time to invite brand new ideas and actions and leave all past reservations or anything you latched onto behind. Wear Orange. 

Monday ~  Moon in Aries, in conjunction with Mercury for blasts from the past that inspire and energize us. See Sunday's forecast as this conjunction influences both days and occurs overnight into Monday. Void Moon starts at 1:57 am ET and lasts all day until 5:42 pm EDT. If Monday feels ungrounded or scattered, that could be why. Do keep working on things that matter and inspire. Inspiration is one word for the week. On this day before New Moon, consider what to release and move on from. Taurus Moon tonight. Immerse in something possibly mindless and routine that allows you to reflect and feel. Housecleaning is one example. Today's color is Black as the Moon disappears from view.

Tuesday ~ It's a day of alignment of mind and heart, thoughts and actions, and most significantly, commitment. The Moon and Sun meet, which is New Moon, and both are in harmony with Saturn in Pisces. Venus also meets the Moon. Loyalty, commitment, love, knowing exactly what to do (even if it's difficult), finding more forgiveness, ease and balance are all favored. This is a really wonderful New Moon for acting on something important. From 11:22 pm EDT, on. Act from the heart. Wear White.

Wednesday ~ Taurus Moon meets Uranus and Jupiter and aligns with Neptune. Prosperity and whatever you want to commit to, truly be in the long haul for, are favored. Connect with earth and water. Plant and tend to what  you're growing. Void Moon 5:55 to 7:20 pm EDT. Gemini Moon follows. Wear Green.

Thursday ~ Gemini Moon in harmony with Mars in Aries. Minds will be busy. Avoid letting that turn to anxiety. Best case, it really gets you going on something you felt wasn't moving fast enough. Notice what you're driven about. Things that require thought and intelligence with action to back them are in favor. Yellow is today's color. 

Friday ~ Gemini Moon for both new ideas and perhaps closures and the sealing of agreements. The Moon is in harmony with Mercury for meetings and things put in writing, as well as for travels. Void Moon 9:49 pm to 11:13 pm EDT. Cancer Moon follows. Wear Light Blue.

Saturday ~ Cancer Moon square to Mars. Family matters take precedence. Visit with or tend to home and family. Conflicts of plans or interests may present themselve. Deal diplomatically and unselfishly. Can everyone's needs be met as well as possible this weekend? Cancer Moon for Mother's Day as well and this is the sign of the mother and parent. Today's color is White, any shade, and Moon stone is a nice crystal for this weekend.