Thursday, January 25, 2024

Uranus Direct ~ Innovation & Evolution January 28th~ February 3rd, 2024

Hope this helps set your daily tone & encourages balanced interactions and actions

There's an awful lot going on in the world. Robin's Zodiac Zone focuses on our daily life and the fluctuations of the heavens. Of course there are also broad and long term evolutions and revolutions, & to me Uranus Direct and Pluto changing signs feels like that. Practice steadying in an ever changing and often chaotic world.

I'm offering Restorative Yoga & Sound Bath on Thursday, Feb 1st 6:00-7:15 pm at Leaping Waters along with my usual schedule

Friday evening February 1st 5:30-6:30 pm I'm at Greener Postures for my monthly Yoga Nidra.

Both help us with human challenges, both physical and emotional is my studio website with much more to see and consider


Sunday~ Virgo Moon aligns with Venus, and Jupiter. Venus and Jupiter form a trine too, which is  auspicious for timing anything relationship or finance related. Mercury in Capricorn aligns with Uranus in Taurus and wild ideas and communication exchanges take place. Plans may be going down a different and unusual path. Once someone said "go crazy, get lucky" in regard to promoting and marketing in a meeting I attended. They were a consultant in media (and this was a long time ago, like 25-30 years!). That phrase always stuck with me and I think it's just right for today's vibe. Our color is Pink.

Monday ~Virgo Moon is "all happy" with Mars and Mercury in Capricorn, same earth element, and also with Uranus, a planet that seems to be playing a big part these days. Uranus is revolution, radical, and paradigm shifting, sometimes also shocking and accidental. Experiment with something and see where it takes you. Try not to be complacent or overly traditional. Neptune opposes the Moon reminding us of magic and the non linear and non earthly tonight. Mars and Uranus form a trine though, and it's a reminder to use some caution with the unfamiliar, including people. Avoid aggression in all it's forms and move mindfully (ie...avoid falls or crashes). Void Moon 6:20 pm ET and that's the start of an extra safe mindset.  Wear navy Blue.

Tuesday ~ Moon to Libra at 3:04 am ET. Libra Moon aligns with Pluto. This is a cycle we'll experience every month now, while Pluto is in Aquarius. It may encourage how we work together and get together. Notice parts of others reflected in your self and vice versa. Maybe this softens some edges between us.  I'll be watching and feeling how this aspect evolves and what seems to be connected to it. Tonight, the Moon squares Venus in Capricorn and it's an opportunity to confront and maybe resolve a relationship difficulty or midunderstanding. Be willing to do your part, the whole half. Today's color is Lavender.

Wednesday ~ Libra Moon aligns with the Sun in Aquarius overnight. Both signs are externally focused when it comes to other people. You may notice your interest in a person, group or human behavior sparks and is heightened this week. Sense your place in the world and in groups. Later, the Moon squares Mars, and this could feel emotionally or interpersonally difficult where rules, laws, or breaches of contract are involved. Also, relationship matters may be activated and require work, effort and yielding (though that might not be easy to accomplish). Today's color is Blue.

Thursday ~ And overnight, like a continuation, the Moon squares Mercury and conversations really need to be had if they're brewing and pending. This energy of holding back or feeling conflicted must be released. It may also be time for a hard decision. Void Moon 4:03 am to 3:37 pm ET. I'm not sure how this will play out, but things could feel sort of off or out of balance or lost today. After 3:37 pm, the Scorpio Moon roots in immediately with a stubborn but deeply focused square to Pluto, Scorpio's planet. All Scorpio type traits, especially the emotional, internal, and compulsive or persistent ones, characterize this evening and late day. Be aware people may need their space. Black is today's color.

Friday ~ IMBOLC indicates the increasing return of light and the stirring of life below the earth's surface. It's meant to be a time of promise. We call it Groundhog Day. Scorpio Moon contrast this focus on light, as Scorpio is like the deepest of oceans. Mercury aligns with Neptune and this feels beautifully creative and productively intuitive. The Moon has a varied mix of aspects. One thing that generally seems to apply ~ say it and do it like you really mean it. Commit to something, someone, and even yourself, Persist with what's truly worth your energy. Don't give in to external pressure too readily. Maintain your ideals. Today's color is Indigo.

Saturday ~ Scorpio Moon and effects continue through almost all of this day and night. Uranus opposes the Moon which can be breakthrough energy, yet can also startle us. Mars & Neptune both align with the Moon adding intensity, call to action, and also creative drive. Finally, Mercury and the Moon form a harmonious sextile which instigates deep conversations and interactions. Secrets may be revealed. Void Moon from then on, at 10:24 pm ET, and 3 hours later the Moon will move to Sagittarius. Today's color is Purple.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Aquarius Season & Leo Full Moon ~ Astrology for January 21st-27th, 2024

come try yoga nidra this month!

Sunday, Jan 21st ~ Aquarius time just began, and we are heading for a Full Moon this Thursday. Gemini Moon with no significant aspects to other heavenly bodies today. Read, converse, write, study, travel to see a friend or family a short distance away, and open your mind. Become aware of everyday things in new or different ways. Express yourself. Wear Blue.

Monday ~ Gemini Moon squares Neptune and opposes Venus. Relationships may be in our mind and cause distraction from other things. It could be hard to concentrate, other than on sorting out personal matters. In various ways, we may feel like 'getting away'. Ask for some space as needed. Cancer Moon moves in after a void Moon time from 3:40-4:51 pm ET. A change of vibe. Emotional, yes, but if comfort can be found in simple things, like a nice dinner, we may feel soothed. Have healthy emotional outlets today. Wear White.

Tuesday ~ Venus moves to Capricorn at 3:50 am ET. This is a nesting type place for Venus. Love may become focused on commitment and tradition than on adventurous flings or speed dating. Also, focus may center on how to be a positive influence and bring harmony to the workplace and larger organizations and structures. Venus in Capricorn could be a sculptor or a really generous boss. Cancer Moon today with two oppositions, to Mercury and Mars in Capricorn. Well,this might not be the day the boss feels generous. Plenty of negotiating and production feels more like it. Do what you said you would do and avoid yesterday's escapism or  plan to answer for it. Jupiter and Saturn also align with the Moon, encouraging prosperity, sensible business decisions, and serious work ethic. Wear Black.

Wednesday ~ Cancer Moon aligns with Uranus and Neptune. This makes me wonder if strange occurrences will be part of our day. Something that seems out of the blue, very imaginative, or quite shocking or stunning could be one of the effects. Work creatively. Look for breakthroughs in family related matters. Go walk or otherwise spend time at the water, like rivers and ocean fronts. Step out of the ordinary for a while. Void Moon 5:58 pm ET, until 2:37 am ET. And Full Moon is at 12:54 pm Thursday so all the Full Moon feelings are in the air. Today's color is Light Blue.

Thursday ~ White is today's Full Moon color and I also like Gold for this Leo Full Moon. It's the Moon's first opposition with Pluto while in Leo and Aquarius. One thing this could do is take our attention to our place in groups and in the entire collective. It's a more extroverted place for Pluto, a planet known for depth and reflection. So we now reflect on the whole, humanity and our role here. Leo Moon is generous and centered in feel good and playfulness as well as altruism. Stubbornness may be obvious, though I think this Full Moon could be a bit brighter and more hopeful than some. See if there's a stuck place or idea you'd be best off letting go of. Consider others as well as yourself. Stand in the moonlight aware that we all stand and sleep under the same sky. Light a white or gold candle for your intentions. 

Friday ~ Leo Moon, just past Full, squaring Uranus in Taurus. Taurus is also Jupiter's home right now and we had the lunar square with Jupiter yesterday. This sign of employment, land, earth, real estate and possessions highlights things of material nature. It might be time to up and leave that job that's destroying your soul or time to make a change of lifestyle that surprises other people, but it's about being true to yourself and your truth. Matters of abundance, comfort, prosperity and security come up for decision and contemplation. Void Moon 4:19 pm on. Today's color is Purple.

Saturday ~ Now the Sun squares Jupiter, from Aquarius. More about employment, security and stability on this planet and your place and experience in that. If you made a decision this week, today may be the day you make it public knowledge. Notice where resistance or blocks arise. Are you supported by people you know, or do they have differing agendas. We may be tested or challenged to see if we hold our ground. Be aware of pleasing others rather than doing what you feel is best for yourself. Jupiter stations direct just minutes after this square, at 2:35 am ET. Next, Mercury meets Mars in Capricorn for meetings, discussions and figuring out 'how to', the actions. The Moon is void of course Friday night and all day until 2:11 pm ET. Virgo Moon with no aspects. Get into routine, take care of physical and mental well being. Ground. Full Moon effects diminish now. Uranus is now direct as of 2:35 am ET. Clarity is increasingly likely, where answers have been overshadowed or colored by the past. Today's color is Indigo.


Friday, January 12, 2024

Capricorn to Aquarius Shift ~ Robin's Zodiac Zone Jan 14th-20th, 2024

Buy me a coffee? Actually it's more like buy my senior dogs their supplements & care

Donations are welcome, though never expected

My paypal is at

Even better, I'd love to see and/or meet you in person. My studio is at 146/148 Ocean St South Portland, Maine, and there are some events coming up to ease us through winter. Our massage therapist Callie Rogers and I are offering Restorative Yoga with Massage on Thursday,February 15th at 6:00 pm and taking reservations now for this nurturing night.

If you dream of trying aerial yoga, there's a low version which is restorative and very effective and you never have to be suspended off the ground. Try it next Sunday, January 21st at 5:30 pm

Aerial Earth, sign up on the schedule


Hope it's a good New Moon cycle for us


Sunday, January 14th ~ Pisces Moon meets Saturn, aligns with Jupiter in Taurus and Mars in Capricorn. A productive and constructive day is favored. Make an emotional commitment, work on your most important projects, and get centered in the new lunar cycle. Wear dark, pine green. 

Monday ~ Pisces Moon engages with four more planets today. All that is 'Pisces' is highlighted, and today we may even more easily find a creative flow or a general flow. Neptune, Pisces ruler, aligns with the Sun and meets the Moon, enhancing dreams, spiritual connections, and imagination. We may feel sensitive, yet compassionate. Void Moon 11:33 to 11:48 pm, just a handful of minutes. Aries Moon sets up the overnight and next 2 days. Wear Light Blue, perhaps transition to Red. Which makes more sense to you? Some may be entreched in the work of this Pisces Moon while others are ready for more extroverted actions (hence red maybe coming into play early for you?).

Tuesday ~ Red is today's actual color, with Aries Moon squaring Mercury and Mars. Game face on. Prepare to deal with whatever needs action and attention. Be ready to work through something, sharpen communication skills and have plans A & B in mind. There's also likely a need for compromise and listening. If you think you really know the answer, you may need to slow down and open to someone else's point of view or take on a situation. One thing's for sure, there's work to be accomplished now, and some is a final clean up after Mercury retrograde. Old business from late 2023 may be the topic of the day. It's time to decide and act in ways that move things ahead. What have you been sitting with, procrastinating about, or trying to push very hard with, to no end. That feels like today's agenda. Finalize something. Take the step. Feel into this with all your senses, not letting logic or emotion overrule. What's your shade of red, bold or softer? 

Wednesday ~ Aries Moon squares the Sun in Capricorn, the quarter Moon time. I always think of this as progress and progression during each lunar cycle, but maybe especially when it's Aries and Capricorn involved. These are two of the cardinal signs, and they value movement forward and initiation. We might feel this as a little push or encouragement or maybe a stronger 'shove'. What is it that really shouldn't wait longer? That's likely to be the focus and decision making is what's called for. Venus aligns nicely with the Moon, from Sagittarius, also forward moving and fiery. Collaboration may be called for. Our sense of adventure or doing things new ways is sparked. Try something new or something old that's tried and true for you. Remember what has worked before, and also what did not. Avoid repeating what hasn't been effective. Today's color is Yellow.

Thursday ~ Aries Moon squares Pluto. Contemplation and a pause could have us thinking or analyzing, going over things in the mind, maybe overnight or first thing today. There's another short void of course Moon this week, from 3:03 to 3:12 am ET, and the Moon moves to Taurus. Mercury aligns with Saturn for communication around agreements or contracts, with an emotional tone. The Moon also aligns with Saturn, the planet of maturity, responsibility, the crone and father time. Dealing with elder issues or family matters makes sense. Or maybe it's time to connect with elders, learn more about your origins, and listen, really listen. The Moon meets Jupiter for prosperity and abundance and aligns with Mercury for long term agreements and effects of today's actions and conversations. Notice what's taking hold. Tonight, Mars also aligns with the Moon for productivity and projects. Today's color is Blue.

Friday ~ Mercury and Jupiter form a trine. It feels like a culmination of all that might be in play all week long including contracts, important discussions, plans for more abundance and prosperity, business and also learning and education. A positive plan for HOW to go about something can be the result of working with this trine. Venus squares Neptune and we can seek beauty, romance and harmony, yet without over romanticizing or being unrealistic. Notice the difference. Taurus Moon meets Uranus. This feels like another storm coming from and within the earth. It could be literal or metaphorical, but this lunar cycle that started just over a week ago is full of storms, catalysts and the energy of Uranus saying things must not stay as they are. Sometimes it's a full blown tornado that leads to the reconstruction. Today's color is Green.

Saturday ~ The Sun changes signs at 9:07 am ET and Aquarius time for 2024 begins. The Sun and Pluto also meet in Capricorn first. People are talking about Pluto's move to Aquarius and 2024 and what that might mean. Without getting deep into that now, I feel this is part of the parting, a precursor, soem of the last effects of Pluto entrenched in Capricorn meeting the Sun. Intensity, power, personal power, and deep insight can all be part of this today. The Moon aligns with Pluto, adding the emotional and inner aspecct. We may get great insight or have those life changing moments. Several other aspects are working today, but Moon/Sun/Pluto overarch it all. It's another time for breakthrughs and they may be the kind where clarity is suddenly available and informs everything you think and do next. Today's color is Turquoise.

Friday, January 5, 2024

New Moon in Capricorn ~ Astrology for January 7th-13th, 2024

Join me for a gentle, heart centered yin yoga class with reiki and crystals Tuesday 6 pm

Register at

And browse my other classes to see if something else calls to you

Thanks for supporting Robin's Zodiac Zone & my small business 

Happy New Moon week!


Sunday, Jan 7th ~Scorpio Moon until 4:08 pm ET. Delve into a project or topic of interest and passion. Explore creativity, dreams, the tarot, and other oracles as the Moon aligns with Neptune and Pluto and it's natural to seek insight. Void Moon 3:22 to 4:08 pm. Sagittarius energy whirls in to shift us toward more action. Learning and studies or other investigation may be necessary today or tonight as well. The Moon and Saturn square and emotional responsibilities come up for contemplation. Observe your attachments and commitments and consider is there anything to be changed. Are you being honest with yourself? Wear or incorporate Purple.

Monday ~ Sagittarius Moon aligns with Venus and Mercury squares Neptune. Today's topics and things to consider are relationships, reality vs rose colored glasses, and again, honesty. Are you or someone else avoiding an important relationship discussion or representing something other than the truth and true feelings? Sagittarius Moon today also favors travels. Use a map today. Wear Turquoise.

Tuesday ~ Waning Moon in Sagittarius, moving to Capricorn at 8:33 pm ET. New Moon approaches for Thursday. During this dark Moon time, reflect and reconsider. Review any intentions and see if they're relevant or need revision or aren't really reflective of your heart's desire. Yesterday's forecast 100% still applies. The Sun trine to Uranus activates and favors the element of surprise as well as being out of usual routines or environments. Go for a change of scenery. Void Moon 7:07 to 8:33 pm (look at those numbers!) Mars aligns with Saturn and this appears to be about learning lessons and tapping into wisdom. Anchor in the part of you that knows the sensible route. Emotionally, tonight could be challenging if you're facing a difficult lesson. Also, persistence and motivation may increase. Some will push through something hard or tap into endurance. Wear Black.

Wednesday ~Capricorn Moon aligns with governing planet Saturn for an emphasis on responsibilities, commitments and taking a lead. Mars and the Moon are in conjunction, emphasizing productivity, action, and confidence (which could overflow to boldness or pushiness, hopefully not bullying bu maybe watch out for that). These aspects could apply to yesterday also. Jupiter and the Moon favor prosperity, growth, and learning how to do things. Make today a practice and learning time. Wear Green.

Thursday ~ Capricorn New Moon at 20 degrees. The Sabian symbol for this degree is a Relay Race. This implies competition as well as team work. See if it relates to your current circumstances. Try to have a supportive team and not try to win the race alone. Uranus aligns from Taurus. This is the only planet retrograde right now. Delayed and overdue things may come through. Answers may be surprising or take us off guard. Changes in leadership could be part of this. Neptune aligns and Pluto meets the Moon today, reflecting earlier days of this week in terms of self discovery, creativity and intuitive insights. Things may become more clear now or soon. Void Moon 9:33 to 10:01 pm ET. Aquarius Moon follows. Wear White.

Friday ~ Mars and Jupiter align at 5:42 am ET. This feels positive and inspiring. Go for the new job or role. Take action on what you want and particularly for prosperity. The Moon squares Jupiter and a sensible approach is called for, even where strong feelings or opinions are involved. Decide what's worth holding on to or better to let go of, including ideas. Aquarius Moon always relates to friendships and collaborations. Take your place on a team you can align with. Today's color is Blue.

Saturday ~ Aquarius Moon squares Uranus for breakthroughs. Sometimes you need to be open to what comes andlet go of a preconceived or olderway of thinking. This could very well be relevant now, during this New Moon cycle. More alternative and more different are in, today. Mercury, recently retrograde, stationed direct on January 1st and now moves back to Capricorn. It's clean up and clear up time for another week or so. Void Moon 4:59 am to 10:29 pm ET. Do what you have to do to be organized and not forget something important (including someone!) Today's color is Silver.