Friday, May 21, 2021

Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Sagittarius May 23rd-May 20th, 2021

On Sunday, June 6th Robin's Zodiac Yoga with Eclipse Readings is back for one spring/summer event! We'll meet on Ocean Street in South Portland indoors at Willard Beach Studio, adjacent to Breathing Room. Both studios are hosting! It's a beautiful room where Zodiac Yoga has been offered before, and it's awesome to be back there with lots of windows, earthy space, and light! This is for a fairly small group so sign up now through the punchpass app. Go to the studio of your choice to sign up while space lasts. The postures will not be too challenging and the readings are in the round with insights for each person and sign, focused on the eclipses that begin this week and last into June. 

Here's a sign up link! 

Sunday, May 23rd: Libra Moon waxing toward Full until 11 pm EST when the Moon moves to Scorpio and we get even closer to Wednesday morning's eclipse. Saturn retrograde begins today. My experience is that this creates delays with things such as home sales or purchases, perhaps due to things like inspection and other administrative type things. Saturn in retrograde also makes very clear which life lessons we have not yet learned and lived. Actions and behaviors from the past, recent or a longer time ago, reap rewards or invoke consequences during this 4-5 month cycle. Notice themes and patterns from your life that show themselves again this spring & summer. On to today, Libra Moon has mixed influences. Communication and social life may go well. Business and family matters could be strained. Void Moon 5:36 pm to 11 pm EST. Today's color is Maroon.

Monday: The eclipse is Wednesday during Full Moon in Sagittarius. Eclipses bring quick changes, sometimes out of the blue or totally not what you'd expected. We are already close enough for eclipse happenings. The Moon in Scorpio adds it's own intensity, and opposes Uranus, the wild, ingenious planet that also throws us off or takes us by surprise with its effects. Stay centered today, and if you need boundaries or privacy, create that. The other alternative, being overwhelmed, could lead to unintended actions or feelings. Temper tantrums and freak outs of other kinds may be more common than usual. Today's color is Black.

Tuesday: Scorpio Moon until 10:39 pm EST. We are also into the weeks of extended daylight, leading to a peak on June 20th, the Solstice. These days may be welcome, yet also can be pressured with a lot of 'yang' activity. Wanting to make the most of longer, warmer days can also cause us to over do and over plan. Remember to rest during Full Moon when the energy is hot and high. Scorpio Moon aligns well with planets in Capricorn and Pisces, helping us deal with emotions reasonably as compared with yesterday. Void Moon is 5:20 pm to 10:39 pm and then the Moon moves to eclipse sign Sagittarius. Get priorities in order, settle something, set up the best case scenario and see what happens. This is a potent and highly change oriented Full Moon, accelerating shifts and taking us places we likely did not expect to be. Wear Purple today.

Wednesday Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, also including strong Gemini vibes as the Sun and Moon oppose. These signs are mutable, relate to travel, communication, studies and all that is transportation oriented, cultural and global. Things will push forward fast. Opening businesses and travel restrictions lifting may be part of this. People will want to go places, book trips, be on the move, and also how these things happen may not be how they were or are planned. Sudden reasons will lead to spontaneous action. The Moon is square to Jupiter, strongly suggesting education and transportation types of news, and also implying the healing influence and compassion of Jupiter in Pisces. 

Sagittarius and Pisces are very different signs with very different tendencies, so there could very well be misunderstandings and conflicts of interest related to change. Try not to leave someone feeling emotionally abandoned if you are making exciting moves. Can there be room for excitement and also sensitivity to other people and to groups of people, such as those in need? To me this Full Moon eclipse, in a sign of culture and learning, asks and suggests "How can we be inclusive?" as we move forward and make changes. Having said that, unwelcome possibilities that arise with this eclipse include extremes of ego and greed. Always negotiating polarities, we may seem selflessness and compassion instead. 

There is much more as well, and we may be very energized, shaky, unfocused or jittery with the upward rising energy today. Best effects include freedom from emotional baggage or unhealthy cords. If you are ready, put all that in the past. Saturn retrograde aligns with the Moon and old business comes up for new review. Wear Gold today.

Thursday: Sagittarius Moon starts Thursday as we head to the holiday weekend here in the states. This is the sign of travels and freedom. Influences from the planets are mixed and contain opposition. The Moon opposes Venus and Mercury in Gemini. The effect could range from dealing with unreliability and changing minds to argumentative or dismissive tendencies. Others will do things their own way, and compromise may not come easily. Doing things ones' own way is a likely goal. Venus and Neptune are in an exact square in mutable Gemini and Neptune, and Mercury is just about to be retrograde in Gemini. Pictures painted, words spoken, and so called promises may not tell the whole story. It's worth looking deeper, closer, and asking specific questions. Unfortunately, this period screams of deception, and that will last for weeks to come. People may lean into best case scenarios or live in denial, wear the rosy colored glasses, and in doing so, may enable, lie, and play two sides of something (such as love interests). Void Moon 1:35 pm to 10:23 pm EST. Those hours are extra unreliable. Avoid saying yes when you mean no or let's wait and see. Going from a lunar eclipse to Mercury retrograde to a solar eclipse in two weeks can really rock the boat and test faith and trust. Go easy on yourself if you're doing the 'right things'. Don't go overly easy on situation and people who constantly let you down. Today's color is Light Blue.

Friday: Capricorn Moon aligned with Jupiter in Pisces overnight. This helps bring us back to earth (and water!). During Capricorn Moon, re-ground and stabilize. Take care of some business or personal priority. Channel frantic and frenetic energy through movement and exercise. Rearrange furniture and refresh your space. Work in the yard or gardens. Help things grow. The Moon does align with Uranus, one of the planets exerting extra influence this season. Uranus' effect can be chaotic or cathartic. Emotional release may be called for. Break ground on a project. Take your time and practice patience. Spontaneous changes are in the air. Wear Green today.

Saturday: Mercury retrograde begins at 6:34 pm EST. This cycle is not suggested for purchasing technical or transportation related items or any big investments. The retrograde is in gemini from today through 6 pm June 22nd. Between now and then we have a solar eclipse, also in Gemini. Suffice to say this could be a 'weird' time with the unexpected and less likely events to become common. Get used to...nothing. It's all up for revision and change. Venus and Mercury meet in Gemini today which may bring people back into our lives. It could be socially fun. It's not, however, a good time for commitment or starting new relationships beyond lighthearted friendship. Notice who pops in or turns up in your texts saying hello! Capricorn Moon opposes Mars, and it's a tough opposition for family vs other commitments or ambitions. Debate or disappointment may ensue. Others expectations vs your own wants are one way this opposition plays out. Mars in Cancer is passively aggressive. Capricorn Moon relates to the emotional needs connected with producing, being promoted and feeling successful. The Moon also meets Pluto and aligns with Neptune for reflection, imagination and inward vision. Check in with yourself. Are you grinding to accomplish tons without taking care of your self or relationships? Could there be better balance with this? Are you satisfying your own ambitions or being judged or repressed by someone else who wants something different for you? Stay true to yourself. Unravel emotional entanglement that isn't healthy. Void Moon starts at 6:15 pm until 12:04 am EST on Sunday. Today's color is Black.

Chakra Flow will be hip flows for Sacral Chakra during the Full Moon time, Thursday 5:30-6:45 pm

Affirmations, visualizations, energy clearing, self assists, and physical postures in a simplified way

Sign up for virtual class and even if you can't attend live, you will get the full recording on Friday for two full days! Breathing Room on punchpass app

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