Sunday, October 25, 2015

Robin's Zodiac Zone Weekly Astrology October 26th to November 1st, 2015

This Veteran's Day, please help me raise funds for Veterans and their families. This benefit is through Mass General Hospital Boston, Mass and the Red Sox Foundation.  Thank you so much for any contribution! My modest goal is $150 and it would be wonderful to raise more. In gratitude, 

hOMe Base Yoga for Veterans

Donate Now - Secure Online Fundraising Monday: Void of Course Moon in Aries

The Moon enters void of course time at 8:25 am EDT until 2:07 am Tuesday.  Moon and Uranus meet and Mercury is directly across in Libra.  Unanticipated events, changes and communication challenges are likely.  Temporary fixes, substitutes, and alternative plans dot the day.  Tuesday is a better day for most activities. The Full Moon is in Taurus at 8:05 am Tuesday and it's a fruitful, solid time for all sorts of things from pleasures to accomplishments. Today could be a scramble to meet a due date, completion, or just keep matters calm and under control.  Wear yellow.

Tuesday: Taurus Full Moon

The Moon is Full in Taurus, in harmony with Neptune and Pluto. Opportunities and settlements come.  Resolve something, finish a project successfully, and celebrate abundance.  Quite a friendly Full Moon, this one's also influenced by Jupiter and Venus in Virgo. The earth sign trines lend stability to decisions and foster growth.  Actions taken now have lasting results and impact.  Commit.  Today's color is white.

Wednesday: Taurus Moon

The Moon aligns with Venus, Jupiter and Mars, all in Virgo. Today can be productive or relaxing. Love and relationship, especially the practical aspects of living together and being agreeable, are favored today.  Full Moon finish ups continue including trying loose ends, acting with long term intention and bringing the body into balance and good health.  Void of course Moon from 11:20 am until Thursday 2:24 am EDT. Today's color is green.

Thursday: Gemini Moon

Gemini Moon arrives at 2:24 am, opposes Saturn in Sagittarius and squares Neptune in Pisces.  The dualities of responsibilities versus freedoms, honesty and half truths, and fanciful versus pragmatic thinking contrast and show themselves.  It would be natural to have an inner struggle with decision making or choice of words or topics.  Creative use of wording can be humorous or misleading.  The mind is likely to be busy today.  Keep some flexibility in thinking and the way you respond to others.  Shift your perspective if seeing the other side could be beneficial.  Today's color is blue.

Friday: Gemini Moon

The Moon squares Jupiter, Venus and Mars, and we'll exchange and explore ideas, searching for agreement and plans while sorting through points of disagreement as well. The Sun and Neptune form an idealistic trine, and with the Sun in Scorpio it may be hard to let go of a fixed idea. This water sign trine is imaginative and magical at best. It can be romantic and passionate, especially for the water and earth signs.  Tonight the Moon and Mercury align at 10:52 pm EDT and then the Moon is void of course. It's a social night out followed by a family or home oriented Halloween tomorrow. Today's color is light blue.

Saturday: Cancer Moon

The Cancer Moon moves in at 5:09 am for Halloween and Day of the Dead on Sunday.  These ancient feast days have both pagan and religious roots, but most notably, they connect to our ancestry and those who have passed as does the sign Cancer.  Being home or with family is favored. Honor the elders or relatives who have passed.  Feel the psychic aspect of the season and the magic of the natural world.  Moon align with Scorpio Sun and Neptune in Pisces continuing yesterday's vibe of Sun and Neptune.  Today's color is indigo.

Sunday: Daylight Savings Ends 2 am EDT

Cancer Moon continues until 10:48 am Monday morning.  Today the Moon aligns with Virgo planets that are highlighted in the entire week forecast, Mars, Venus & Jupiter.  This is down to earth energy lending well to cleaning, sprucing up home and improving relationships.  The Moon also opposes Pluto and squares Uranus. This may cause tension or anxiety.  Grounding in tasks helps with scattered energy of Uranus in Aries or the fear that Pluto can bring up.  Pick a project you love and dive into it fully.  Today's color is black. 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Robin's Zodiac Zone Weekly Astrology October 19th to 25th, 2015

Monday: Capricorn Moon

The Moon's monthly meeting with Pluto is supported by Mars, Venus and Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces.  Constructive for action and productive for meetings, this earth sign energy helps us get things done.  Mercury in Libra squares the Moon, and if you can sort out differing points of view calmly and rationally, this leads to progress with legal agreements and system changes, for example. Take initiative today. Many things are timed well from job interviews to breaking ground for a home or business.  Today's color is gray.

Tuesday: Capricorn to Aquarius Moon

It's 2nd quarter Moon time, a time for progress.  Keep things moving on projects, negotiations and other priorities.  Capricorn Moon is industrious. Today the Moon squares Uranus in Aries and the Sun in Libra. It's important to take your time with personal or business differences rather than judge rashly or act impulsively.  Power struggles can come with squares in these signs. Passion versus intellect versus tradition is an example of what presents during this part of the lunar cycle.  Finding common ground is the key.  At 4:31 pm the Moon moves void of course until 9:38 pm.  These hours are for unwinding and not very suitable for detailed work. Routine studies and tasks can be accomplished then. Aquarius Moon moves in at 9:38 EDT and is community oriented. Look up from your work and see who surrounds you or is trying to connect.  Wear blue today.

Wednesday: Aquarius Moon

The Moon aligns with Mercury and the Sun in Libra today.  Social, collaborative, and extroverted energy infuses the day. Make a good impression, show your willingness to contribute, or step into a new social situation.  Scientific, inventive thinking is also favored.  Today's color is turquoise.

Thursday: Aquarius Moon, Mercury square Pluto

Aquarius Moon in harmony with Uranus highlights creative, inventive thinking and opens unexpected doors.  Follow up on hypotheses or opportunities. We'll tend to be socially spontaneous.  Like minds attract each other.  Mercury square Pluto relates to solving mysteries, seeking information, and discovering underlying circumstances or feelings as you move through a process.  This could be in business, education or a matter like divorce or in forming or dissolving another type of partnership.  Today's color is silver. 

Friday: Pisces Moon, Sun in Scorpio, Venus trine Pluto

The Sun changes signs at 1:47 pm EDT, and Scorpio time begins. Venus trine Pluto is an interesting follow up to Mercury/Pluto square. Today agreements should come together more easily.  Venus in Virgo is particular and Pluto in Capricorn is not very forthcoming, but the subtleties of relationships and information appear to have a more positive influence with this trine, a favorable angle.  Pisces Moon begins at 1:18 am after less than an hour void of course.  The Moon squares Saturn, meets Neptune, and aligns with Pluto. Show your versatility, keep good boundaries where they're needed and learn from the past. These hours can be creative and romantic.  Connect beyond the surface.  Today's color is navy blue.

Saturday: Moon opposite Venus, Jupiter, Mars

This weekend the Pisces Moon is opposing planets in Virgo, and on Sunday Venus meets Jupiter directly. Love is the hot topic of the weekend, and friendship and other close relationships are also highlighted.  Venus and Jupiter strongly favor Virgo and accent Virgo qualities.  Look for interesting relationship developments including practical agreements for couples.  These Virgo planets are down to earth and lead to problem solving and better management of day to day life together. There is also a romantic aspect, and the Pisces Moon helps that along.  Under these oppositions, aim to peacefully end disagreements.  Opposites attract.  Debates could happen and are likely to center around one person being the pragmatic while one is the escapist or the romantic.  Blend points of view and have it all. Today's color is green.

Sunday: Venus conjunct Jupiter, Mercury opposite Uranus

Today has entirely different aspects, and one is loving and giving while the other could cause harm or hurt feelings.  Be mindful with words as Mercury opposes Uranus. If we speak too quickly, the sharpness of the opposition may come through stronger than necessary.  On the other hand, that opposition as an inventive quality that grand ideas can grow out of.  Plans can suddenly change on days like this.  The Moon is in fast moving Aries from 2:22 am on.  Make sure you're paying attention to the right things as attention shifts quickly today.  The Venus/Jupiter influence is much more reliable, forgiving and yielding.  Emotional connections grow and resolving issues is favored. To go with Venus's vibe, wear pink.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Robin's Zodiac Zone Weekly Astrology October 12th to 18th, 2015

Happy Halloween. Song a day in R-October. Radio DJ relapse time. Feel free to steal this playlist.

Monday: Libra New Moon

The New Moon is at 8:06 pm EDT. Now that Mercury is out of retrograde and the lunar cycle restarts, refresh your routine or make bigger changes with brighter aspects. There could be some bumps along the way earlier this week, related to untraditional courses of action, startling news received or delivered, and legalities and partnership negotiations that must be taken care of. With Mercury and Saturn meeting tomorrow, believe it can be done and develop a solid stance or plan to initiate sometime this week, perhaps tomorrow. Keep things fair and balanced in one on one relationships under this Libra Moon. Go beyond rethinking to actually devising a course of action to follow. Get off the fence, so to speak. Void Moon begins at New Moon time, 8:06 pm.Today's color is white.

Tuesday: Void of Course Moon to Scorpio

In the USA, business hours are void Moon hours for the most part. Keep to routine tasks. Have a conversation you're hoping will go simply and well. Things may be brushed off more easily so ask forgiveness or admit an error and hope for the best.  Detail oriented work is not favored. Go back and edit later when the Moon changes signs.  This appears to be a transitional sort of day following the New Moon. Move slowly into changes. Mercury and Saturn align for major decisions and commitments. Later is preferable for announcing such things or signing off, once the Moon hits Scorpio at 5:36 pm EDT.  Concentration strengthens then. It's a good night for a date or important meeting as the Moon moves toward sextile with Venus in Virgo (3:13 am Wednesday). Today's color is indigo.

Wednesday: Scorpio Moon

The Moon harmonizes with several planets in Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces. Go for long term commitments. Give the final word. Sign agreements. Feel your will and passion activate.  All sorts of things come together more easily on days like this.   Know your own mind. Have good reason if you yield to someone else's agenda. Void Moon starts at 8:58 pm EDT. Today's color is dark red/maroon, a Scorpio color. 

Thursday: Mars trine Pluto

Under the influence of Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn, get things done. This trine impacts the whole week, really, but is exact at 11:36 pm EDT.  Put fears and lack of confidence aside.  Act on well thought out plans, sort out information to find solutions, improve physical health and habits, and change a system that's not working well. The Moon is void of course in Scorpio. Many things can be taken care of though. Just be thoughtful and ignore urgent feelings in favor of practical, productive moods and deeds.  This can be a very enjoyable day for getting into a project that's been just sitting there waiting for your attention.  Today's color is black.

Friday: Sagittarius Moon

Sagittarius Moon moves in at 5:18 am, meets Saturn and aligns with Mercury in Libra. Expect activity regarding legal agreements, mission statements and other things to be put in writing and or published.  Philosophy, education and merging of priorities or businesses become important on days like this.  Address questions of personal freedom and other responsibilities and what all of that entails, in order to find some balance and consensus.  Neptune is in play, squaring the Moon and opposing Venus in Virgo. Relationships may feel the impact most. Honesty or trust can become an issue, and we can easily lose sight of what's practical during this opposition.  On the other hand, opposites attract is in effect and it can be a romantic date night. Just keep things honest. Today's color is light blue.

Saturday: Mars conjunct Jupiter

Mars meets Jupiter in Virgo and both square the Sagittarius Moon. Strengthening health is favored.  Organize and clean.  Sagittarius Moon trine to Uranus indicates quickness and spontaneity.  A pull to go out, have fun, and forget responsibility is balanced with urge to be productive.  Ideally, you can do both.  Pitch it and do big projects as a group.  Mars and Jupiter activate us for physical work or activities.  Today's color is red. 

Sunday: Sagittarius to Capricorn Moon

The Moon is void of course from 4:48 am to 2:52 pm EDT.  It's best not to have a strict schedule. This time is lax and good for relaxing or being active, so long as you're not restricted. Rules may be broken as will timetables.  The Moon is in harmony with the Sun early on, creating confidence and ease in relating with other people. It's also a great day to get lost in an engaging book. Capricorn Moon from 2:52 pm on is a good time for study, repairing, building and organizing.  Today's color is green.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Robin's Zodiac Zone Weekly Astrology October 5th to 11th, 2015

Happy Halloween. Song a day in R-October. Feel free to steal this playlist.

Monday: Cancer Moon

Moods take over and even the most centered are tested as Cancer Moon and Uranus square. Adding to the frustration of retrograde Mercury delays and confusion, Uranus often throws in a new glitch. Necessity is the mother of invention though, and brilliance can be the result of revisions.  The Void of course Moon from 7:04 am to 4:31 am EDT tomorrow is good reason to consult an editor and triple check anything requiring facts, figures or the final word. Autumn cleaning is a great plan for today, just don't throw away something you'll later need. Cooking is favored, but set a timer.  It's an unpredictable time, and schedules and changes of plan will be rampant.  Watch your step.  Cozy time at home may be just the thing tonight. Today's color is white.

Tuesday: Leo Moon, Sun square Pluto, Mars opposite Neptune

The Moon moves to Leo at 4:31 am EDT. Usually Leo Moon provides an optimistic boost and a boatload of fun, however on this Tuesday, planetary energies are all over the place and could be quite challenging.  The Moon and Mercury retro align for chance or planned encounters and contact with old friends. Mercury also contacts Saturn, requesting decisions and information of a serious nature.  Big life stuff will stare us in the face looking for answers. Meanwhile, the Sun and Pluto stir up fairness issues and mess with agreements that seemed solid.  Pluto brings up fears that may get in the way of progress. The Sun is all about justice and beauty in Libra, while Pluto in Capricorn comes from a darker place that could feel like cynicism or fatalism today. Let's just say pessimism and lack of belief in one self or the system may create problems in partnership, legal matters, and even in the arts.  Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces instigating issues with traitors, con artists and deception generally.  Looking for an upside to the opposition, it could be highly creative and bring a dream to reality. Tell yourself the truth and be discriminating with who or what you believe this week.  It's kind of a complex day. Wear gold.

Wednesday: Leo Moon

Now this is more of a typical Leo Moon day. The Moon is happily powered by the Sun in Libra, providing brighter outlooks, more energy and promise.  Uranus forms a trine to the Moon for enlightened ideas and spontaneous gatherings. Brainstorming is favored and inventive, original plans can result.  Venus has one final night of a long stay in Leo, which could be likened to a last night of vacation or a long running performance. Celebrate something. It's an exciting night out, though with Uranus at play, be grounded and aware of your surroundings.  Void of course Moon is from 5:10 pm to 3:50 pm Thursday. Today's color is orange.

Thursday: Leo to Virgo Moon

Void of course Moon in Leo is meant for fun.  Combine work with socializing or games.  The Moon meets Venus just as she moves into Virgo, a place that's a little bit less fun for the planet of love.  Still, it's a great time for a lunch date and flirting. Emotional connections and feelings of connectedness abound. Even business hinges on the one to one relationship today. Venus changes signs at 1:29 pm EDT. The Moon moves to Virgo at 3:50 pm, and these two meet just after 4 pm EDT. Moon and Saturn square puts emphasis on meeting obligations and hammering out potential plans and agreements. Keep travel plans to a minimum now, or keep dates and times flexible, with Mercury retrograde. If you find something is in the way of booking a flight for example, be aware that Mercury retro will be over tomorrow and by Monday, conditions may seem more favorable to you. Venus rules the day, and so today's color is pink.

Friday: Mercury Direct in Libra

The Virgo Moon meets both Jupiter and Mars today. Count your blessings and feel more energized. A physical workout or a walk in nature is called for.  Avoid overindulging. Feel lighter. Business transactions are still under the influence of Mercury retro and also an opposition to foggy Neptune, so tread lightly, but routine things may go really well today.  Mercury stations at 0 degrees of Libra at 10:57 am EDT. Give a little time for adjustments before you go on a spending rampage or book a flight, but know that within a few days more balance will be present. Bring things closer to balance and establish a foundation to build on. Be more organized and have vision today. It's a simple, but sociable, evening with void of course Moon starting at 6:12 pm EDT. Wear brown.

Saturday: Mercury square Saturn

It seems a bit soon, post Mercury retrograde, to push for a decision or certain terms of agreement. Add to that, a long void of course Moon time in Virgo. However Saturn pushes that button today, and even grudgingly in some circumstances, final decisions will be made soon. If you can hold off a couple of more days there are better conditions. But if you've been delaying and putting someone off and know you'll never really get exactly what you want, maybe it's time to act. Saturn is shifting ways of thinking over a long period in Sagittarius, encouraging serious restructuring in life and in thought process and belief systems.  Mercury in Libra is all about creating more fairness and balance.  Try to get through until tomorrow or Monday before committing to a long range course of action. Today's color is navy blue.

Sunday: Libra Moon

At 4:45 am EDT, the Moon breaks out of the twilight zone known as void of course time, and shifts to Libra.  Weighing things out is Libra's work, continuing previously mentioned processes as Mercury and Saturn line up with the Moon.  Announcements and final decisions become even more likely. It's a Sunday, but this sets things up for resolving legal matters or receiving news with anything pending.  Jupiter trine Pluto helps us get beyond cycles of fear. Action comes easier now. Order and organization are priorities. The Sun in Libra is opposite Uranus, accenting self expression and individuality. Also though, unexpected actions can create chaos or be very unsettling.  The zodiac is quite interesting and mixed right now.  Tact is called for and may help you avoid strong opposition, resentment or confrontation.  New Moon is on Monday, and favorable if you're planning fresh starts. Today's color is black.