Friday, May 28, 2021

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini & Your Forecast for May 30th-June 5th, 2021

On Sunday, June 6th (wow it's next weekend!) come to Willard Beach Studio/Breathing Room in South Portland 4-6 pm for Robin's Zodiac Yoga & Eclipse Readings. There are just a few spaces left and one may be yours! Yoga for the season as we move through Sagittarius and Gemini eclipses full of movement and change. Individual attention to your birthday and sign. Sign up today! 

Sunday, May 30th: Aquarius Moon from 12:04 am EST. Lots of thinking, strategizing and vision centered processing in store as the Moon and Sun are in harmony for decision making. Pros and cons and reasoning lead to well thought out actions. The Moon and Uranus in fixed signs call for stabilizing as inevitable and potentially disruptive changes occur. Inner or external conflict may be part of that process today. Use ingenuity and seek alternatives beyond what originally seemed possible. The Moon meets Saturn retrograde, and also Mercury is retrograde now. We'll be going back to incomplete transactions, projects, and lingering issues for another pass at resolution and completion. Wear Turquoise.

Monday: Memorial Day in the U.S. means a vacation day for some. What kind of day will it be? Aquarius Moon aligns with retrograde Mercury in Gemini and leads to reconnection with friends and other kinds of reunions. Also, it may be an important study or writing day, especially if you've procrastinated for a long while and finally need to make it happen. Edit carefully before submitting anything during Mercury retrograde for the next few weeks. Mars in Cancer is in harmony with Neptune in Pisces. We're likely to try and escape discomfort and avoid real issues. Floating in one's own daydream may be very appealing today. Trust issues arise. In emotional matters the tendency will be more to avoid than confront. Today's color is Blue.

Tuesday: Void of course Moon from 2:14 am EST when the Moon and Venus align, until 5:07 am EST when the Moon shifts to Pisces. Relationships are priority this morning, from friendships to love relationships. Connect with someone in a meaningful way. Pisces Moon isn't generally motivating, however as the Moon meets Jupiter, today brings opportunities for heartfelt transactions, emotional healing, bursts of creative energy and something that could be called 'rebirth'. Feel yourself as part of everything. Get in the water and feel renewed, if you have that option.  It's also a favorable day for gardening, fishing, and general growth and abundance. Today's color is Light Green. 

Wednesday: Pisces Moon square to the Sun, and tomorrow square to Mercury retro (also in Gemini). This looks like an adjustment day. Sometimes we resist adjusting to what must occur or has already occurred. Notice if you're going through a challenging change and be very kind to yourself while also opening your mind. Pisces Moon traits could include feelings of abandonment or being lonely or left out, while Gemini Sun traits include extroversion, reaching out, and expressing oneself. If your inner emotions are immobilizing you, reach out and express while also studying possible options for yourself that could make things a bit easier over time. Uranus in Taurus may help with inspiration and ideas as the Moon and Uranus align. Venus moves to Cancer at 9:19 am EST, where the planet of love and harmony favors romance and entertaining or getting cozy at home (or summer home!). Today's color is Pink.

Thursday: Pisces Moon meets Neptune and squares Mercury retrograde. Both aspects are easier if you're open and willing to change and alter plans. Things must be flexible and adjustable today. It's natural to change your mind and even to be completely undecided with aspects like this and the time between eclipses. Clarity or resolution are both more likely later in June, or later this summer, if the decision is very big. Pisces Moon aligns with Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn and both speak of serious and emotional implications. It's a time for taking it slow and reflecting on what you really want or need. Routine tasks and hands on projects are positive outlets for emotional energy. From 7:10 am to 1:59 pm EST, the Moon is void of course and that's often likened to waiting in line or going off course accidentally. Build in a bit of time to get lost or waste some time (which often isn't wasted if you're resting or taking care of you!). Aries Moon revs things up a bit after 2 pm. Family and home matters need tending to as Venus squares the Moon. Releasing expectations or outdated ideas is favored. Two more aspects to consider~The Sun and Saturn form a trine and attempts at deals and agreements are likely. Saturn retrograde gives chances to make things right and not repeat regrets. See if that resonates in any situation. Learn the lesson well this time around. Keep healthy boundaries and know your terms of agreement. Tonight, Venus and Jupiter aligns for powerful emotional awareness and potentially forgiveness and healing. What a great night for yoga or other self care! Maybe you'd like to pop into class tonight, virtual or in person. Whatever you do, don't let a beautiful, welcome opportunity pass by. This trine is emotionally abundant and speaks of well being and love. Today's color is Orange.

Friday: Aries Moon aligns with Saturn retrograde and with the Sun. It's an air feeds fire kind of day. Some things may seem 'cut and dry'. Communicate clearly. We are likely to ask for what we want. Notice impulses and pause before acting on them, making sure it's what you want to do or say. Retrogrades can complicate things, but there is a move toward unfinished business. Socially, new or exciting options present themselves. It's an active, possibly adventurous kind of day and night. Feelings might be overshadowed. If it's hot outside that will add to the astrologically heated up atmosphere. So, in whatever way that makes sense, stay chill or keep cool. Today's color is Red.

Saturday: Aries Moon with squares to Pluto and Mars, and those two planets oppose each other in Capricorn and Cancer. This looks very intense, passionate, conflicted, family oriented and soul searching. This opposition can be transformative, yet is also raw and may involve facing fears and invoking defenses. Fight or flight instincts may kick in. Keep yourself safe. This isn't a day or time for extra risks or to be in vulnerable situations. It is a time for pausing, being with your emotions in a healthy way, and weighing your feelings especially in matters of home and family, sense of place and present or previous trauma. Call in your trusted resources. Do no harm and stay out of harm's way. In the world, conflicts are likely to exacerbate either today or within the week before and after this. Lessons that have not been learned will come up again in the form of events that stimulate new courses of action. On an up note, some will feel huge emotional release and experience endings that are welcome. This opposition can be cathartic or violent, instigate wisdom or unrest. Wear Black today.

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