Friday, November 23, 2018

Robin's Zodiac Zone November 25th to December 1st, 2018: Mercury Retrograde

Special Dual Workshop retreat style day at Scarborough Yoga January 19th 11:30-3:30 pm. Two workshop rate through December 21st for those who want full immersion as we open the third eye center with Tarot Reading Part 1, for the seasoned reader or beginner, and Yoga Nidra Journey with Spirit Guides. Register at

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This Wednesday is Robin's Zodiac Yoga for the Lunar Cycle at The Sunshine Factory in the castle building at Brick Hill South Portland, Maine. We've had such an inspiring time each month here.
You may drop in! If it's your first time here, please come 10 minutes early. It's a Mercury retrograde themed workshop this week with postures, mudra and personal intentions. 6-7:30 pm $20

Sunday: Waning Moon  in Cancer once the Moon changes signs at 1:38 am ET after just a one hour void time. Mars in harmony with and Saturn opposite the Moon. Let hard feelings dissolve. Act on creative and constructive feelings and try to let certain expectations go in favor of 'seeing what happens'. Today's color is Light Blue.

Monday: The Sun & Jupiter meet in dynamic Sagittarius, sign of global travels and connections and higher education. Act on such matters while remembering to edit, double check and keep up with communications so you don't miss important info or details. Mercury retro square to Mars means we may lose track easily or get caught up in pointless dramas. Lean into lightness today. Cancer Moon. Wear Purple.

Tuesday: Void Moon 2:22 to 3:35 am ET makes way for Moon in Leo.  A rush of activity and fullness, mostly harmonious. Remember to stop and reflect frequently as you feel, act, and move. Sun and Jupiter both meet Mercury retrograde, and who or what are you reconnecting with? This may include distant people and places as well as opportunities you're entertaining. Leo Moon is optimistic even with the challenging or emotionally difficult stuff of life Mars aligns with Saturn for lessons, especially emotional ones involving taking the mature course of action. Today's color is Gold.

Wednesday: Zodiac Yoga this evening at Sunshine Factory in South Portland. We'll consider Mercury retrograde in our meditation and do a bit of reflection and energy shifting work. The Moon sails free through Leo, sign of the heart and spine, courage and playfulness. Today's color is Yellow.

Thursday: Void Moon 4:47 am to 6:08 am ET in Leo, then the Moon reflects Virgo's earthy, hands on qualities. Various aspects and a quarter Moon waning lead to handling many different things, personal and business. How can you act with grace, even under pressure? Changes of plan or protocol and emotions that need attention could feel somewhere between challenging and overwhelming. One matter at a time, matter of fact, step by step. Today's color is Brown.

Friday: Virgo Moon across from Neptune & aligned with Pluto in a sister earth sign leads to reality checks. Some softness around the edges is called for. The to do list and business like manner needs to be balanced with some love and romance and acknowledgement of tender feelings. Venus opposes Uranus retrograde, and relationship ups and downs is an understatement. Further developments in ongoing stories around who's with whom and can this relationship go on, be saved or is it time to let go? Today's color is Blue.

Saturday: Mercury retro moves back into Scorpio, so you may feel a revisiting or find yourself rethinking things that percolated in earlier fall in the days ahead. This happens at 6:12 am ET. Do you wake up with something arising in your mind? The very early hours can be productive. Virgo Moon void 9:34 am ET to 9:49 am ET then into Libra, the sign of partnership and balance. Mercury and Jupiter align with the Moon. Saturn forms a square. The theme of Justice permeates many things that need resolution now. Saturn urges that we do the right, responsible and not necessarily easiest thing. Today's color is Black.

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