The Bat and the Dragonfly bring messages this week. They seem so far apart energetically, but their message relates to the dark and the light, to migration and preparing for the change of season.
Bat comes first and says 'view the world from a different perspective...and if the world seems turned upside down, shift your own physical position, swoop down, zoom in, or fold your wings in and rest for a while'. Notice and tune in to the time around sunset and I'm getting 8:00 pm, so after sunset. Are there habits or situations related to evening that you're wanting to shift.' Some bats will migrate now for the colder seasons and some will enter hibernation around Halloween. And migration is part of today's message from both creatures.
Dragonfly says 'I'm in my element and the element is light. As the light shifts can you immerse in the feeling associated and let light filter in through the open spaces both in the mind and in the environment. Expose yourself to morning and afternoon light. Notice the flowers are still blooming and bring that energy into your own being and day to day for the next 2 weeks. Bask in the last days of heat and sunshine.' Are dragonflies late in their habits this year? I think so, but that's only by observation. Dragonflies should be migrating to warmer climates very soon, and dragonfly has a particular message for those of you who have summer and winter homes, camps, or multiple residences you move between. What I'm getting is that the routine will be different and you may migrate, or make the change, later or differently than usual. Take the time needed, as one year is not the same as another. You will have different needs and reasons this season.
Dragonfly appears Blue indicating throat chakra
Dark/Light Migration/Patterns are the themes from both messengers
Happy New Moon on Thursday the 14th
Follow the Moon with me at Leaping Waters where we have New and Full Moon events every month.
More Crystals workshops and a details for a special Samhain/All Souls event coming soon!
I like Moonstone as a crystal to align with this week. Also, I just started wearing a Fluorite bracelet which feels all purpose to me, soothing, balancing and reminding that we all have healing abilities to extend to others. I have a few beautiful bracelets of Smoky Quartz, Fluorite (green/purple), and Labradorite with Chakra beads in the studio, waiting for their new homes. And felt dolphins by Michelle Caldwell, Maker. Drop by near a class time and say hello, or come for an event/class. There are many extras coming up this month, like Aerial Spa with Massage, a gentle restorative aerial workshop with Licensed Massage Therapist Jillene Jones guest teaching, Sat Sept 23rd on the Autumnal Equinox!
Sunday ~ Keep expectations easy for the morning during Cancer Moon. Neptune and Pluto influence the Moon and for some it could feel introspective. And for others, it could feel dark. Void Moon 8:47 am to 12:36 pm ET. Leo Moon follows and may be helpful if you've been in the emotional muck. Move, dance, sing, improvise, and come out of social isolation, if that applies. What makes you happy? Try that. Go to beautiful places or inspiring performances or places where artists or healers offer their work. Wear Purple.
Monday ~ Relationships appear as a primary focus as the Moon meets Venus, now direct and aligns with Mars in Libra. How can we get together, be together and feel better together? That is today's intention and question. Breakthrough a stuck place, a place of disagreement. Sometimes we are saying the same thing but from different points of view. Notice if that is the case. Can a past disagreement or lack of synchronicity be resolved now? Prepare for fresh restarts in relationships, from sisterly to romantically and others as well. Jupiter is square to the Moon, saying that forgiveness is possible and breaking up stuck and stagnant places can be achieved, but with concentrated intention and effort. Wear Pink.
Tuesday ~ More of that breakthrough energy with today's Leo Moon squaring Uranus, rocking the boat and instigating change in radical and unusual ways. There are new and old things to factor in and they may appear without prior notice. What is this new variable and how might it change things and turn the view upside down? Mercury is still retrograde so keep things in perspective and in trial basis mode. Void Moon 11:06 am ET, until after midnight. Leave room for changes of plans, heart and general flexibility all day long. Get away for a while and create some space, if you can. That could be stepping into a yoga class or hanging out on a park bench, for examples. Avoid major decisions and announcements. They are better timed with Thursday night's New Moon. Wear Orange.
Wednesday ~ Virgo Moon meets Mercury retrograde and is opposite Saturn. This may give rise to past issues that are still unresoved or questions unanswered. We may feel both internal and external pressure to decide and agree to something. Waiting seems like the astrological answer. Wait at least one day if not one week. Saturn urges us to take responsible, yet heartfelt steps, while in Pisces. And also to structure and affirm emotional boundaries. That person or situation that you feel connected to, but has let you down again and again...that's the one to have a strong boundary with, for your own well being. Much as Mercury wants conversation, is it worth revisiting a conflict/perspective difference now? Could it wait at least a few days? Mercury retrograde ends Friday! Did it go by fast or slow? I think these weeks went quickly! Soon both Venus and Mercury will be direct at once and that may helpwith interpersonal matters and getting back on the same page, with mutual understanding. Today's color is Brown.
Thursday ~ New Moon in Virgo 9:40 pm ET. I feel this New Moon to be memorable and surprising, both. Uranus and Jupiter align with the Moon, from fellow earth sign Taurus. Words to consider...malleable, hands on, and opportunity. Somehow see how they go together in the next few days. Earth energy strongly suggests inspiration and healing in natural environments. Go outside and take it in. Also suggested is working through situations through body movement and care. This really is a good time for yoga and other forms of movement that help us process emotions, such as endings. New Moon signals a beginning, yet closure sometimes needs to come first. Can you/we gracefuly close a chapter and see the gift being handed to us? Today's color is White
Offering a New Moon Restorative Yoga/Sound Bath with Reiki tonight 6:00-7:15 pm $35
Advance sign up by Thursday at Noon
Friday ~ This is New Moon time, Mercury stations direct at 4:21 pm ET (but don't rush into things yet), and the Equinox arrives in just over a week. It's a true in between time and transitions within the transitions are to be expected. Some will be returning to places once known, yet with different eyes and minds. Travels may be delayed or directions mixed up and confusing today. Take your time with everything. Virgo Moon until 1:44 pm ET, aligned with Pluto and across from Neptune. This morning could be colored by indecision and uncertainties. Reassure yourself that it'll all work out as it's meant to. Avoid hurrying or pressuring. Libra Moon later for being with partners and best friends. Simply enjoy each others' company. Can you uncomplicate what may feel complex? The Sun and Uranus align tonight and pleasant surprises and unexpected, effective approaches and changes are potential results. Mean what you say. Respond thoughtfully, even if a response is required quickly. Take a moment. Wear Lavender.
Saturday ~ Libra Moon meets Mars and aligns with Venus. This harkens back to the Leo Moon action earlier this week and stimulates relationship matters. Could it be time for forgiveness? It's definitely a time to play fair and keep equity in mind and heart. Accept your share, in any way. Avoid loading work or stress on others. Try to take time to enjoy the company of others, without agenda, just being together and present. Today's color is Rose-red or pink tones, softer reds feel best.
Want or need Reiki or Reiki training? See
Multiple options from private sessions with me, Kristine Keegan or Callie Rogers to Yin Yoga with Reiki every Tuesday at 5:30 pm with Kristine (we all love this class!) to Level 1 Reiki Attunement with Kristine on November 4th/5th. There are 6 spaces left in her training
email me with any questions
146-148 Ocean St South Portland, Maine