Friday, September 1, 2023


Good Morning Everyone, 

Here I sit on September first, and the shift felt palpable this morning even before I realized the day and date. We have a lot of body memory related to September transitions and 'back to school'. How many of you get the urge to buy new clothing or shoes during August/September? Hands in the air if you pulled out an old, much loved flannel or hoodie this week, for the feel more than the need!

As the Full Moon passed by, we are left with a few very transitional weeks of shifting routines, yet we still linger in summer. It's sort of like a long void of course Moon time, liminal, differently lit and more shadowy. How will we emerge into autumn? 

On Thursday, September 14th New Moon, I've planned an entirely restorative experience in my studio as part of easing through transitions and into the season of 'letting go'. Sri Devi Meliss Urey, who I frequently collaborate with, will offer Sound Bath with Restorative Yoga & Reiki, with me. We are both Reiki Masters, Experience Yoga Teachers (E-RYT 500) and Sound Healers. Rest on bolsters, blankets and yoga blocks with or without the changing postures. In other words, you can just come to rest and receive, without the 'yoga'. 

RSVP at on the schedule. Click the workshop and enter your info. Your confirmation email will tell all you need to know. 6:00-7:15 pm  Session is $35.

Let's navigate this retrograde processing time, together.

Sunday ~ Aries Moon finishes up with void of course hours 7:57 am to 11:00 am ET. It's a good reason for a slow morning. We may wake up with thoughts and feelings that arose from the depths as Pluto squares the Moon. Inner conflict or indecision may be present and could be a source of frustration. Take your mind off things with some exercise, get back to your body and balance your energy level. Taurus Moon comes along, physical and connected with nature. Visit a river or mountain path, harvest and garden, take care of the house and organization too. The Moon and Saturn align, perhaps helping or reminding us to hold up important boundaries and persist with difficulties. Venus is about to station direct at 9:20 pm ET, and I wonder if one final conversation or interaction helps calm any relationship imbalances we've experienced this summer. Today's color is Green.

Monday ~ Venus is direct in Leo, but unmoving, from our earthly perspective. Jupiter begins a retrograde in Taurus. It's like they switched places,  both in fixed signs. A retrograde in a fixed sign, I feel, may highlight what's been inflexible and rigidly held and encourage us to bend like willows and alter our thinking. Jupiter retro in Taurus (10:10 am on) will highlight the physical, new methods and approaches, and a review of our philosophy about life and the natural environment. It may mean travel back to distant places for a new experience in the same geographical area. Travel and educational plans may be altered from what was originally planned or expected, too. Mercury and Jupiter align and I see this as a day for things coming together or coming apart easily and without much effort, because they needed to. Taurus Moon aligns with the Sun and Mercury and hits the same degree as Jupiter, making this all the more powerful. Be willing to change your plans and adapt to other people's announcements and changes. This way things will go easier for you, versus fighting the currents. Today's color is Blue for the clearest communication and a sense of calm amidst shifts. 

Tuesday ~ Taurus to Gemini Moon. First, the Moon meets Uranus and aligns with Neptune & Pluto for strange, unique moments, thoughts and turns of events. Today is OUT THERE in a sense. Way out ideas can lead to new creations, begin books and films, and take us out of ordinary reality, in some cases. Open your mind. Void Moon 12:46 to 4:07 pm ET  may affect those afternoon commutes and schedules. Double check your ride, your class time, your tires. Gemini Moon squares saturn tonight for homework of any sort and alot on our minds and in our emotions. It's edgy, and takes mental effort to sort out. Feels like a 'school night' in every sense. You may find yourself filling out forms or applications, for example. Wear Yellow.

Wednesday ~ Gemini Moon aspects with 3 planets and with the Sun in Virgo. The major focus today is the Sun and Mercury retrograde meet. Mercury is the planet of both Virgo and Gemini, and this accentuates everything related. Give thought to all your communcations, written, spoken and even acted out. What message  do you want to convey, impart, embody even! Expected are retroactive announcements, things that were and are in the works and are now surfacing, and significant news and reconnections with the past in any way. This could come as relationship interaction, as sense of place, such as a movve back to an area you previously lived in, or as something you had brewing and are now sharing 'out loud'. There's a sense of changeableness and we need that while Mercury is retrograde so try not to be too fixed or sure. Leave room for adjustments or experimentation. Today's color is Gold.

Thursday ~ Gemini Moon squares Neptune. If you're ok with things being up in the air, feeling a bit out of order, and requiring lots of flexibility, you might enjoy some imaginative activity and bask in some sense of magic and divine timing. If you need answers and to think 'straight', this could be a challenging day. Do your best to be where you said you'd be and to follow through. And know that today may require some patience and slack. Void Moon starts at 6:22 pm. Wear Light Blue. Connect with Celestite Crystal.

Friday ~ Cancer Moon as of 1:00 am and until 12:26 pm Sunday. Cancer Moon appears serious about emotional life and we might feel out of sorts with the Saturn and Mars lunar aspects. However, the bigger story is Virgo Sun aligned with retrograde Jupiter in Taurus. One significant effect is changing how we 'go about things', the order and the philosophy behind the external actions. Reasons to change will come in obvious ways. It's also a day for settling into new spaces and homes and for dealing with home and family business as Cancer Moon aligns with retrograde Mercury in Virgo. Today's color is White, like Moonstone.

Saturday ~ Cancer Moon aligns with Jupiter, Uranus and the Sun. This feels more like excitement and though things are stirred up and activated, there's also alignment that could feel like this is meant to be. Keep your body moving and well as you go through processes and transitions. That's the key concept here...a very transitional season that is only just beginning. Eclipse cycle is coming and in a way arrives with Sept 14th New Moon which leads us deep into an eventful autumn. The next New Moon exactly a month later is a Solar Eclipse, and next week we move into the aura and foreshadow of that. Today's color is Blue.

Saturday, September 30th Learn to Play Crystal Bowls with Rachel Rivera at Leaping Waters, my yoga/spa on Ocean Street in South Portland where we follow the Moon ...

12:00-3:00 pm $75


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