Friday, March 4, 2022

Mars & Venus in Aquarius ~ March 6th to 12th, 2022

 March 19th & 20th are Spring Equinox and Full Moon

This time of renewal feels different to me this year. It feels like a time to invite the Peace & Harmony that the other side of the zodiac, Libra, represents. For this, I've planned two events to encourage & increase inner peace, peace in the mind and heart. I would love for you to join us at Leaping Waters in South Portland, my studio space. 

Saturday, Spring Equinox/Full Moon Sound Healing with Kimber Lucier of Rose Wild Alchemy 

4:00-6:00 pm $45

Sunday, Floating Full Moon Yoga Nidra, a guide meditation in aerial hammocks with me 5:30-6:30 pm


email to reserve space

Wishing peace for you and for the world


Floating Yoga Nidra at Leaping Waters 

Sunday, March 6th ~ Mars and Venus enter Aquarius almost simultaneously, at 1:23 and 1:30 am EST. They meet in the sign of science and global vision at 2:12 am EST. One effect is working together for the common good and universal well being. Mars is action, Venus is beauty and harmony. In personal relationships, this can support synchronicity, getting together to complete a mission or project, and potentially for love and partnership. The quality of these planets in Aquarius is not romantic however, and sometimes can seem emotionally objective or detached. Love for the world and for one's place and role in a group or the community is emphasized more. The Moon is in Taurus from 3:00 am on. Taurus Moon squares Venus and Mars, with a challenge to soften or yield in stubborn personal situations and also in broader ways, such as a call to leaders to find compromise and consensus and to act on it. Today's color is Pink.

Monday ~ Taurus Moon meets Uranus, the planet of instigation and disruption. Norms are challenged. Things cannot stay the same. Jupiter and the Sun help out, aligning with the Moon from generous and forgiving Pisces. Seek the solution that heals wounds and souls. Saturn and Neptune also influence the Taurus Moon, one with a strong message from Aquarius, about deciding for the good of all involved. The evening hours offer creative, musical, and mellow vibes of Neptune and the Moon. Today's color is Green.

Tuesday ~ Taurus Moon square to Mercury for negotiating and again, deciding what's most appropriate, harmonious and likely to work. Take the whole group, family, workplace or country into consideration. This is a call to give forth effort to work something out. The Moon aligns with Pluto in Capricorn for deep inner knowing and calling upon the wise, intuitive self. Void Moon 9:35 am EST to 1:40 pm when the Moon enters Gemini. Use these hours quietly and to center yourself. Avoid committing to anything for now, unless you feel absolute certainty. That includes purchases. Gemini Moon aligns with Mars and Venus in Aquarius. Air element and energy means lots of ideas and conversations, meetings, and social occasions. Take part in a conversation that inspires or helps to resolve something. Today's color is Blue. 

Wednesday ~ Gemini Moon squares Jupiter in Pisces. This is a call for agreement and growth, moving forward, sharing ideas, and remaining sensitive to emotions and to those in sensitive circumstances. Compassion fuels ideas and ideals today. Jupiter seeks abundance of love and healing while in Pisces and expands our creative energy. Gemini Moon looks for the ideas and the words to express with. Mercury moves to Pisces today for the same, the written or spoken words that instill compassion and sensitivity. Observe your thoughts and how they come across in words. Writers may immerse in creative process more readily while Mercury is in Pisces. Today's color is Light Blue.

Thursday ~ Gemini Moon makes 3 planetary connections before void of course hours 11:43 am on. 
The Moon and Sun square bringing reliability and truth into question. Ask lots of questions to clarify and make sure you're getting the whole truth and all the necessary information. Saturn in Aquarius aligns harmoniously with the Moon, but in a serious, intentional way, asking for the wise and responsible decision. The Moon and Neptune square reminding us not to live in denial or dreams. Too much watery, airy energy can unground or lead to only ideas and sentiment without action or follow through. Do something to help ground yourself in reality, the now, the moments. See people and situations for what they are. If you feel spacey and unsure, step back, have something to eat and avoid altering your mind with substances that will contribute to altered perspective. Today's color is Yellow.

Friday ~ The Moon moves to Cancer at 2:24 am EST Cancer Moon trine to Mercury in Pisces is water element forward and implies emotion in all interactions and especially in words. That really is the primary theme today. We are halfway between New and Full Moon, a time for any sort of progress. Wear Blue. 

Saturday ~ Cancer Moon is in harmony with the Sun and Jupiter in Pisces and with Uranus in Taurus. All angles are easy, though we may need tolerance for changes of plan or structure. Be like water while not losing your ability to stay afloat. Daylight Savings time begins overnight and cannot be underestimated in how it affects some people very strongly, even just that one hour. Be gentle. 
Wear White today.

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