Friday, March 11, 2022

Full Moon in Virgo ~ Forecasts for March 13th through March 19th, 2022

Spring Equinox & Full Moon Sound Healing with Kimber Lucier of Rose Wild Alchemy

Saturday 4:00-6:00 pm at Leaping Waters Yoga South Portland


Covid19 vaccination/booster proof required at sign in or by email in advance. 2nd or 3rd vaccination within 6 months of the event

This is Kimber's 3rd Sound Healing at Leaping Waters & it's a treat to have her back to clear and help re-balance our energy after a long and challenging winter.

Maybe I'll see you there!


Sunday, March 13th~ Cancer Moon syncs with Neptune in Pisces overnight, and the Sun meets Neptune at 7:43 am EDT. Neptune draws us to dreams and imagination. This can feel hopeful or can put us in denial, not wanting to see things as they really are. Likely effects are romantic feelings, feeling the feelings of others, feeling very expressive about emotions, and wanting to create from a place of guessed it...feelings. All this emotional energy means we also need to be grounded so we don't lose our sense of boundaries and reality. If you're feeling very generous, for example, also realize what you need and avoid giving it all over to everyone else. If you're feeling very intuitive, try not to take feelings on that are actually someone else's. Basically, keep a sense of self and make decisions with wisdom and information. The Moon opposite Pluto adds to intuition and sensitivity. At 11:44 am EST, void of course Moon time begins and at 3:32 pm the Moon moves to Leo and the water sign spell begins to dissolve. Leo Moon may add excitement, enthusiasm or a way to channel all that Neptunian energy into something beautiful. Wear Yellow.

Monday~ The Moon is opposite Mars in Aquarius overnight. This can activate push-back, rebellion, and acts on behalf of and to protect groups of people. Following that, the Moon and Venus oppose and our feelings and personal relationships come into play. One effect is opposite entities and personalities come together to create something bigger and better than one could do alone. Our roles and place in groups, at work, school or in the community may shift and come into question. Venus requests harmony for the group and Leo Moon implies self interests, interests of children, education, media, performers, artists and altruism. Integrate your talents and passion into a broader group or cause. With the Moon and Uranus square, a struggle over change in leadership or role could present itself without forewarning. Unexpected situations require attention and may not easily sort or settle.  Be wise and judicious with your commitments and try not to overextend yourself. Rely on the group and let each have their role and responsibility. Today's color is Red.

Tuesday~Leo Moon with the 3rd opposition in two days. Leo and Aquarius energies and elements stay in power as Saturn in Aquarius opposes the Moon. Leo is the ME and Aquarius is the WE. This part of the lunar cycle is about how we work together for the great good, how one contributes in a meaningful and beneficial way, for both self and others. Take commitments and promises seriously and intentionally today whether you are entering them or fulfilling what you once agreed to. There's gravity in the air. Leo tends to be joyful and playful, Saturn is sometimes restrictive or reminds of the rules. Play fair. If you're happy, try not to bypass the full range and reasons for moods, states and feelings of other people. Be compassionate and SEE the other person. This doesn't have to mean you give up your happiness. It means being there for whatever comes up and holding fast to your joy. You can return to playfulness and lightness when the 'work' is done. Void Moon 9:29 pm EDT to 12:59 am on Wednesday. Purple is today's color.

Wednesday~ Virgo Moon takes the lead for tasks, errands, and grounding in routine. There may also be some important decisions or pending news as Full Moon approaches. Have a to do list and include self care. Virgo is physical, earth element so this could be a day to relieve the mind and exercise, go outside and experience nature, dance, and channel some energy physically. Balance mental and physical activities today. The Moon and Mercury oppose tonight, for sorting through differences and finding workable plans or approaches in the face of changes and unpredictability with a trine between the Moon and Uranus. Wear Brown.

Thursday~Full Moon strengthens, in earth sign Virgo, peaking at 3:18 am EDT on Friday. Keep your wits about you and don't feel the need to jump into anything. Though Full Moons bring decisions and sometimes conclusions, two oppositions continue the many oppositions of this week. That means a LOT of sorting through conflict, duality, and differing priorities. Jupiter and Neptune oppose the Moon from Pisces adding emotional element to all we take care of today. With expansion plans and actions, be realistic and try to do just the right amount versus going over the top. Same with emotional involvements. Can you keep your sense of self and do something that feels useful or productive without draining yourself of energy? There's a sense of service and giving with this Virgo Moon. Happy St Pat's Day. Celebrate safely and know your limits. There are tales about overdoing indulgence when the Moon is Full. Some of you may know the story of Ganesha and the Moon. Today's color is actually Green (astrologically speaking, convenient for 3/17 too).

Friday~Full Moon in Virgo may be productive for night owls or keep our minds working on something even during sleep. The Moon is trine to Pluto, the most influential planet during this Full Moon. Pluto pulls us to internal awareness and instincts. Sense what your body and inner wisdom have to say. We may feel more self aware, more anxious, more tuned into subtle things. From 4:11 am to 7:26 am EDT, the Moon is void of course. It could mean a slow start or an abrupt wake up, and either way it may feel more uncommon than usual. Take time to get balanced, awake and on your feet. Step by step this morning. Libra Moon has no planetary aspects today. Team up with a friend or partner for either work or pleasure. Seek company for whatever you're experiencing, to share rather than isolate. Endings, partings of ways, slowly dissolving something and letting it go or allowing it to change... these are all Full Moon probabilities. Pisces Sun aligns with Pluto in Capricorn, and there's that internal awareness increasing and becoming more obvious. Meditate and dream during this Full Moon. Give yourself some down time. See what emerges when you're not trying so hard. If you're activated about relationships, personal or professional see if the thoughts and feelings can sit overnight before acting on them too quickly. Wear White, for clarity.

Saturday~ Libra Moon with many aspects today. We come from any Full Moon or Neptunian cloudiness into some Aquarian aspects, with Venus as our planetary influencer. Venus wants harmony and speaks to our sense of peace and beauty. Partnership is a theme and so is collective energy~ for love, creativity or to accomplish something others will see and experience. Venus also squares Uranus in Taurus. It's interesting that Venus rules Libra and Taurus, two signs of note on this day. Relationship matters are most prominent. Changes of relationship status, or things we didn't know were coming up in personal relationships, are coming up now for exploring and maybe resolving, with effort and in good faith. Saturn has the final word today, weighing in from Aquarius, a fixed sign that thinks long term. Make the long term plan now during Full Moon time. Tomorrow all of this continues to sort, maybe with another variable thrown in. Can you be a good friend and an honest partner during this potent time of change? What does that require? Let any of these ideas help guide you. Lavender is today's color.

FULL MOON YOGA NIDRA in Aerial hammocks Sunday evening at 5:30 pm at Leaping Waters in South Portland. A few spaces are open for reservation or email direct to (one hour, $30)

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