Thursday, June 20, 2024

Virtual Readings for Summer Solstice & Full Moon


Happy Summer Solstice!
The Full Moon has me inspired sooner than expected & I am doing virtual readings based in your own energy, your birthday and your guides such as animal totems, whatever appears with a message, even plants sometimes
Readings are by email and for this summer special, are $75
email me to set this up & I'll get to yours in the order I receive the requests
email to leapingwatersyoga@gmail and include your birthdate
Thank you and happy summer! Robin

Payment info
Venmo @Robin-Payton-1 (phone #s 1896 if you need them)
By check, email me to arrange and pay in advance

When I've done these readings in the past, people say they are spot on and incredibly helpful. Some of the anecdotes surprise even me!

If this isn't the right time, contact me anytime
This special rate is for June/July only

Saturday, June 8, 2024


 If you'll be missing the daily color, use this guide to help you choose what to wear or what candle to light or for any other reason.

Moon Sign Colors

Aries: Red, Orange, Yellow

Taurus: Pink, Green

Gemini: Yellow, Blue

Cancer: Light Blue, Blue, White

Leo: Purple, Gold, Orange

Virgo: Indigo, Black, Navy, Brown

Libra: Lavender, Pink, White 

Scorpio: Maroon, Indigo, Black

Sagittarius: Red, Purple

Capricorn: Green especially dark greens, Black

Aquarius: Turquoise, Silver

Planetary Colors, Planet Changing Signs or Very Active Today

Mercury: Blue, Yellow

Venus: Pink, Green, Lavender

Mars: Red, Black

Jupiter: Red, Purple

Saturn: Black

Uranus: Turquoise, Silver

Neptune: Light Blue, Light Green

Pluto: Black

I hope this helps as a reference! Pair it with the Astrology date book from Llewellyn Books or any almanac that shows  you the Moon and planetary aspects for the day.

Thanks for all the years!


ps I will be doing some emailed readings later this summer

Friday, June 7, 2024

June 16th-30th The Final Installment of Robin's Zodiac Zone Daily Forecasts

Hello Everyone, 

I'm writing this the day after New Moon in Gemini. It's a time of news and transitions, graduations for example. And I have news of my own to share.

After 25 years of Robin's Zodiac Zone forecasts, this blog will come to a close on June 30th. The timing feels right and guided by the universe. I will continue to do my radio show on Wednesdays, and to share through workshops, readings, and yoga. 

I started Leaping Waters almost 3 years ago, in the summer of 2021. Spring and summer are when my changes seem to always take place. I hadn't planned to own a studio, but the universe landed it right in my lap, not once but twice as I expanded last summer to classes 7 days a week. 

The workshops and classes are rich with benefits, as reiki and sound baths infuse the place with goodness. I believe in the energy of people, places and objects, and Leaping Waters overflows with the vibrations I seek for myself and hope to create for you.

I've always been a person with multiple 'jobs', many hats as they say, and now is the time for shedding one role to create a flow that's more streamlined and energetically aligned. 

Here is my contact information:

Robin Ivy Payton

Leaping Waters Aerial ~ Yoga ~ Spa

146-148 Ocean Street South Portland, Maine 04106

Here are some offerings you can join me for:

Intro to the Instruments of Sound Healing Saturday, Sept 14th 11:30-5:30 pm

Aerial Yoga Training/Personal Immersion Level 1 Sept 28th/29th 

Floating Full Moon Yoga Nidra monthly during Full Moon week, usually Sundays

New Moon Sound Baths monthly during New Moon, usually Sundays

Come to Summer Solstice Sound Bath with Rachel Rivera! You'll be so glad you did!

Rachel is one of our teacher/trainers in The Gifts of Sound series, for you who are interested in sound healing practices and instruments. RSVP for this sound bath by the sea!

Outdoors at Bug Light Park Sunday, June 23rd 6:00-7:10 pm $25 or family rate

To conclude, Thank You for reading Robin's Zodiac Zone and for listening to the radio broadcasts for however many years. It's always been a labor of love and my weekly routine, to write for you. 

25 years is a good, long run, and who knows, there could be an incarnation or continuation of some sort in the future. For now though, it's time to share the final daily forecasts with you, celebrate 25 years of blogging, and continue the journey.

I'll keep the blog live, and may occasionally post something here. If you're inclined, follow me on
And please tune in to WMPG Wed 2:30-4:00 pm, or listen to replays of the show at

Sending you my best!


ps If you want Reiki training, please see for November & January dates

Sunday, June 16th ~ Happy Father's Day if you celebrate. The Moon is in Libra, sign of fairness and harmony. The Moon and Sun align which can make things easier or more enjoyable. Venus is in transition today. The planet of love and relationship, as well as the arts, squares Neptune. Our romantic, sentimental side may be challenged today. You could feel disillusioned or someone may disappoint or not live up to (false?) ideals and expectations. Venus will change signs overnight. Today's color is Pink.

Monday~ At 2:20 am EDT, Venus moves on to Cancer where she favors nesting, bonding, and parenting. Moon and Mercury align in air signs for meetings of the minds. The Moon shifts to Scorpio at 2:38 am after a short v.o.c time, and the Moon and Venus align for romantic and passionate feelings and engagements. Mercury also shifts to Cancer, continuing the dance into sentimentality, love, and comforts of home and security. Mercury and Venus meet, favoring decisions about moving in together, creating family, buying a home or renting a new one. Some will decide to have children and move forward with the plan. Scorpio Moon is very focused and has commitment and intensity, reminding us of what has great meaning. Longevity should be part of the plan now. It's not a good time to do things lightly. Instead, feel the gravity and long term possibilities. Be in it for the long haul, if you make a decision today. Wear Indigo.

Tuesday ~ Scorpio Moon aligns with Saturn, blending realism with emotion. A follow up and continuation of this week's changes and themes. Be loyal and committed to your actions, words and decisions. Keep good, strong boundaries where they're needed. Wear Black. 

Wednesday ~ The first half of today is geared toward reflection and feelings. Be compassionate with yourself and try not to pressure others. Scorpio Moon opposite Uranus is a wild card, 3:24 am EDT. It's a creative vibe today, too, as the Moon and Neptune form a trine. Then this afternoon, void Moon 12:19 to 12:32 pm EDT, then the Moon moves to Sagittarius. Moon and Pluto in harmony may have us debating or thinking about life, as in the meaning of life. Interactions may be philosophically based. It could also be a good evening to get out and experience something different than the usual. Today's color is Purple.

Thursday ~ Summer Solstice is 4:51 pm EDT, as the Sun shifts to Cancer. Daylight hours are peaking now, and we'll notice this for the rest of the month. Invite light. Go outside in the evenings and maybe rise earlier in the mornings. Feel that sense of maximizing. Yet, remember to rest too. The Sun squares Neptune today and I feel this may be unreliable in some ways. Trust your instincts over other people's words. The Moon is full on Friday night. Wear Gold.

Friday ~ Today is Full Moon in Capricorn at 9:08 pm EDT. It's early for the Capricorn Full Moon since we just had the transition to Cancer's month. For most of the day, our Moon lingers in open minded Sagittarius. With a square to Neptune, honesty presents us with challenges today. Can we be honest without being hurtful and can we do business, both personal and other business, with integrity and no hidden agendas or missing information? Mercury and Mars give energy to home, family, security and property/real estate transactions and priorities today, and they together say it's time to 'go for it'. Make life more comfortable and stable if that is at all possible. Short 10 minute void Moon before the shift to Capricorn Moon at 7:08 pm EDT. Today's color is White.

Saturday ~ Capricorn Moon and the aura of the Moon being full. Venus and Mars engage with the Moon, putting love and relationships of all kinds in the forefront. Aim for the balance of Yin and Yang, receptive and asserting, calm yet properly activated. It's all about balance right now as Yang energy peaks near the Solstice and late June/early July. Opposites may attract or repel, but will be evident. Note we live in a world of opposites always, and remember to anchor in your center, your authentic self. Today's color is Pine Green.

Sunday, June 23rd and the Final Week of Forecasts

The Full Moon weekend winds down with Capricorn Moon most of the day, until 11:14 pm EDT. Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have their influence. I feel ancestral and other worldly sensibilities in play during this Moon. Reasons to decide and take action come with Uranus and Saturn aligned to the Moon. Things may suddenly happen fast or without long consideration. When it's time, it's time and you know instinctively. Void Moon 11:05 to 11:14 pm, then Moon in Aquarius, about to be conjunct with Pluto. Today's color is Blue.

Monday ~ Aquarius Moon conjunct Pluto overnight for inner and future envisioning. Notice your dreams and messages from within. Inner knowing is one word for this. Jupiter is in harmony with the Moon for expansion including in your circle of friends and colleagues. Mars squares the Moon in the evening which could be agitating or bring up things that need active confronting. Wear Silver.

Tuesday ~ Aquarius Moon squares Uranus. One way to engage in this is to demand your own authenticity and not give in to pressure regarding conforming, for example. Question anything in the way of your originality and individuality. Today, that may be overtly challenged.  Rebellion may be called for. Challenge the norm and status quo, as applicable. Stand up for what's worth the effort. Void Moon time 6:30 pm EDT, which hopefully helps with relaxation or a nice evening out. Be cautious though where both safety and trust could be compromised.  Today's color is Turquoise.

Wednesday ~ Pisces Moon time starts 2:08 am EDT. The Moon aligns with the Sun and Venus in water signs (Pisces/Cancer). I like today for water signs and acitvities around the water or related to water. However, remember water is deeply connected to feelings and they could run deep and strong today. People may be emotional about everything. Mercury and Saturn align for contracts and decisions about important and perhaps real estate, family and financial matters. It's a romantic date night or has the potential to be! Today's color is Light Green.

Thursday ~ Pisces Moon aligns with Mars, meets Saturn, trine to Mercury and sextile Uranus for an eventful day where things of any kind may line up quickly and readily. So make sure  you know your intentions. Yes answers will roll right out. Perhaps leave a bit of room to change your mind. Make decisions with heart. Allow for sentimental feelings. Wear Blue.

Friday ~ Pisces Moon meets Neptune for active dream states and a sense of magic, at 4:45 am EDT before the Moon shifts to Aries at 4:52 am EDT. This Aries Moon looks family oriented, with a square to the Cancer Sun. Work through something in family life, with patience. The Moon and Jupiter enliven this day, with both ideas and activity. Explore widely and broadly. Avoid ruling out or being stubborn. Open your eyes and mind. Aries rules the head. Today's color is Red.

Saturday ~ The final weekend of Zodiac Zone daily forecasts. I began with this idea, which arrived out of the blue, while I sat on the beach back in 1999. I went home and started my first, simple website immediately. I was supposed to do this. Tune in to those messages when they come to you. This led me on an interesting journey and led you here today.

Aries Moon is for beginnings. Yet the Moon is waning which tends to be about letting go. Weed things out. Sort what is useful and what's no longer needed. Venus in Cancer aligns with Mars in Taurus. This is warm, inviting, potentially romantic and about love as well as good chemistry. Mercury in Cancer aligns with Uranus in Taurus for sudden changes of mind and plans. Saturn stations retrograde in Pisces. There's alot going on both in the forefront and behnd the scenes. Stay present. Be ready to act in the moment. Spotaneity is likely. Today's color is Orange.

Sunday, June 30th, 2024 ~ Void Moon 12:56 to 8:00 am, and the Moon shifts to Taurus. Taurus Moon squares Pluto in Aquarius. See if there's an idea that hangs on with you, but is outdated or not possible. Notice what it's time to yield to or release. Create some space in your mind by moving one significant thing out. Late tonight, overnight, the Moon and Sun align, so I think this will be quite a nice evening where there's compatibility, peace of mind, good connections and gatherings with close friends. Happy Summer, everyone. Today's color is Green.

I'll be offering readings sometime soon, by email and maybe in person.
If you're interested in a chakra reading by email, with messages from an animal, plant or other messenger who appears for you, email me and I'll put you on the list. 
It'll be around $80 for an emailed reading. As you can see, I haven't thought this out much. I just know I'll be doing some around mid July.

email me at

And come to my classes sometime. I'm on Ocean St in South Portland, Maine

All my best!

Wednesdays, hear Robin's Zodiac Zone on WMPG, 90.9 and 2:30-4:00 pm
I'm off on vacation Juneteenth, July 10th and August 7th