Monday, May 27, 2024


Gemini Season & a Cycle of Joy

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Saturday, June 1st ~ Aries Moon aligns with Jupiter, Venus, Pluto and the Sun, favoring everything you 've planned or hope for. Have a party! Red is today's color.

Sunday, June 2nd ~ Aries Moon completes the weekend, and today meets Mars. Lots of the goodness of Saturday continue, yet today is more fiery and we humans could tend to overdo. Stop before you're full and let it go before it becomes an issue. Jupiter and Pluto are in harmony for personal reflection that helps with big steps forward, especially if growth and maturity were somehow stalled or stunted in the past. Now is your time, particularly for Geminis. Void Moon 6:04 pm EDT, for the rest of the night. Today's color is Orange.

Monday~ Taurus Moon 1:55 am EDT, on. The Moon squares Pluto today, and Pluto's been an active planet for a few days and will continue to be as planets continue to form Pluto aspects during the early part of June. Squares can be stubborn and this one in fixed signs may highlight the things that don't let go easily. Negative self talk, strong judgments and other things that stall or inhibit us may rear their heads. Try not to let preconceived ideas hinder the present or future. During this period from Full to New Moon, focus on the healthy kind of letting go. Mercury moves to his home sign Gemini for a social, business and idea filled month. Brainstorm freely. Today's color is Yellow.

Tuesday ~ Gorgeous conjunctions include The Sun & Venus, Moon & Uranus, Mercury and Jupiter. Conjunctions enhnace and amplify the effects of each heavenly body. Mercury also forms a trine with Pluto for ease with thoughts, ideas, and freeing the mind from worries or compulsions. It's a day to move past something, invite happiness in, make an agreement, express forgiveness, and put emotional turmoil in perspective. Taurus Moon. Wear Pink.

Wednesday ~Taurus to Gemini Moon 4:36 am EDT. This Gemini time is suited to hummingbird energy. Drink the nectar of every attractive and positive situation. Movement is likely to be fast and speed up. If there's no joy and no love, find something else to better spend your precious time on. The Moon meets Jupiter for luck, Mercury for a way with words, and aligns with Pluto for reflection along the way. New Moon is almost here. Revise and draw up plans. Today's color is Light Blue.

Thursday, June 6th~ New Moon in Gemini pairs with a Venus conjunction, emphasizing love, the arts, pursuits of pleasure. Set your intentions in a heartfelt way, backing your wishes with feeling that propels them. Be a magnet for that thing you desire by living and breathing it. Stay in lightness rather than heaviness. If you're in grief or sickness, notice you can experience other emotions at the same time. The ability to feel joy or have a laugh is still there even when it disappears for a while. Gemini highlights the changeability of things. Notice how the ability to shift and change is an asset to you. Be malleable where it brings benefit. Today's color is White.

Friday ~Void Moon 8:16 to 8:41 am EDT, then Moon in Cancer. Gemini Moon aligns with Mars and squares Pluto first. When and if difficult emotions arise, what can you make of that or channel that into in a healthy way? Today could be moody or someone may pressure or come on too strong. Monitor your reactions and avoid an argument. Practice breath and calming. It may not be a difficult mood or personality that enters though. It could be that things are just going too fast or you question your own words and worry about the effect. The nervous system could easily amp up. When possible, take a break, and give yourself some space and a reset. Recenter often. Today's color is Blue.

Saturday ~ Saturn is the planet of the day. Saturn relates to wisdom, age, experience, and structure. Today, Venus squares Saturn and the Cancer Moon and Saturn align in water signs. Emotional and relationship maturity are called for. Cancer Moon time is deep, intuitive & sensitive. Be creative and/or improve something in  your home environment. If you're in an inexplicably bad mood, clean up your space and see if that helps. Black is today's color.

Sunday, June 9th~ Mars moves to Taurus at 12:35 am EDT. Cancer to Leo Moon with a very short void of course time during the 3 pm hour. Today is full of aspects and energies that feel variable and how you experience this may relate most to your personal chart and the happenings in your life right now. For example, The Sun squares Saturn for some serious adulting and a need to make important life changes or decisions. Meanwhile, Leo Moon squares Mars for mustering up some motivation and courage that doesn't feel easy to come by or that you'd rather avoid. It's kind of a serious day astrologically. Summon your powers of discretion and wear Purple for that 3rd eye wisdom.

Monday ~ Leo Moon aligns with Mercury in Gemini favoring all that is social, fun, also dramatic and expressive, potentially prosperous and brings joy. Get together with a friend. Have a creative brainstorming session. Plan a party or event. Blend something fun into your day, even if it's a workday. Today's color is Yellow.

Tuesday~ Leo Moon and a wide variety of aspects today. One thing to know is the Moon and Sun are aligned in a sextile, which brings ease, sense of connection and joy, laughs or happy occasions. Mars square to Pluto contrast that. Each of us depending on our charts may experience things differently. Mars and Pluto can increase desire for power and control. Social plans are favored by the Leo Moon and Venus & the Sun in Gemini. It's also a good day for learning new things and practicing. Void Moon 3:16 pm on. Wear Orange.

Wednesday ~ The Moon in Virgo begins 1:39 am EDT. Virgo Moon aligns with Mars and squares Jupiter in Gemini. The bigger the plan, the more detail oriented. Combine vision with tending to details. Mercury and Saturn are square, and this includes the terms of important and long lasting agreements. Understand clearly if you're signing on or off on something. This feels like a business day. Wear Black.

Thursday ~ Virgo Moon opposes Saturn and squares Mercury for a continuation of yesterday's energy and activity. Again, be clear with the terms of agreements. Wear Brown.

Friday ~ Moon in Virgo until 2:12 pm EDT. This morning includes on the spot problem solving. Mixed feelings occur as the Moon and Sun square. Try to avoid mixed messages as a result. The Sun & Mercury meet in Gemini for news that's been brewing and is ready to be announced more publicly. Will you be letting others in on your plans after a great deal of thought and consideration? If so, that's for you! Void Moon briefly 1:54 to 2:12 pm EDT, and Libra Moon follows. Pluto and Jupiter align with the Moon, all in air signs. This activates the mind, however it feels more positive than anxiety inducing. Meet and socialize with others who are open minded and see where the conversations go. Explore possibilities and plans that involve groups of friends or colleagues. Get something exciting in the works! Today's color is Turquoise blue.

Saturday ~ Libra Moon with no aspects today. Find enjoyment. At work, lean into relationships that feel supportive and share both the effort and the laughs. Yesterday's news and announcements apply to today as well. With so much air sign energy, expect lots of chatter and talk. Avoid gossiping. Wear Lavender.

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