Wednesday, October 18, 2023



Thrilled to be on the air Halloween, October 31st Tuesday 10:00-11:30 am on 90.9 WMPG
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More ghost stories...and talk of the spirit world. Have you encountered spirits? Email your story to me at

During eclipse season, take extra good care with  yourself, be sensitive to shifts and changes in your subtle self, listen to both messages from within and outward signs. Try Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra guided meditation, or come to my Shamanic Yoga & Spirit Guide Journey as forms of self care and to move stagnant energy. RSVP at
My studio is at 146/148 Ocean St South Portland, Maine

Sunday ~ Venus aligns with Jupiter overnight. Count your blessings and gifts. This is loving, abundant, expansive energy and may benefit relationships. Virgo and Taurus, this is hosted in your signs. Void Moon 2:00 am to 2:06 am ET, worth noting maybe because it's such a short void Moon. If you happen to be awake for it, notice anything unusual...Aquarius Moon time follows and often encourages gatherings and co-working. The Moon squares planets in Taurus and Scorpio today, which may foreshadow the upcoming lunar eclipse. Be aware of sharp edges and extremes in yourself and others. Would it be worth smoothing something over? Can you do so without giving up your ideals and your individuality? Mercury enters Scorpio, and mysteries and investigations, secrets and intense conversations are highlighted for the month ahead. Mercury aligns with Saturn in Pisces and emotional discussions and decisions are two of the results. Today's events and interactions will likely leave long term impressions. Wear Blue.

Monday ~ Aquarius Moon squares Uranus. We may question or be questioned about our identity and ideals. There may be resistance to or uncertainty about how we appear, such as how much to stand out vs blend in. Radical changes may not be the route to take today. There's likely some sense of upheaval, non conformity, and sudden change is in the air. Though we must often respond to things, can this be done methodically and intentionally, and not overly impulsively? At 12:21 pm ET, the Sun moves to Scorpio. Born today, you are on the exact cusp. Days get noticeably darker now, even before the time change in early November. This affects our mind, our third eye, our sense of well being. Get any kind of light therapy as needed including infrared light, SAD light box, and sunlight in the mornings especially. Check in on anyone you're concerned about. Void Moon 3 pm on. Today's color is Turquoise.

Tuesday ~ Void Moon time ends at 4:33 am ET. These in between times can be likened to a waiting room or to losing sense of direction. If you feel like yesterday slipped by, that could be why. Sun and Saturn form a trine in Scorpio/Pisces overnight. Expressive and serious about it, this may come out in words and actions of an emotional nature. Do not dismiss your own or others' feelings. Listen and process what you're hearing. The Moon also meets Saturn. Saturn tells us to get a handle on things and not let them get out of control. Take things seriously and heed your own inner wisdom. Saturn is the planet of elders, experience and discretion. Note any of those words for clues to how this is coming up for you. The Moon harmonizes with the Sun, Mars and Mercury in Scorpio and with Jupiter in Taurus. It's a sign of making things happen, harmoniously and readily. Allow for the change, let something take its' course and grasp opportunities that feel right. Today's color is Indigo.

Wednesday ~ Pisces Moon opposite Venus, aligns with Uranus and meets Neptune today. I feel this could be highly creative. Immerse in your art form. There's also a love and relationship aspect. Romance is heightened. Emotional boundaries may dissolve or reduce. Opposites attract. Things like feelings may come up quite suddenly. Light Green is today's color.

Thursday ~ We are in the foreshadow of Saturday's Lunar Eclipse. Void Moon 2:39 am to 6:02 am ET. The Moon is in Aries now, and though there are no major aspects, there's a sense of action and maybe urgency with due dates approaching and perhaps a sense that something is happening though we're not sure quite what it is or what is implicated. Breathe well, practice patience and act with wisdom where actions are called for. Red is today's color. 

Friday ~ Aries Moon continues sort of 'quietly' with no planetary aspects. Notice if your inner fire feels balance, not too dim not too raging. Ths sense of steadiness, with just the right amount of energy,drive and push, can help us through challenging eclipse shifts. All shifts create stress, even the positive ones. Take good care of you. Be sensitive to others. Aries is the sign of 'me', so try not to be self centered and consider the difference between self centered and self aware, between self care and selfishness. Focus on how to share of yourself and your blessings while keeping healthy boundaries. Try some restorative type of yoga or guided meditation during this day and this season. It can really help short and long term, particularly if you're trying to change your inner narrative, hoping to release anxiety and lift yourself up. Today's color is Orange.

Saturday ~ Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus at 4:24 pm ET. This eclipse at 5 degrees Taurus occurs on a day of other oppositions. Mars and Mercury in Scorpio oppose Jupiter, magnifying disagreements and making honest communication VERY important. Secrets or hidden feelings will come to the surface. Anger could be an issue to contend with. One symbol for this eclipse is a bridge over a deep gorge. Ideally we can trust that bridge and cross over, making the necessary shift. There's also chances of trying to take shortcuts or not being able to trust what must support us and our journey. Feel into that and see where you land. Eclipse vibrations will be felt strongly for another month and vibrate for 6 months until our next pair of eclipses. Change is necessary. Is this your time? Matters of money, employment, land, real estate, root chakra, and emotional like are highlighted at this eclipse time. Today's color is Gold and also White. 

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