Friday, July 7, 2023

Robin's Zodiac Zone Astrology for July 9th-15th, 2023

Do you own one or more Crystal singing bowls? Are you hoping to learn and understand more about the bowls and how to play them?

Join Rachel Rivera, a local sound healer, and learn how to play Crystal singing bowls, including how to use different mallets, play multiple bowls at once, and all about the intervals & harmonies you can create. 

This workshop includes a sound bath from Rachel

Bring  one or more Crystal singing bowls and mallets to class 
No experience is necessary
Begin where you are, All levels are welcome

Saturday, Sept 30th

12:00-3:00 pm $75

Reserve now as space is limited and beginning to fill

Sunday, July 9th ~ Mercury and Neptune align in waters signs for imagination and creativity with words, heightened intuition, and connection to dreams. Soften the edges in your mind, in relationships, and any rigidly held feelings or beliefs. Let your mind water. Float, meditate, enjoy romance. The Moon is in Aries for energy and drive. Moon and Sun square, so sit with decisions and see what feelings prevail before diving in. Wear Yellow.

Monday ~ Mars moves to Virgo at 7:40 am ET. Mars in Virgo emphasizes our organizational skills and mind, is analytical and leans into criticism. Try not to be too hard on yourself or others during this cycle. On the plus side, you might muster up the energy to get things done, end procrastination, and fix what's not working. The Moon and Venus align for a fire sign type day. Notice charisma, experience attraction, work together harmoniously and energetically, especially on constructive and creative projects. Mercury opposes Pluto and inner dialogue could be reflective or judgmental, so keep that in check. Pluto and Mercury are both square to the Moon and we may feel this a push, and yet also as blocks, to progress. What is your role and part in what's going on? Consider best and least emotionally triggering approaches. Void Moon 7:11 to 7:55 pm ET. Taurus Moon syncs with Mars for an uninhibited, sensual night. Mercury is about to move to Leo. A sentimental perspective is about to be replaced with something more in the moment and exciting. Wear Pink.

Tuesday ~ Mercury in Leo begins 12:11 am ET. This is a wild and wonderful sign for Mercury and favors actors, performances, and public personalities and connections. It's party time, in a sense. Taurus Moon meets Jupiter and aligns with Saturn, helping us find that balance between expanding and growing and not going over the top. Feel into sensible, yet exciting growth. If you're buying and acquiring, follow that same idea of going just far enough without overspending or overdoing. Saturn helps with the limits. Wear Green.

Wednesday ~ Taurus Moon with 5 planets engaging today. It's a mix of energies for sure. Overall, I like how this looks! We always need to be prepared for Uranus' effect which can mean a quick response or change of plan is needed. However, this is the kind of day when a rapid or unexpected change may turn out even better than the original. Be more forgiving than stubborn and interpersonal things will benefit. Enjoy earth and water as Taurus Moon aligns with Sun in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces. Take care of the water and land. Show appreciation for the earth. Today's color is Blue.

Thursday ~ Taurus Moon syncs with Pluto overnight and a realization or significant dream may follow. Pluto relates to what's deep inside us waiting to be revealed. When you awaken, take a few minutes to breathe and check in for inner messages, your inner knowing. Especially since the Gemini Moon can offer lots of distractions and pull in different directions as the day goes on. Gemini Moon time 3:26 am into Saturday afternoon. Juggle multiple priorities without dropping a ball? This looks like a busy day for both personal and business type matters. Refocus again and again. Enjoy people and personalities, with a smile. And if you're getting agitated, define why, and then move on. Letting go may be important today. Let the small things pass. Wear Purple.

Friday ~ Gemini Moon. The Sun and Uranus align in Cancer/Taurus. While last minute changes and surprising announcements come up, the overall vibe is keep it simple. Simplify, clear the air, and stay centered in the moments. You'll know what to do when the time comes. Wear Yellow.

Saturday ~ Approaching New Moon in Cancer, let certain things wane. Letting some things go will create space for what's new. What's waiting for you to be ready? This is an emotion and family centered time, though some may also find that financial things are shifting. Make room for a new role, job or other abundance. Sign the lease or purchase agreement on your dream place. Do something to reorganize or beautify garden, home or business, today through next week. Gemini to Cancer Moon today 1:13 pm ET. Daydream, brainstorm, and make time to enjoy family or other small gatherings. Today's color is Light Blue.

New Moon 2:32 pm ET Monday
New Moon Sound Bath at Leaping Waters Sunday 6:00-7:00 pm
Aerial hammock or mat for your New Moon re-set. RSVP on the schedule

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