Sunday, December 11, 2022

Robin's Zodiac Zone Astrology for Dec 11th-17th, 2022

Sunday December 18th, join Mario Escamilla and me for Yin & Restorative Yoga with Sound Bath

146 Ocean St South Portland at Leaping Waters in the Truc Huynh Place building

$25 and advance rsvps with payment to hold your spot

This session is filling. Move into Solstice week refreshed by gentle movement and sound vibration

We had a magical time in November so we are offering this again

My venmo is @Robin-Payton-1 for payments, donations, gratuities or purchasing gifts cards or studio merch

Thank  you and it'd be nice to see you!


Sunday, December 11th~ Cancer Moon starts this water signs day, with trines to Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces for harmony on the inside, a brightening up, sense of healing or possibilities, and creative awakening. The Moon also opposes Pluto for deep contemplation and meditation. Notie whatyou and those closest to you need for emotional well being. I see this as a gentle half day that may extend into Leo Moon time 3:09 pm ET, on. Leo Moon with no aspects makes it a good time for studies, learning, finishing projects, and tapping into what you have energy for. Keep today balanced and not overextended. Wear Orange.

Monday~Leo Moon aligns with Mars in Gemini for a social, outgoing, and mentally active day. Focus your actions, mind and conversations on things you want to manifest, from relationships to business ideas or to ace the test. The Sun, Leo's ruler, currently in Sagittarius, aligns with Saturn in Aquarius for group goals and postive, yet also serious decisions and arrangements. Wear Gold.

Tuesday~ Leo Moon opposes Saturn at 9:09 am and then forms a fiery trine to the Sag Sun at 10:52 am ET. There's a get it done and move on attitude about all of this. Today begins in action oriented, forward thinking and persistent or driven ways. There could also be adventure and lightheartedness once the 'work' is done. Void Moon 10:52 am on. Be careful driving and when you're in a hurry. Slow and steady suggested. Wear Purple.

Wednesday~Virgo Moon 3:45 am ET, with an afternoon trine to Venus in Capricorn for practical and positive approaches, especially in family and relationships that matter quite a lot. Meanwhile, the Sun squares Neptune and reliability could be an issue. Do you find yourself trying to get out of something you committed to? Or are others not showing up or easily reached? Some will experience diversion or aversion today. Try to stay honest with yourself. Another possibility here is a creative crossroads where one direction means letting go of another. Notice creative tension and how it can be used well. Stay heart centered today. Wear dark shades of Blue (navy).

Thursday~Virgo Moon and Mercury in Capricorn lead us to lay out plans and take next steps. Share your best ideas with those who can support them and vice versa. Uranus is trine to the Moon too, for original thinking and approaches. Mars in Gemini squares the Moon and compromises may be called for as different ways and approaches can clash. Mars in Gemini is mentally sharp and quick, but can be arrogant or argumentative. Put something into practice today. Experiment and adapt. Stay grounded in shades of Brown. 

Friday~Virgo Moon is opposite Neptune and Jupiter, square to the Sun, and in harmony with Pluto. It's a versatile day with many possibilities including constructive and hopeful opportunities. Yet it's not without inner or external conflict and opposition. Work through something with your highest potential in mind. Be guided by, yet not restricted by, ideals. Sit with something you just haven't found the answer to. Try to avoid enabling behavior that excuses something inexcusable or takes away someone's own power or confidence. Let people solve problems they can solve on their own, while knowing when to help. Find the balance in all of this. Void Moon 2:13 pm to 2:49 pm and then the Moon shifts to Libra for social occasions or just for a shift out of problem solving. Wear Blue.

Saturday~Mercury and Uranus align in earth signs today. Surprising developments, news and announcements are in the forecast. Alternatively this can mean radical and original ideas are put into action. The Moon and Mars align to activate ideas and can bring anxiety if there's overthinking. Plan just enough and let the rest take shape. This is a challenging day if you hold on tightly and need to control. Mercury and Venus both square the Moon as well, and we'll hit some snags or talking points. Squares encourage us to work it out. Libra says keep it fair, objective and find a balance of give andtake, listening and speaking. Today's color is Turquoise.

December 28th 6 pm join Nico DePamphelis, a talented artist, intuitive and crystal afficionado for Connecting with Crystals. Sign up at

I'll see you there and I'm really looking forward to this! A small group has already formed for this evening all about crystals. Come to begin or continue your crystal journey.

I choose Amazonite and Apatite for crystals this week. And I have two Apatite hearts available at Holiday Market Saturday, December 17th 12-3 pm at Leaping Waters & Breathing Room in South Portland

Stop by, browse, say hello!


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