Thursday, November 24, 2022

Mars Oppositions and 2nd Quarter Moon Astrology for November 27th through December 3rd, 2022

Sunday evening 6:00-7:15 pm, Mario Escamilla and I will offer Yin & Restorative Yoga with Sound Bath 

Come to process, feel more comfort in your body, stretch out, and bask in the ambience of this intentional environment and crystal bowl sound by Mario.

It's $20 (!) since Mario is gifting his time and energy this weekend. 

Rsvp at

146 Ocean Street South Portland, Maine

Missed it? if you're tuning in after Sunday, perhaps you'd like to be at Full Moon Yoga Nidra on Wednesday December 4th 7:00-8:00 pm (aerial hammock $30, mat with props $20)

Full Moon in Gemini, Yoga Nidra by me. Enter this guided meditation just as you are and let the journey unfold. Also listed at Leaping Waters Yoga website. Link above and click on the schedule.

My Venmo is @Robin-Payton-1

Gratuities for Robin's Zodiac Zone are welcome. I'm doing lots of giving this season, so your gratuities help contribute to local organizations that do good. 

Into crystals? Interested in knowing more? Nico DePamphelis joins me on Wed Dec 28th 6:00-7:15 pm for a very special evening Connecting with Crystals. It's also on the website! 

Much love, many thanks to all of you


art by Eliza Tobin...this one spoke to me during New Moon 

Sunday, Nov 27th ~ Capricorn Moon connects with Pluto each month. During this lunar cycle, I feel this as powerful reflection before decision making. Let your inner wisdom shine through as you act, decide and reconstruct. Neptune and Jupiter offer the vision and expansive perspective from which to grow. This is a growth spurt, if you choose to participate. Follow your inspirations. Do something that feels constrcutive today. That can include constructive rest and recharging. Capricorn is a sign for the physical body. Move meditatively and combine movement and meditation. I timed this Yin & Restorative monthly class with the Capricorn Moon in mind. Invite the resources and the inspiration you need to heal, grow and feel well. From 3:11 pm to 5:07 pm the Moon is void of course, a transition time. Aquarius Moon follows with no planetary engagements tonight. Be in your process or gather in a group of some kind. Today's color is Silver for gentle awakening.

Monday ~ It's a day for the mind and the intellect with air sign energy in power. Aquarius Moon fueled by the Sun in Sagittarius, opening us to studies, exploring, experimenting and alchemy! Engage in something that feels transformative. Venus, Uranus and Mercury also activate the Aquarius Moon in different ways. One part of this is interpersonal and how we communicate. Express your ideal, vision and intention to someone else who may join you or provide support. Try to keep perspective if something unforeseen comes up, and know that original thinking and alternative options are the answer! Mars in Gemini is an activator this week, and today, Mars aligns with Saturn in Aquarius. The message is to act and move on ideas and not to let a problem sit unresolved or untended to. Mars is about to show where the friction is, as an opportunity to change things. Oppositions are about to be obvious and right in our view. If you think you know what this is about, for you, today there's a chance to get ahead of it. Wear Turquoise.

Tuesday ~ Aquarius Moon aligns with Saturn and Mars overnight, leading to Mercury and Mars in opposition at 3:30 pm ET. Those in technology and how we use and may change our use of technology are affected. Perhaps we'll see news of this or it may be more 'inside' and going on in the industry more than in our view. Radical opposition and radically different values and views are int he spotlight as Mercury opposes Mars. Travel matters may also be implicated or affected. This opposition can be very challenging, argumentative and driven by conflict. Opposites can also give us clarity and define on what side or ideal we align strongly with. Agreements may be hard to reach. Try not to let discussions get out of control. Put your cards on the table, and then let it be. This could take time to sort. The Moon enters Pisces at 7:15 pm, landing us in our feelings. Mercury and Saturn are in harmony in Sagittarius and Aquarius tonight at 11:15 pm and the most open minded, future oriented ideas are the ones most favored (tomorrow too). Today's color is Blue.

Wednesday ~ Pisces Moon squares the Sun and this is the 2nd quarter Moon. It's known as a time for progressions, and since it's in Pisces this may relate to how we feel and deal with emotional circumstances. Emotional can sometimes be perceived as something challenging or difficult, but emotions encompass everything from love to anger to joy and fear. They are part of our humanness (and I think animals and other beings and living things show emotions too). Today we may reconcile and decide how to combine our aspirations and goals with other priorities such as being sensitive to the ones we love and how this may impact them. We may increase our understanding of emotions and look forward to experiences we need in order to reach our 'next level'. And Uranus joins forces with the Moon to say this may happen in surprising ways and experientially, by doing and acting, traveling and studying for example. Sign up for that course or program! Blend your fire energy with your water energy, transforming emotions in tangible ways. What is your heart's desire now? Read into tomorrow for tonight's vibes. Wear Green.

Thursday ~ Venus and Mars oppose at 12:28 am ET, affecting the week from Wednesday on. These planets are in Sagittarius and Gemini, two signs that oppose and disagree strongly (though they also have similarities). Words and ideas are particularly implicated, so be mindful of what could trigger a big ordeal. Venus and Mars relate to one on one partnerships and/or male and female energies. Avoid blame and instead look for ways to honor each of your perspectives. Pisces Moon squares both of these planets and also Mercury so it's emotionally charged and communication, such as how you communicate, is especially important. Sensitivities are likely to be heightened as Neptune and the Moon meet. Take time to be alone and in process as Pluto aligns with the Moon saying this is much needed. There's MORE. What a day! 
Part 2 ~ Mercury and Neptune square. This is more Sagittarius/Pisces actitivity and it's an opportunity to think originally through mental and emotional challenges. Focus on what heals and on truth over passive dishonesty. Can we be sensitive without being dishonest? Jupiter meets the Moon for emotional growth and an open heart. Venus aligns with Saturn (Sagittarius and Aquarius) helping with constructive solutions in matters of the heart and relationship while also having good boundaries. A temporary or long term agreement, to abide by, could come from this. Void Moon 9:44 pm to 11:41 pm. Could this be a sigh of relief after a few days of 'alot'? Aries Moon moves in. Wear Pink.

Friday ~ Aries Moon in harmony with Sagittarius Sun, for optimism and positive action. If you've been feeling it all week, make it happen now. Take a brave step or set a goal and support it with the first action. Follow your sense of adventure and go somewhere or do something you enjoy. Today's color is Red.

Saturday ~ Neptune direct at 7:15 pm after so much retrograde time, in Pisces. Neptune has been retrograde since late June and spends about 40% of our lives retrograde. Perhaps you dove into mystical, magical topics or maybe you were forced to examine personal truths/denials. The retrograde can be a time when illusions are destroyed and realities come clear. Intuition plays a part in this. Notice if you've been denying something you deep down know to be true. If so, grasp that concept now before Neptune starts moving again and may lead you to forget and go back to an old pattern that keeps you stuck in denial. This may relate to how to go forward in life or to whether you can actually have a relationship with someone who is in addiction, unable to see clearly and/or unable to live their truth and be genuine. Meanwhile, Aries Moon rules the day to day things and aligns with planets that were active this week including Venus and Mars. These harmonious aspects may help us ge things moving in what seems like right directions, especially giving new life to relationships. Wear Orange. 

Want to try Aerial Yoga in a gentle, meditative way? I'm offering AERIAL ZEN on this day, Sat, Dec 3rd 12:00-1:30 pm, with a sound bath to close our session.

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