This winter I'm at Greener Postures South Portland and Falmouth for monthly and weekly classes
Restorative Yoga Tuesday 6:00-7:00 pm in Falmouth beginning December 6th
Yoga Nidra 3rd Fridays 5:30-6:30 pm in South Portland beginning November 18th, December 18th...
On Sunday, December 10th join me at Scarborough Yoga for Chakra Flow with Sound Bath, a 2 hour workshop for well-being during the holiday season. Beginners are welcome. Create an internal snow globe with movement and breath, then bask in sound vibration and let everything inside sort and settle, creating new patterns & impressions 2:00-4:00 pm sign up
Always, join me for aerial, yoga nidra, yin and restorative yoga at Leaping Waters in South Portland
Donations for Sea Change Yoga Wed 11-23 4:00 pm AERIAL Decompression class
$20-$35 suggested donation
Venmo @Robin-Payton-1 to sign up and to give
We had a beautiful Yoga Nidra during Full Moon. The next one is December 7th, a Wednesday at 7:00 pm and on the Winter Solstice, Wed. Dec 21st, Yoga Nidra w/ Sound Bath with me & Sri Melissa Urey
Eclipse season is over for now, but the ripple effects and vibrations continue, especially during the New and Full Moons of November & December
Sunday, November 13th ~ Water and Earth element influence the whole day, as Cancer Moon aligns with planets in water and earth signs, such as Taurus and Scorpio. Meanwhile Venus in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn conspire for deeper, stronger connection to truth and trust between lovers and partners. Be one with your intution and if your spidey senses are on alert, follow their lead. Today is nicely designed for creative flow and reorganizing on the home front. Some will receive unexpected calls or word that shakes things up a little or a lot and most likely comes from family or relates to family relationships. Water & Earth are the Yin elements. Be receptive and avoid tendencies to control. Wear Black. (Connect with black tourmaline, moonstone and obsidian for grounding & inner knowing)
Monday ~ Cancer Moon journey continues overnight with an opposition to Pluto and deep feelings and intuitions. Do not ignore messages from your body or your dreams. It's possible to bypass them and miss an opportunity to heal or to free yourself from something or to simply not believe in your own wisdom. Avoid this. Hear your inner voice and sensations and be guided. The Moon aligns with Venus and Jupiter in water signs Scorpio and Pisces. This is soothing, forgiving and auspicious for one on one relationships, romance and deeper commitment and growth together. From 5:41 am to 7:48 am, the Moon is void of course and then we welcome Leo Moon days until Wednesday night. Leo Moon has no aspects and the themes of the overnight prevail. This evening, Mercury aligns with Pluto and if you haven't tuned in to your inner voice yet, it'll be strong enough to hear and heed now. The Sun aligns with Neptune in yet another strong water element aspect. Let this strengthen creative life force and flow, faith in yourself and the outcomes, and ability to manifest from imagination and dreams. There's a lot of inner process instigated by this week's aspects so far, and this can be so helpful as the effects of the two eclipses continue to unfold and require action to synchronize with this new energy and vibration. Can you feel it? Wear Purple.
Tuesday ~ Venus and Jupiter form a trine, a beneficial angle that favors all Scorpio and Pisces qualities such as passion, compassion, depth, and abundance. Act on something that really needs a positive emotional outcome, realignment or personal reconnection with. Leo Moon squares Uranus and opposes Saturn and these are challenging and sobering angles, worthy of earnest effort and willingness to shift. If you receive difficult news or an unwelcome change is in progress, find your inner yield while still being true to yourself. Situations can not stay the same forever, and this can feel like a pro or a con. Leo Moon evokes strength to deal with whatever comes and to be resilient and rise up again. Meditate on the Strength card in your tarot deck or find an image of it. How does this feel and how does it seem to relate to you? That is the energy of today. Venus is about to enter Sagittarius at 1:09 am ET. Have one last Venus in Scorpio evening whether it's in solitary enjoyment of life's pleasures and your own creative drive, or whether it's in a passionate conversation or embrace. Wear Gold.
Wednesday ~ Venus enters Sagittarius. If you're newly single or seeking new friends, partner or a new learning environment and travels, and if you've been feeling stagnant or stuck emotionally, this may suit you well! Leo Moon until 8:04 pm ET. The energies may feel more playful, upbeat, or somewhat activated and strong as well. Have a physical outlet for mental or emotional energy that needs expression as the Moon aligns with Mars retrograde in Gemini. Get past a limiting idea or vision of yourself. Moon squares the Sun and Mercury which can make us indecisive or at a crossroads where questions comes up. That's ok, be with that and let some of it unravel without extra force. Dig in your heels as needed, if you feel that much conviction and dedication to something. Mercury and Jupiter align for agreements, yield, inner peace and also for broadening knowledge and educational pursuits. Apply for something or confirm your acceptance. Virgo Moon 8:04 pm on, with a 10:14 pm square to Venus that feels like a practical conversation between lovers or good friends. Time to sort something out, particularly to find the common ground. Wear Pink.
Thursday ~ Virgo Moon, and Mercury now follows Venus into Sagittarius, for a more free spirited, open minded, and expansive approach to love, to learning, and to the experiences of being alive. You're invited to come out of your shell or your compressed feelings and to breathe some fresh air and energy in during this next month or so. Virgo Moon also favors cleaning house and refreshing things. Ground in worthwhile tasks. A simple day is called for, if that can be. Wear Green.
Friday ~ The outer planets have their say today as Pluto aligns with both Moon and Sun. Pluto relates to the depths and to Scorpio, and during this long stay in Capricorn, Pluto (at least to me) evokes qualities of the root chakra including our ancestry and wounds we perhaps carried into this life or that run deep. Pluto also has the wisdom and intuition required for authentic living. Pluto speaks of intimacy and what's most real, the stripped down version, the vulnerable. Whatever runs most deep and true is in the forefront today. This may require personal time, privacy and space. Neptune and Uranus are also in some direct relationship to the Moon in Virgo today which may test out faith or ability to stay centered amidst change or acceleration of events. Remain connected to yourself and ground in your porcess. The Sun and Moon form a sextile at midnight. Indigo is today's color.
Saturday ~ Virgo Moon & Scorpio Sun are harmonious and favor organizing, sorting, and both emotional and physically productive process and actions. Take care of both body and mind/feelings and do not let one override the other. Remember you are a whole person, who may like the feeling of working out your body or being really productive and getting things done, yet who also needs to acknowledge the inner processes, the feelings and emotions, and the spiritual self. Be intentional today. Jupiter in Pisces is opposite the Moon, calling up sensitivity to yourself and to others, and an emotional growth spurt could be called for. Are you being too judgmental or hard on someone you love and want the best for? Maybe they're not ready for what you think is best. Maybe they will never be and will take a very alternate path from what you envisioned. Draw upon your faith in the process. Void Moon overnight 3:47 am to 5:58 am ET, and we enter Saturday with Libra Moon and Mars in Gemini square to Neptune in Pisces. It could feel 'all over the place', ungrounded, or mentally challenging. Study and concntration may be difficult and could be best timed for when your energy is 'right.' It may be hard to push through and make yourself do something. Yet, with the Moon in harmony with Venus and Mercury in sagittarius, this could be a fun evening out and may even make intellectual work and study go easier. Tonight looks social, but do whatever you have the appropriate energy for. Wear Light Blue.
Sunday, November 20th at Leaping Waters, receive an energy healing at a more affordable $39 as Tara Rook offers MAGIC BODY, a small group healing session. I've attended and had a truly effective experience and so I invited Tara to share her gifts with my studio community.
Tara is a musician, vocalist, beat maker, thai body worker, meditation guide, and artist.
She combines energy, sound, meditation and hands on heaing for these sessions and may include light touch with your permission. A session such as this could be double the cost, but we are striving to make energy healing accessible during these changing and sometimes confusing or complex times.
Aerial Hammock or Mat option as you rest and receive
5:30-6:45 pm
RSVP at at the Events and Trainings link or on the Schedule
I'll be there to welcome you in!