Friday, September 2, 2022

Full Moon in Pisces September 4th-10th, 2022

Sunday~ Sagittarius Moon supported by Saturn for follow through and by Venus for a touch of excitement and happiness. Travels, adventures and actively living life is favored today. Go with inspiration and follow the path of least resistance. The Moon also squares Neptune making it difficult to concentrate or stay organized. Today is made for fun and freedom. Try not to bail on plans or promises that affect other people. Do make social plans. Void Moon shortly before the Moon shifts to Capricorn at 10:03 pm ET. Wear Blue.

Monday ~ Capricorn Moon and Venus moves to Virgo. Mercury and Jupiter square the Moon from opposite sides of the zodiac. It looks like there's a good deal to be navigated and sorted through. The outcomes may be great but they involve effort and willingness to compromise or let something go. Be attentive to wording and to the way things are put in place, whether it's a system or a construction.  Notice how motives come into play. Is it a power play or manipulation? Can we allow things to sort out without resistance or self centeredness? The Moon and Sun harmonize in Capricorn and Virgo, earth signs, which may help the evening feel settled and encourage us to put things in their designated place. Organize for the week or organize your stuff. Wear Brown today.

Tuesday ~ Capricorn Moon aligns with Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto with a direct conjunction. All Capricorn traits and qualities are emphasized. Stay grounded even as change whirls around you. Be both creative and productive to sync with today's best energy. Stay reflective and intentional as you move through the world. Pluto encourages self awareness and positive inner dialogue will help with issues of confidence or worthiness. Repeat "I am perfect just as I am" and recognize what  you DO know how to do, building on that. Void Moon 5:43 pm to 11:41 pm encouraging relaxation. Wear Black today.

Wednesday ~ Mercury retrograde is almost here. Be somewhat cautious and careful with what you write, say and agree to this week and all through the month. The retrograde ends on Octobe 2nd. During this transitional late summer time, when classes start and so do new routines, we may need to be extra organized and meticulous in adjusting to routines and assignments. The Moon is now in Aquarius, moving toward full. The tide may feel like it's turning in a new direction. Keep your vision and intentions at the forefront as the Moon aligns with Jupiter in Aries for experimentation and exploring ideas or plans. Mercury in Libra says remember to collaborate and you don't have to do everything alone or without assistance. Mars weighs in from Gemini, keeping us on the move and mentally busy or 'full'. Know how much is too much. Pare down or scale back if it's too intense. This is an air sign focused day and designed for workings of the mind. Come up with a genius idea or follow through on a cool project/plan. Work with others and share thoughts and knowledge. Wear Turquoise.

Thursday ~ Aquarius Moon squares Uranus each month and today is the day during this cycle. Also the Moon is close to full. Upheavals may occur, either internally or from external sources. Stirring and shaking things up isn't always bad and can be necessary for any kind of progress. This could go either way. Because Saturn and the Moon are in conjunction though, there's a serious and intentional tone. Try not to discount and dimish what's happening. Sense what's most important. Void Moon 8:34 am on so it's worth putting major decisions off if possible. Wear Violet.

Friday ~ Pisces is the sign of this weekend's Full Moon, on Saturday at 5:59 am ET and vibrating all weekend long. The Moon moves to Pisces at 12:42 am ET and opposes Venus in Virgo, a finicky, particular sign for the planet of love. We might experience dissatisfaction and feel critical of friends, family or our signifcant other. The Moon squares Mars in Gemini contributing to an 'all over the place' feeling. People may be moody or unpredictable. Avoid arguments and wars of words. Mercury retrograde begins at 11:38 pm ET, though you may have felt the retrograde coming on all week long. Wear Light Blue and look for the Full Moon overnight.

Saturday ~ Full Moon in Pisces with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto all adding their energy on this Full Moon day. These 3 planets are a strong combination and emotions will be exaggerated or accentuated. Uranus shakes and stirs, possibly with unplanned for events or possibly with inner realizations. Pluto adds to the inner awakening and deeply held knowledge and memories. Neptune is questioable, sometimes leading to diversions from the most important matter. Romances may feel exciting. Problems may feel daunting. Music, art, film, and imaginative work are ways to channel energy. Intuition comes in like astronomical high tide. Keep your bearings, know what anchors you. Wear White. 

New Moon Aerial Yoga with Live Ambient Music from local multi media artist JUST MILK at Leaping Waters on Sunday, September 25th 4:00-5:15 pm. Celebrate the new cycle by immersing in the powerful healing properties of JUST MILK music and your supportive hammock cocoon.


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