Friday, July 1, 2022

Planetary Shifts July 3rd-9th, 2022

 Mars moves to Taurus, Mercury moves to Cancer on July 5th

Here's the rest of your forecasts and daily colors for this waxing Moon time

Sunday ~ Leo to Virgo Moon at 8:31 am ET. The Moon aligns with Mars in Aries, the final aspect Mars makes before shifting to Taurus on Tuesday. This may give energy for the day and motivation for both social and other activity. Do something active and fun if this fire sign alignment boosts you this morning. Virgo Moon today is uneventful. Yard work and taking care of the garden and home things may make sense and even be appealing. Get something looking and feeling the way  you want it to, outdoors or in. Wear Brown.

Monday ~ Virgo Moon sextile with the Sun in Cancer and in harmony with Uranus in Taurus, and this day may yield happy surprises or what seem to be more than coincidences. Ground in nature, both earth and water. The Moon also squares Venus in Gemini and we may notice this through tension between self and partner if our points of view are differing. Aim for agreement by listening to each other. Wear Indigo.

Tuesday ~ Two planets change signs and that shifts how they affect us and interact with other planets, the Sun and Moon. Mars in Taurus is focused on earthly tasks, money and acquisitions. Mercury in Cancer is sentimental and leads us to visit romantic places and places from our pasts. Mercury can feel a bit retrograde in Cancer (my opinion) because of the family and emotional connections this encourages. These two planets are in  harmony today, so  notice how these ideas play out right away. The Moon is void of course from 2:04 pm to 6:25 pm ET, good hours for rest and relaxation. There's a dreamy aspect to today and a healthy escape may bring the desired feeling. Libra Moon from 6:25 pm on and a square to Mercury newly in Cancer. Explore what's fair and sensible in conversations. Try not to let small differences become big. Take an objective approach tonight. Wear Lavender.

Wednesday ~ Libra Moon opposite Jupiter,  now a monthly occurrence while Jupiter is in Aries. Questions about how to grow and move forward come up for contemplation. The Moon and Sun are also square which can make us indecisive. Take your time with things that can wait. Look for consensus and temporary possibilities with things that cannot wait. Wear Light Blue today.

Thursday ~ Another Libra Moon day and a variety of planetary aspects. Keep objectivity, boundaries and healthy detachment as needed. Breathe well through stress and remember to move your body even as a lot may take up your mind. Libra is a sign of music and dance, responding to sound and seeking gracefulness and harmony. It's a good day for a date and a decent day to deal with legal matters or major life plans. Try not to get too caught up in overthinking or what's possibly only in your mind. In other words, temper anxiety. Void Moon from 9:04 pm on. Wear Blue.

Friday ~ Scorpio Moon from 1:15 am ET and opposite Mars in Taurus at 5:06 am ET. This can set up some very stubborn situations and pit personalities against each other. Mars is newly in Taurus and we may find out about actions taken or planned and they may not 'sit right'. What to do, how to respond, is the question. Mercury may be helpful but also can be protective or defensive while in Cancer. Words may come out that way. Go easy today. Wear Black.

Saturday ~ Scorpio Moon trine to the Cancer Sun. Emotions may feel strong, yet also feel 'right' and appropriate. Feel your feelings. The Moon is opposite Uranus, which sometimes yields sudden moves or sudden emotions. Saturn is also square to the Moon. Squares mean there are things to work through and put effort into, and Saturn in Aquarius aims for the good of all. But it can be unyielding and difficult too. This is a very mixed day with a final aspect between the Moon and Neptune for a romantic or soothing evening. Wear Indigo Blue today.

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Late Summer Sound Bath Sunday, August 28th 5:30-7:30 pm with rsvps coming in now

Welcome Maine Yogafest on July 16th & 17th for 4 Aerial Yoga Workshops here!

Happy July, everyone!


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