Friday, April 8, 2022

Mercury in Taurus & Libra Full Moon ~ Astrology for April 10th-16th, 2022

Sunday ~ Leo Moon time begins at 12:00 am exactly. Mercury rules the day however, making a final move in Aries, a square to Pluto, and then moving into Taurus at 10:09 pm ET. Mercury inspires the thought processes, words and plans. The square provokes inner awareness, such as hearing yourself speak or your tone of voice or announcing something without lots of forethought. Be self aware with words today, both spoken and written. Another effect could come as you want to put plans inaction and feel or perceive whatever is in the way or needs to be taken care of first. Mercury moves to Taurus tonight for a period of long term commitments. It's a positive time for marriages, engagements and other decisions and actions you want to breathe long life into. Leo Moon sails along with no major aspects today, and is also a fixed sign for loyalty and promises. Wear Yellow.

Monday~Leo Moon squares Uranus in Taurus. Should we take an unforeseen opportunity and make the commitment to someone or something? It's a good question to contemplate and notice if you feel all in or have reservations. Act accordingly. What we enter now is likely to last long and be difficult to change with the strong rooting of Mercury in Taurus and Leo longevity. Collaborations between different personalities could go very well if you're willing to listen to each other and move through creative differences. There's also some upset or reversal in the air and unusual circumstances present themselves. It's natural not to immediately know what to do and how to respond. Leo Moon opposes Saturn and aligns with the Sun. All of this feels like energy for agreements, resolutions and commitments (a word coming up often in the forecasts these two weeks in a row). Today's color is Gold.

Tuesday~Leo Moon opposes Mars in Aquarius and appears as a call for action, resistance or banding together and maybe both. Mars works and persists for the greater good while in Aquarius. Friends may come into conflict with each other as opinions or vision differ strongly. Compromise can happen though, with patience and effort. Void Moon 6:18 am to 10:07 am when roadblocks could start the day. Try something other than force and wait it out if possible. Virgo Moon brings a feel of yield at 10:07 am and aligns with Mercury newly in Taurus for finding new alternatives and approaches. Solutions may come more easily. Dig in rather than delegate. Be part of the process rather than expecting others to do the work. Jupiter and Neptune meet in Pisces for love, sensitivity, reconciliation and on a different note, could be too extravagant or over the top. Keep moderation in mind. The Sun aligns with Saturn which is so different from the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction and leads to legal, business, and community action with rules and terms in mind. New agreements are formed or put into place. Today's color is Black.

Wednesday~Virgo Moon opposite Venus in Pisces points to matters of relationship, whether to reconcile, forgive or yield, or how much to do so. Sorting out matters of love and harmony, even among family members or friends as well as in married and romantic partnerships. And we may be drawn to people we really 'feel for'. Be aware of things like codependent love or friendship. Can we give without enabling or being taken advantage of? Do you and the other party have the same intentions or reasons for wanting to be together or walking this path at this time? It's also an opposition for resolving creative differences. Uranus and the Moon are in harmony which means things happen fast and that includes new solutions to existing issues. Sudden developments lead to the next step. Today's color is Pink.

Thursday~ Virgo Moon opposite Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces. Quite a few oppositions in the zodiac are indicating sorting out, trying to find balance and to compromise or agree to disagree. Review your expectations based on what you're coming up against or who you're in talks or terms with. The planets in Pisces want softening around emotions and qualities like peace and forgiveness. Virgo Moon has the mutable nature to work with that rather than against it, as long as it feels sensible. Maintain boundaries as necessary. Move and act according to what's good for both body and soul. Todays is sensual, sensitive, and a day for creating with the hands, channeling stress into beauty. The Moon and Pluto offer an introverted or inner focus and the Moon is void of course after their trine, from 2:11 pm to 4:46 pm ET. Libra Moon follows with harmony and partnering as core components of the next two days. Full Moon is approaching.  Wear Blue.

Friday~Libra Moon, and Mars entered Pisces at 11:06 pm ET on Thursday night. Mars is not very comfortable in emotional Pisces and we may have trouble with pent up anger or energy during the next several weeks. Emotional situations may cause discomfort, stress or overreaction. But today, Libra Moon lingers with a sense of desire to make things right, fair and collaborative. Notice if judgment creeps in and try to be objective. Use good sense, pros and cons, and make things equitable. Libra is partnership, dates, duos, inner conflict, yin/yang and reconciling opposites. The Full Moon time reflects that, and the Libra Full Moon is Saturday at 2:55 pm ET.

It is eclipse season, and the solar eclipse is two weeks away. This Full Moon foreshadows the next two eclipses which occur two weeks apart on April 30th and May 14th. Today's color is Lavender.

Saturday~ Full Moon in Libra, sign of marriage and business partnership, of the harmony and beauty found in music and dance, in sound, symmetry, and compatibility. Saturn and Pluto interact with the Moon  most closely, giving this Full Moon meditative quality and speaking to serious decisions and issues that may need to be contemplated with someone else, rather than alone. Consult with someone. try to be understanding for both yourself and others, since the tone is one of importance, a crossroad, and a need to choose a direction. Uncertainty is a Full Moon stumbling block this month. Can we find the right balance between uncertainty and action and really listen to the inner voice and the signs along the way, to not be impulsive or act without consideration, but also to not get stuck in complete indecision. Some will be deciding on their path together or apart. The Moon is void from5:57 to 8:53 pm ET and then moves to Scorpio. Our solar eclipse in two weeks is in Taurus and lunar in four weeks is in Scorpio. We maybe getting clues or ideas about how the eclipses will roll through and alter situations, force action and change, and transform current situations. IMPORTANCE is a word that comes to mind for this Libra Full Moon. Today's color is White. 

Spend solar eclipse in an aerial hammock with a live music dreamscape as JUST MILK joins me for ETHERIAL AERIAL at Leaping Waters in South Portland. No prior aerial experience required :) Come to rest, move, dance, and dream your way through the solar eclipse with our many windows and possibly open to the outdoor air, if the temperatures allow. Envision yourself in magical, supportive space and sound, cocooned in your hammock or moving to the music <3

RSVP $39 supports Tara Rook, JUST MILK music, a local artist, and my own studio space at 146 Ocean Street South Portland

I'll be there to guide you in every way.  

Happy Full Moon!


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