Saturday, January 1, 2022

New Moon in Capricorn 2022 & Daily Forecasts January 2nd-8th, 2022

Sunday~Happy New Year & New Moon at 1:33 pm EST.  New Moon in Capricorn puts extra emphasis on fresh starts related to organization, businesses, practical relationship decisions and conversations, and the physical body. Capricorn time tunes us in to the body’s condition and sensations. Notice what makes you feel better and what drags your energy down. This is a perfect time to restart your exercise routine as New Moon in Capricorn reminds us to keep the body awake. Capricorn rules the bones of the body, the whole skeletal system and in particular the knees which are about movement and stability. Uranus supports New Moon adding very different and unexpected possibilities, ideas and catalysts for change. Mercury and Venus are shining together for partnership decisions and agreements about what works for both of you. Forgiveness may be part of this new lunar cycle as we reach new understandings or compromises. Surprising developments and restructuring happen during this lunar cycle. Today's color is White.

Monday~Capricorn Moon meets both Venus and Pluto and harmonizes with Neptune in Pisces. We may respond in contemplative and imaginative ways, taking personal feelings and reflections and manifesting from them. It's a time to recognize emotions without letting them drown or overwhelm. It's a time to take what you know about yourself, soften the edges and make something new happen, for yourself and perhaps for your relationship. Void Moon 11:21 am to 5:44 pm EST, then the Moon exemplifies Aquarius traits of forward thinking and originality tonight. Get your thoughts together and share them with trusted colleagues or friends who could be part of the plan or team. Wear Turquoise.

Tuesday~ Today looks sort of intense, activated and important with Aquarius Moon squaring Uranus, planet of radical change. The square could indicate change being challenging or even blocked by someone or something else. Notice if you're being inflexible or holding on tightly when it's time for a shift. Saturn and Mars interact with the Moon and each in their own way adds intensity. Find ways to cope with overwhelm if it happens. Try not to be pushed into something you don't want or feel unsure about. The push may be on. There are plenty of positive planetary aspects this week. Wait for your moment and hold your boundaries with anyone coercing you. Void Moon from 7:45 pm EST. Keep things cool and detached as needed tonight. Today's color is Black.

Wednesday~Aquarius Moon conjunct to lucky, wise Jupiter in Pisces tonight. Take your time and invite positivity and possibility. Venus and Neptune are the planets of romance and they align today. Blend vision with practical action, on the behalf of your partner as well as your self. The Moon moves to Pisces at 7:17 pm after almost 24 hours void of course. Those hours are for procrastinating, buying time, hanging out with no definite goal, and maybe disappearing in some way, for a while. Do your own thing and emerge tonight filled with the felt sense of your heart's desire and wish. Jupiter helps bring it to life, with knowledge and growth in mind. Wear Green.

Thursday~Pisces Moon as we ride the upswing of Sunday's New Moon. Uranus and the Sun align with the Moon adding energy, vitality, and spontaneous decisions. Its actually overnight that the Moon and Capricorn Sun are in harmony. This helps us resolve inner conflict and bring mind and hear together. Be creative and practical at once. Today's color is Blue.

Friday~A very busy Pisces Moon stays centered in feelings while taking action. The Moon's softer aspects are to Venus and Pluto reminding us to take all into consideration and not be too self indulgent. What works for both of you or everyone involved while keeping your priorities in place? The Moon aligns with the Sun at 12:41 am EST and squares Mars in Sagittarius too. Fire and water may clash, and something too bold or too diluted will need tempering. Neptune and the Moon have their monthly romantic, creative meeting in Pisces. Allow for feelings and dreams, have compassion, and keep things real at the same time. Void Moon 5:23 pm EST for a quiet or creative, mellower evening. Today's color is Light blue.

Saturday~Aries Moon ends void of course time at 12:26 am EST. Things will be acted on and decided as the Moon aligns with Mercury in Capricorn. Have the conversation and do something about it too. The Sun and Venus also meet in Capricorn for optimistic decisions and reorganization. Today is about moving on with/from things with confidence and a plan. Wear Red.

Robin's Zodiac Zone now on Mondays 10:30-12 noon

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Restorative Yoga Training February 19th/20th in South Portland, Maine

Aerial, Yin and other classes weekly Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday

Virtual options Wednesday through Breathing Room, my studio partner

Happy 2022!


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