Friday, November 5, 2021

Mercury & Mars in Scorpio ~ November 7th-13th, 2021

Sunday~ The Moon aligns with Jupiter at 8:44 am EST, favoring travel, study, and opening our minds and vision. Following that, the Moon is void of course transitioning between Sagittarius and Capricorn until 8:03 pm EST. It's a day to hang out, chill out, maybe study or write in a non forced or rushed way, and explore options and ideas. Go hiking and take in nature's benefits. Reset today. Capricorn Moon arrives and meets Venus, newly in that sign, overnight tonight. Enter a new week with focus on practical partnership matters and decisions about what's sensible for both of you. Today's color is Green.

Monday~ Capricorn Moon meets Venus, aligns with Mercury and Mars in Scorpio, and forms a trine with catalyst planet Uranus at 4:48 pm EST. Some effects include deciding together, working well together, getting things accomplished, having a sensible work ethic perhaps with a bit of extra Scorpio focus, and then finally, responding to an unexpected variable or needing to quickly resolve something. Stay focused on what matters or is pressing. Today's color is Gray.

Tuesday~ Capricorn Moon in harmony with Scorpio Sun, Neptune in Pisces, and then in conjunction with Pluto. Capricorn Scorpio combination are strong for focus, organization and single minded-ness. Sometimes this doesn't allow for expression of feelings or much flexibility. The Neptune effects helps us not to lose imagination, faith or compassion. You might get a lot of work done. You may feel dismissed or act in that way to someone or about something. Can we stay in touch with sensitivity while feeling we need to be 'on a roll'? From 12:51 pm to 10:03 pm EST, the Moon is void of course. Unwind when the time is right. Come back to the present moment and be yourself. Aquarius Moon follows. Today's color is Blue. 

Wednesday~ Mercury and Mars meets in Scorpio on this Aquarius Moon day. Both signs are fixed. We're likely to act and decide emotionally and express strong opinion or conviction. Mercury squares Saturn which instigates conversation, and the key is to not let it become combative and derogatory. Mars squares Saturn too. If we're angry or depressed about something we'll hit those edges and walls today. There are other squares involving the Moon on this challenging day. Look for these things to help navigate~places to yield, choosing only battles 100% worth your energy, what benefits the whole group. Today's color is Black.

Thursday~ Aquarius Moon goes on to square the Sun in Scorpio after all of yesterday's square action. Squares are when you meet the edge, go into inner or external conflict, or experience stress. Importantly, we do need some stress in order to progress. This square could lead to resolution if the effort is given, negotiations can be done reasonably, and we don't immerse deep into emotions only. On the other side, it's important not to lose feeling or dismiss emotions. Can you find that balance in what needs to be agreed on or taken care of? Growth and inventiveness are favored. Maybe things don't have to one extreme or the other and there is middle ground. Aquarius Moon favorably meets Jupiter for opening the mind and options, at 2:52 pm EST and is then void of course until Friday in the wee hours. Today's color is Turquoise.

Friday~ Pisces Moon until Sunday morning. The change occurs at 2:54 am EST. Scorpio Sun forms a trine to Neptune for creativity, imagination, dreams, and intuition. Venus, Mars and Mercury are also in harmony with the Pisces Moon. It's a water sign day highlighting, yet softening, feelings, emotions, personal reasons, and caring. Create comfort and ease for yourself or someone else. Delve into creative projects that feel inspired or healing. Read your cards and meditate for a while. Go into the active dream zone. Today's color is Light Blue.

Saturday~ Uranus aligns with the Moon yet opposes Mercury in Scorpio.. This may lead to some unforeseen opposition or situation that will require response. Uranus has been very active for several days now, back into last week's New Moon time. It may make things feel rocky or unstable. The Moon aligns with the Sun, Mercury and meets Neptune (not in that order). Sensitivities rule the day. Some will need alone time, a good cry, or just gentle reassurance.  Keep things chill, as much as is possible. Today's color is Light Green, for the heart. 

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