Thursday, September 23, 2021

Mercury Retrograde in Libra 2021& Daily Forecasts

Tarot and Intuitive Guided Reading Practice

October 17th, 24th & November 7th at Leaping Waters Studio in South Portland 

$70 for 2 sessions or $90 for all 3

Sign up at where all the other info is!

Sunday~Mercury retrograde begins at 10:10 pm Pacific time and 1:10 am EST on Monday. Don't let the hours before that trip you up though. Mercury retrograde has been influencing the last several days. Have you noticed? Today, the Moon is in Gemini, one of Mercury's home signs. On the up side, people may reconnect. On the downside, people may resurface. Same thing, right? Saturn and Mars play with the Moon today and people energy is a big part of this. Unfinished business is resurfacing too, for resolution. Overdue action, like getting placed in that job that is truly yours, or named to a position you've already been doing, may also happen now. Redistribute something like resources or attention fairly. Today's color is Yellow.

Monday~Mercury is retrograde and the Moon moves through Gemini today. The Moon square Neptune may add to feelings of scattered, all over the place energy or lack of focus. Imaginative tasks may proceed more smoothly than technical work. Jupiter retrograde is in harmony with the Moon. This may result in groups gathering or making plans together, and that includes groups that haven't met in a long time. Expansion plans will be proposed and brought up for discussion. If your mind is overly full, be extra careful with details since we may feel a little bit off. Today's color is Light blue.

Tuesday~ I'm doing a radio show on WMPG again today, 3 pm-5 pm with Robin's Zodiac Zone commentary and forecasts and some mercury retrograde type songs, and new ones. Stream the website, download the free app or listen in southern Maine at 90.9 FM. 

Gemini Moon and Mercury retrograde in Libra team up overnight. Last night or this morning this means reconnections with people. And it also may mean indecision. For some thing it's best to wait it out until you feel clear. Void Moon overnight 12:18 am EST to 9:34 am EST. This can mean a slow or disorganized start to the day. If you're lucky, you can give yourself plenty of leisurely time to ease into this day. Maybe that includes something other than work and hurry. Cancer Moon arrives and is square to the Sun. Libra and Cancer are quite different from each other. Conflicts or misunderstandings can rise from one person seeing things objectively and another being more subjective or emotionally driven. Also, we can feel this inside, like two minds in one human. Sit with inner conflict, avoiding any rush. Cancer Moon is a fine time to clean the house, cook, and organize for the fall season. Just be careful you don't lose things while cleaning and organizing. Wear White.

Wednesday~Cancer Moon squares Mars before daybreak. This can make one cranky or simply not feel really good. Try not to push anything. Short fuses and emotional scenes could happen this morning. Or some will feel out of sorts without knowing why. Uranus also aligns with the Moon. That feels tricky, kind of sudden, rushes of feeling, tantrums or tears. It may not happen to you, but the scene is set up for anything of that nature to be triggered. On the other hand, Venus is in harmony with Neptune and that leans toward romance, creativity, and use of color and design. Making music is also favored. Dive into your art form today. Channel 'weird' out of sorts feelings into something beautiful. Libra Sun aligns with Saturn which may result in progress that feels fair and business-like. Today's color is Blue.

Thursday~Cancer Moon with 4 different planetary connections means a varied and possibly confusing day. The earliest hours appear easier with Venus and Neptune syncing from the other two waters signs. This may benefit our emotional lives, relationship harmony, and creative endeavors. Later, Pluto is opposite the Moon for that sense of anxiety, confusion or second guessing. Go easy on yourself. Stay self aware, particularly in communication, written or spoken. Mercury retro in Libra squares the Cancer Moon. Choose words carefully. Void Moon 10:49 am EST to 8:53 pm which also means we may lose track, speak out of turn, or slip up somehow. It'd make a nicer vacation day. People may need some space, yet some will call out for attention. It may be hard to know exactly what is the best approach. Wear Purple for the oncoming Leo Moon time. 

Friday~October 1st is here, and the Moon is in Leo, opposite Saturn this morning. Saturn asks us to learn, master, and take responsibility. One of the themes is roles and whether we want to accept roles & responsibilities or whether it's time to cut ties with a role, such as a job or other position. There may be debate or back and forth about this. Mercury retrograde is square to Pluto. Consider and reflect before speaking. Notice your true feelings or realizations even if it's not time yet to act on that. 

It's a social day too, as the Moon and Sun align in extroverted signs. There are other aspects today and tonight, but primarily keep this in mind: Be Fair. Act with not only yourself in mind. And be ready to think on your feet and spontaneously help. Today's color is Gold.

Saturday~Leo Moon in harmony with Mercury retrograde creates the conditions for reunions, going back to fun activities or places you love. The Moon is also opposite Jupiter, a planet that will turn direct soon, but is retrograde in Aquarius now. Reconvening with groups or around technological upgrades, and how or whether to make them, are other possible effects. Tonight Venus and the Moon form an interesting square which can bring out the best or worst. It's passionate and strong willed. Strong personalities could collide, or could co-create something really great, with cooperation. Void Moon 7:43 pm EST until 4:38 am EST Sunday. Today's color is dark Red.

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