Sunday: Aquarius to Pisces Moon, just past full and beginning to wane. Emotional releases are likely. If tears need to come, let them flow, whether happy or sad. Mercury spends a couple of more days in Cancer, the zodiac's most directly emotional sign. Conversations are filled with heart and soul as Mercury opposes Pluto. Some things will need airing out. Aquarius Moon opposes Mars which could result in angry or insensitive actions, so aim for a compassionate approach to counteract that. The Moon is void from 7:14 pm to 11:30 pm EST and then moves to Pisces, almost immediately meeting Jupiter for emotional healing and reassurance. Today's color is Light Blue.
Monday: Pisces Moon opposite Venus in Virgo. Polarity in our feelings and relationships is today's most prevalent theme. Combine your emotional and practical traits. Add some sense and tangible action to your dreams to manifest a result or product. It feels like a day for photographers to capture beauty and for lovers and partners to act with feeling and sensitivity. Venus in Virgo has an eye for detail and can also be very selective or even critical. Perfectionism arises. Yet sometimes perfection can be found in perceived flaws. This may relate to our partners or best friends. Their shortcomings or flaws may be part of their character. Try to avoid wanting to change people. Having said that, recognize your right to remove yourself from unhealthy relationships. Are you focusing on the small things that matter only a little bit? Or are you aware of unhealthy demands or criticism coming from someone you're in partnership with. If that's the case, what is your next best action or decision. Today's color is Pink.
Tuesday: Mercury moves to Leo today. This is a positive for parties, playfulness, invitations, and self expression in the next few weeks. It's an authentic and strong place for the communication planet. Leo tends to be direct and verbal, creative and demonstrative. Mercury adds to that influence while in the Sun's home sign. The Moon is in Pisces, aligned with Pluto and Uranus in earth signs, and in conjunction with Neptune. There's a dreamy and also spontaneous feel to this. We may do things on a whim or change course with the wind. Whether it's a day off to enjoy or a business day with plans, it's a day for flexibility and finding the flow (rather than fighting it). Surprises may come from outside us, from other people or from within our own attitudes and feelings. Void Moon 9:13 pm until 5:58 am EST. Sweet dreams. Wear Blue.
Wednesday: Aries Moon enters at 5:58 am EST, increasing the fire element. Aries is an action oriented place for the Moon. The Moon and Mercury in Leo activate decisions, self expression, and even confrontation. Some will feel adventurous, some will feel determined. The Sun gets involved, forming a trine to the Moon which is generally positive, very outgoing, and can add to courage and confidence. If something has been lingering and waited to be acted on, this may be the day. Jupiter retrograde shifts back into Aquarius and could lead us toward unfinished business, especially in the form of group work, re-inventing and refining, and reviewing our roles in groups. Education decisions may also come up for review. Today's color is Orange.
Thursday: Aries Moon aligns with Saturn overnight for wise decisions. Saturn is retrograde leading to unfinished business and decisions that were previously not well timed or resolved. Aries is really saying act on things, and even cut ties that are inappropriately binding, this week. The Moon is waning for letting go and moving on. Pending break ups are ripe for release. Mars is opposite Jupiter, in Leo and Aquarius, related to groups, crowds, and even places we go to play and have fun. Be extra careful in all these places since Mars is assertive and confrontational. Mars opposite Jupiter may also initiate actions related to travel, cultural initiatives, education such as university and advanced programs. You may experience this as a wellspring of energy and motivation to carry you forward into new or developing pursuits. Things could get competitive this week. Try not to over or under estimate yourself or your competitor. Balanced exertion, effort and perspective is called for today and all week long. Mars moves to Virgo after this aspect. Today's color is Red.
Friday: Jupiter is back in Aquarius, Mercury has been in Leo for a few days, and Mars moved to Virgo yesterday. These shifts in energy can land us 'in a different place' such as a change of opinion, a transitional time, engaged in an experiment, or realizing what's best after a time of uncertainty. Aries Moon squares Pluto, asking for that real feeling and right action, from within. Check in with, and try not to fight, your own wisdom. Is something overpowering what you know is right and reasonable? If so, why and might you want to interrupt that power? I sense cord cutting here. The Moon and Jupiter are in harmony for projects, plans and inventive solutions or creations. Void Moon 3:38 pm to 4:06 pm EST and the Moon enters Taurus, aligns with Mars, and gets us grounded in tangible actions and steps. Do one productive, positive things with this Taurus/Virgo aspect. Feel some sort of progress. Today's color is Yellow.
Saturday: This Taurus Moon time is filled with squares and they bring up challenges. Mercury, the Sun (both in Leo) and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius are all squaring the Moon. So how we feel and what we must do could be in contrast. All are in fixed signs, resulting in stubbornness. This can be positive if you must stand your ground and not give in to other forces. It can be problematic is what we must do is yield and give in to something for the greater good or for our own highest potential. What are your hanging or holding onto and is that for your benefit or is it an ego issue? Where are you stuck in relationship to someone else to to your job, and what could soften that? These challenges and how we meet them are also what leads to growth. Fortunately, the Moon and Venus harmonize for romance, for creating beauty, and for bringing out the best in our personal relationships. The Moon and Uranus have their sometimes enlightening, often jarring, meeting in Taurus tonight. Steady does it. Wear Lavender.
Sunday (August 1st): This one snuck in here so someone needs to see it early!
The Sun & Mercury meet in Leo for a very social day, excellent for performances, concerts and plays, rehearsals, and other forms of expression. It's a good day for an honest, positive talk. Mercury is opposite Saturn so some topics will have gravity and involve mature decisions. Back everything with heart. The Moon is in Taurus, aligned with Neptune in Pisces for an earth centered day as well. Connect with the land and water and bask in the glory of summer. Finally, Taurus Moon syncs with Pluto in Capricorn for a realistic view of oneself. This is a reminder not to bypass your own feelings and needs. Today's color is Green.
My studio space is opening on Sundays & Wednesdays, August 15th week when the Moon is between New & Full! Open House is August 22nd during Full Moon. Please bring vaccination card or a photo of it with your name visible for any event, class or visit. for info (the site is in temporary format but all the info is there)
All Sunday workshops, trainings and events have facebook visibility
To sign up for a workshop email
Find instagram/leapingwaters and follow along. Videos, photos & possibly something inspiring for you.
Peace, friends
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