Leo New Moon arrives on Sunday, August 8th!
Sunday, August 1st: The Sun & Mercury meet in Leo for a very social day, excellent for performances, concerts and plays, rehearsals, and other forms of expression. It's a good day for an honest, positive talk. Mercury is opposite Saturn so some topics will have gravity and involve mature decisions. Back everything with heart. The Moon is in Taurus, aligned with Neptune in Pisces for an earth centered day as well. Connect with the land and water and bask in the glory of summer. Finally, Taurus Moon syncs with Pluto in Capricorn for a realistic view of oneself. This is a reminder not to bypass your own feelings and needs. Today's color is Green.
Monday: The Sun is opposite Saturn. Our roles and responsibilities are up for discussion or renegotiating, especially in groups we belong to or places of employment. Take appropriate action rather than toughing it out or harboring hard feelings that eventually need an outlet. Taurus Moon squares Jupiter before the Moon changes signs at 4:46 am EST. Void Moon 3:41 am EST to 4:46 am. Gemini Moon then squares Mars. Those potentially unpleasant squares point out what's difficult to resolve, stuck and unyielding. Decide what's worth confronting and dealing with. Wear Yellow.
Tuesday: Gemini Moon aligns with Saturn, the Sun & Mercury. People may be more receptive or expressive, making it easier to share ideas, negotiate or find agreement. Since Gemini Moon is square to Venus, that may be more true in the professional areas than in personal relationships. If your love life and relationship feel a little off or out of balance today, that may be the Moon and Venus showing areas of disagreement or different needs. Venus is in Virgo, a sort of perfectionistic place for the love planet. Try not to be overly judgmental or critical of the one you love. Acknowledge differences and find a place of consensus. There could also be some love at first sight and other instant connections as Venus and Uranus align in earth centered Virgo and Taurus. Share ideas, hopes and possibilities with one another today. Wear Pink.
Wednesday: Gemini Moon for tying up loose ends as we move toward New Moon. Is there something to complete or someone to connect with before Sunday and a fresh lunar cycle? Energy may be scattered and people may not show up as planned. Do what you can with what you have while the Moon is in this versatile sign. The Moon aligns with Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius and this may facilitate getting reconnected with people for work and other collaborative projects. From 3:38 to 5:17 pm EST, the Moon is void of course. Cancer Moon moves in for family oriented times and business for the next couple of days. Plan an easygoing evening. Wear Light Blue.
Thursday: Cancer Moon in harmony with Mars in Virgo. These two signs often work well together and may be a sign of things coming together, making some progress, and blending creative, emotional and practical sensibilities. The Moon aligns with Uranus much later, for spontaneous occurrences or decisions and for quick problem solving tonight. Wear Blue.
Friday: New Moon in Leo is on Sunday, and Uranus energy powers that New Moon. Unexpected surprises, originality and rebelliousness are some effects due with New Moon. Cancer Moon today supported by Venus & Neptune, and also opposite Pluto. It's a mix of influences and may be helpful in personal interactions and creative endeavors. Internally we may wrestle with our feelings, with trauma that surfaces and with our pasts or our families. The Sun is square to Uranus, foreshadowing feelings or events related to New Moon. You may get word/news of something that shapes your decisions and initiations next week. The reason for your next actions pops up now, showing the way to proceed. Cancer Moon void of course 6:12 pm to 3:31 am EST. Keep tonight simple. Today's color is Black.
Saturday: The Moon moves to Leo at 3:31 am EST and it's clear sailing with no aspects until 9:50 pm EST. Have a Leo day with pleasure, relaxation, recreation, or shopping. Later, the Moon opposes Saturn and brings up a theme from early this week, related to our roles and responsibilities to one another, in larger groups, and maybe even with people we don't know. Saturn has to do with rules, limitations, restrictions, and doing the right thing. This could initiate more covid19 related business around mask wearing, vaccine mandates and other such things related to safety, health and regulation. Other matters include how to be authentic and still be part of a group, how to participate in your own best interests and for the good of all. Today is also a traditional time to reflect and plan, as New Moon arrives in the morning. Wear Gold.
New Moon in Leo at 9:50 am Sunday, with a square to Uranus in Taurus. More in next week's forecast! Sunday's color is White.
Leaping Waters, Aerial & Support Yoga begins on August 15th at 146 Ocean Street in South Portland
See www.leapingwatersyoga.com for more information or email me at leapingwatersyoga@gmail.com
October 3rd 4-6 pm is filling up now. RSVP to the email above.
BUTI Yoga & Chakra Love with Heather Laffely September 19th in the studio 12-2 pm. Sweat with intention in this movement based session! RSVP to reserve space.
All events require Covid19 vaccination proof.
Be well!