Friday, March 12, 2021

New Moon in Pisces & Spring Equinox, Daily Forecasts & Colors

 March 14-20th, 2021 Astrology for Spring Equinox

On March 21st, I'm offering a Spring Equinox Yoga Nidra through Breathing Room studio, virtually.

Join me from home, wherever you are, and move through the emotions, residual feelings and thoughts of the past year. Meet yourself as you are in this moment, welcoming everything. Yoga nidra is a meditative, restorative practice. Make yourself comfortable and follow by listening.

Sign up at Also you'll get a recording later that night, so you can practice twice if you want.

My regular schedule is Monday Yin/Yang Yoga 9-10am EST

Wednesday Gentle & Restore 8-9 am and Thursday Flow & Restore 5:30-6:45 pm both through

Happy Spring! You've been through a lot. Acknowledge all the ways you've coped and all the ways you contribute to the world and the well being of others including the earth itself. How can you be part of the continued healing and recovering as we move into a new season? 

Change the clocks that don't change themselves. Daylight Savings Time is on as of Sunday. Spring forward an hour overnight.


Sunday: After Saturday's New Moon, the progress and movement is likely to be palpable with Mars in harmony with Aries Moon. The vibe is active, dynamic, and outgoing. Later, the Moon is in harmony with Saturn, helping with vision and decisions of a serious, committed nature. Orange is today's color. 

Monday: Aries Moon aligns happily with Jupiter, encouraging us to open to new opportunities and also to take active steps toward goals. This may include becoming part of a group, exploring and experimenting, and thinking bigger. Later in the evening, the Moon squares Pluto and you may contemplate your place in the world, what you want next and whether you're ready for change or not. Meanwhile, Mercury moves from Aquarius to Pisces, a contemplative and emotional place for our communication planet. Connect with the ones you love during the next few weeks to soothe Mercury's need for feeling. Write poetry or music, or discover something new that speaks to your soul. Void Moon begins 11:40 pm EST. Wear Red.

Tuesday: At 6:56 am EDT, the Moon enters Taurus. Taurus Moon in harmony with Mercury draws us to comfort including the comfort of a loved ones embrace or the familiar voice on the phone or video chat. Draw upon your resources and relationships as you build a sense of security and ground in the present time. Things are changing and it could feel both rapid and slow, either or both. Taurus Moon reminds us of small, meaningful steps rather than quick, rushed ones. Step outside and see how it feels with feet firmly planted. Decisions and actions will have emotional tone during Mercury's time in Pisces. Pisces Sun aligns with Pluto in Capricorn, feeling cautiously optimistic and deeply in tune with self and nature. Light Blue is today's color. 

Wednesday: Taurus Moon squares Saturn in Aquarius, adding an air of gravity and importance to business and decisions. We may grapple with facts and stand in inner or external conflict in the process. WE must decide when to firmly hold our ground and our convictions and when to yield. That is today's theme and question. Tomorrow may bring more answers and openings. Green is today's color.

Thursday: Taurus Moon squares Jupiter. What will you do about that possibility or opportunity? How will you be part of a group-as a stubborn, unyielding personality or a thoughtful compromiser who helps make important things happen? Taurus favors persistence and Jupiter favors expansion and broad perspective. The Moon goes on to align in harmony with Neptune, Venus, Pluto and the Sun giving the go ahead, the green light, and the love and meaningfulness to back well intended actions. Reach out, give, connect, take care. Void Moon from 4:40 pm to 7:47 pm EDT. Celebrate something offered or accomplished. Gemini Moon enters at 7:47 pm EST and acts until Sunday morning. Today's color is Pink.

Friday: Gemini Moon squares Mercury. This leads to indecisiveness or what feels like too much or too little information. Mars and the Moon meet to override that and encourage action, communication, and intellectual stimulation. Learn or act on something novel. Saturn is the final planet to engage with the Moon today. People and interactions strongly influence in the form of a little push, or a cooperative effort. Align with wisdom and experience. Wear Yellow. 

Saturday: Spring Equinox happens at 5:37 am EDT as the Sun moves to Aries. Gemini Moon continues through today and into early Sunday. Jupiter's influence opens us to people and experiences, team efforts, and future vision. The Moon squares Neptune challenging us to blend our left and right brain activity, to be imaginative in an intelligent way, to feel the magic and realize it's also science. It's International Astrology Day too. Today's color is Blue.

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