Friday, March 26, 2021

Full Moon in Libra March 28th-April 3rd, 2021

Sunday: The Moon is Full in Libra at 2:48 pm EST. This Full Moon highlights love, couples, and partnership, along with fairness and compromise. Venus is across from the Moon, encouraging harmony, romance, and willingness to really hear each other and be equal, contributing partners. Relationship related announcements are likely. Decisions and commitments made finally be made with input from and consideration of significant others as the Moon aligns with Saturn. Find balance between 'me' and 'we' without going too far in either direction. Focus on what's accomplished and fully realized together. If this doesn't seem to apply, honor and respect the rights of others to intertwine their lives and decisions. This is a Full Moon of mutual respect. Anything that goes against that will come up for strong re-evaluation and restructuring. Today's color is White. 

Monday: Libra Moon in harmony with Mars in Gemini and Jupiter in Aquarius means using out intelligence to navigate the tail end of Full Moon time. Do your research. Sort through ideas. Get a group together to forward a plan. This is a time for getting together, cooperating and sharing useful information or plans. With a lot swirling in your mind, don't forget to move and take care of your body. Dance and be expressive. Shake too much thinking off and out with movement. Libra is a sign of music and dance. Mars in Gemini is expressive with the hands and arms. With Moon and these planets in the sign of air, also take time to focus on your breath. Add short meditations and stretch breaks to break up mental intensity. Void Moon at 8:08 pm EST until 1:33 am. Wear Lavender.

Tuesday: Scorpio Moon adds weight to whatever is coming up now. The Moon and Uranus have their monthly opposition. It can be shaky or feel like rough terrain. The Moon is waning and in some cases, there could be a crumbling type fallout. What may be scrapped or destroyed can re-emerge in new form when it's time. Give yourself time if this is the case. This may be a day of letting go, while trying still to hold on tightly. Notice intuitive insights surrounding any of this. Venus meets Saturn in Aries, and this part of the outlook is more about committing to beginnings. These beginnings are serious and may feel like carving out a path no one has traveled before (even if that's not entirely true, it may feel that way). The Moon also squares Saturn. Today may feel like climbing a mountain, exerting much effort. Take breaks. Know when enough has been done. Wear Indigo. 

Wednesday: Scorpio Moon aligns with Neptune in Pisces, softening into emotions and feelings after yesterday's effort or seriousness. Invite more ease and notice ways that becomes available. Jupiter is square to the Moon for team efforts in designing something that requires problem solving or inventing. Mercury in harmony with the Moon helps us communicate well and take an understanding or compassionate approach. The Sun aligns with Saturn for getting things decided and started. Void Moon 8:29 pm EST as the Moon aligns with Pluto initiating voc time. This lends to reflection, privacy, intimacy and quiet for the rest of the night. Sagittarius Moon moves in at 1:59 am EST, 10:59 pm Pacific time. Today's color is Purple. 

Thursday: Sagittarius Moon acts with The Sun and planets in air and fire signs for the next two days. Energy may rise as we open our minds to plans and ways to follow our dreams. Education may be in the spotlight through college acceptances and other new plans. The Moon and Saturn work together for group endeavors. Today's color is Orange.

Friday: Sag Moon in harmony with Venus and Jupiter favors expansion and travel plans. Big ideas come up for action or strong consideration. Working with partners and groups is favored. The Moon is opposite Mars and this can lead to strong disagreements also. Philosophies and approaches may be challenged by those with opposing ideas. Information and opinions may be scattered or pushed on us. Try not to rush as the Moon squares Neptune and this can cloud good judgment. It may be a message to slow down and take time to sort things out. Mercury has a similar message through alignment with Pluto, planet of mysteries, secrets and the shadow side. Sit with information, use your intuition, and act when you are truly ready. Journal, draw or meditate to slow down this week's active brainwaves. Today's color is Blue.

Saturday: Void Moon 1:24 am EST after a Mercury square. At 4:13 am EST, the Moon enters Capricorn. Our practical side may quickly emerge, and we'll need that as the Moon and Uranus align. As something shifts or changes, respond without too much reaction or impulsivity. Mercury changes signs at 11:41 pm EST, increasing changes of heart and mind all weekend long. Either information or the big picture may shift in an unforeseen way. Mercury in Aries will lead to initiating, acting on ideas, reinventing, and rising from the rubble in some cases. Get grounded and real under this Capricorn Moon. What needs your energy? What is the next step? Today's color is Black.

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