Friday, December 4, 2020

Astrology December 6th-12th, 2020

Sunday: Waning Moon in Leo is void of course from 5:30pm on Saturday until 2:46 pm EST today. Enjoy leisure time, fun and games, decorating for the holidays and simple, creative projects. Virgo Moon brings a more sensible work and study oriented feel to the rest of the afternoon and night. Organize and sort. Write papers and plans. Figure out finances. Today's color is Green.

Monday: Virgo Moon with a variety of planetary aspects, each with it's own vibe. Some favored actions include cleaning and rearranging. Communicate your needs and what you can offer clearly and avoid  misunderstandings or breaches of boundaries. Virgo is the sign of service to others. Volunteer or donate where you can. Stay grounded during two squares with Mercury and the Sun in Sagittarius. Lofty ideas need sensible steps. Question anything too idealistic or daydreamy. The present reality and short term solutions are where it's at during this Virgo Moon. Today's color is Brown.

Tuesday: Virgo Moon aligns with Venus, Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn. All of this is harmonious. We may feel more versatile, more flexible and easier to get along with. Finish projects and do productive thinking and problem solving as the Moon connects with 3 planets in Capricorn. This is meant to be a very realistic day with results to show for your efforts. Void Moon 5:35 pm to 7:01 pm EST for regrouping and checking in with one another. Notice if you're sticking with 'the plan' or the habit you are trying to form or break from.  Libra Moon tonight for looking at pros and cons and sharing information that could be helpful in decision making. Today's color is Lavender.

Wednesday: The Sagittarius Sun squares Neptune today. This challenges us to find courage and faith. You could experience this as lacking faith in yourself. Reach out to a source that supports you and brings a balanced and objective perspective.  Also, you could feel very compassionate and empathetic. Trust is in question, so do take care of and protect yourself if you're opening up to others and trying to help. Some people will be unrealistic and we may observe reliance on substances and altered states that prevent reasoning. This square may also give us attitudes about freedom and liberation, leading to unwise risk taking. Breathe with yourself and ground as you make decisions today. Libra Moon aligns with Mercury in Sagittarius late in the day at 4:13 pm EST. Communication and news come from distant places. People may reach out and get back in touch. Today's color is Blue.

Thursday: Libra Moon in harmony with the Sun helps open us to possibilities, creating space for vision and dreams and how they may take shape. It's also geared to adventures for two. The Moon is opposite Mars in Aries. This can stimulate difference and conflicts. How objective can you be? It may be an advantage to listen and save responses or debates for another time. That is also fueled by the Moon square to the famous trio of planets in Capricorn, making it hard to negotiate through strong differences. There is a productive aspect too, but it requires lots of patience, balanced communication and willingness to compromise. Venus sextile Pluto enlightens us around self and relationship and how our feelings and past experiences are influencing our relationships. Cut cords gently and establish safety and trust within. Try not to overextend, over communicate or overreach if you're starting a relationship. Take care of you first. Share only with those who have proven their trust and loyalty. Void Moon 7:56 pm to 8:59 pm EST when the Moon enters Scorpio. Today's color is Indigo. 

Friday: Sagittarius Sun aligns with Mars in Aries. This fire energy leads to getting things done, even things that were put off or lacked inspiration. We could wake up with lots of energy. There's also a feeling of wanting to travel, change things up, and find some excitement. This year calls for some different ways of celebrating, and today the Sun inspires exactly that. Mars also encourages action and newness. The Moon, on the other hand, opposes Uranus in Taurus. This may continue relationship and emotional matters that arose during Full Moon and just prior to that eclipse after Thanksgiving. Notice any emotional ties to November 25th-December 2nd. The Moon relates to our feelings and inner responses as well as to intuition. Uranus shakes things up and asks that we not assume anything. Today contains activation and maybe surprises. The surprises may come from within yourself. Wear dark Red.

Saturday: Scorpio Moon and we are heading for New Moon and solar eclipse on Monday morning. This may come through as motivation and drive. The Moon gives focus and on the extreme end, obsession. The Moon and Neptune align creatively and intuitively at 2:35 am EST. Pluto and Jupiter are in harmony with the Moon to assist financial decisions and handling of emotions. Detaching a bit could be helpful to problem solving or seeing what stuff is not really yours. Let others find their way if what you're trying to do just isn't helping or changing anything. Difficult decisions and tasks may be handled or approached today. Void Moon begins at 8:58 pm EST as the Moon aligns with Saturn for a final burst or word around money, responsibility, action and whatever needs to be done and attended to. This requires and inspires wisdom and discourages anything frivolous or idealistic. The Moon moves to Sagittarius at 9:39 pm EST and we are truly on our way toward the solar eclipse and a very interesting and dynamic rest of the month. Today's color is Purple.

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