Thursday, February 6, 2020

February 9th to 15th, 2020: Full Moon, Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde is set to begin on the 16th, and almost for certain we'll feel that this week or realize later on that events and actions of now will have retro type effects later, for example in March. On Sunday the 9th, Leo Full Moon illuminates the sky. And that is how our week begins!

Sunday: Full Moon in Leo at 2:33 am EST acts powerfully with Mars in Sagittarius. This fire Full Moon brings action and movement such as long term decisions and changes. Leo is a fixed sign, so it's a good idea to feel very sure of what you're committing to. Things decided now may be challenging to reverse. Physical attractions will feel powerful. Bravery and courage are traits of this Moon time. Void Moon 11:08 am to 6:39 pm EST and then in Virgo with an earth shaking trine to Uranus. Hope for a good surprise! Today's color is White.

Monday: Virgo Moon opposite Mercury and Neptune and trine to Jupiter. Plans will be made and adjusted. Different opinions and agendas will need consideration. Feelings could be easily hurt and sensitivity is at a high point in the wake of Full Moon. Jupiter in Capricorn reminds us to be practical even with major decisions and plans. Today's color is Brown.

Tuesday: Virgo Moon void from 1:26 to 6:37 pm EST. Commitments and promises are best made before this void time begins. Allow for some flexibility with everything as we approach Mercury's retrograde when adjustments tend to be necessary. This looks like a serious business like day as the Moon aligns with Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn. Wisdom and reflection are called for. Judgment calls are best made conservatively. The Moon squares Mars in Sagittarius which can be bold and impulsive with actions. This may be experienced as a conflict between sensible/cautious and risk taking personalities. Libra Moon moves in at 6:37 pm EST and opposes Venus overnight. Relationship differences are in the forefront. Wear Lavender.

Wednesday: Libra Moon opposes Venus and squares Jupiter in Capricorn. Very different and in some instances conflicted perspectives will be evident. Partners seek compromise. Workplace matters may be hard to resolve both practically and fairly. What one sees as fair, another may see as impossible or impractical. Negotiations and mediations may result in stalemate or be pushed to another date. Today's color is Pink.

Thursday: Libra Moon squares Saturn and Pluto and is in harmony with Mars and the Sun. In business matters, detachment and objectivity help to take the emotion out of necessary decisions. This goes for personal business too. There's a sense of 'do what you have to do'. The Moon aligning with Mars and the Sun may increase optimism, willingness and readiness. Think out of the box and beyond the options you've considered because the answer or option may  be something new or that unlikely or far reach possibility. Void Moon 4:40 to 7:37 pm EST and the Moon shifts to Scorpio then opposes Uranus late night. Be careful who and how you interact tonight. Wear Black.

Friday: Valentines Day with  passionate, provocative Scorpio Moon and deep shades of Red for today's color. Uranus opposes the Moon at 12:54 am, and there's hardly a way to predict the effects except to say be cautious about how you let your guard down. Protect your privacy and drive carefully. Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune sync with this Scorpio Moon and that's good for romance, intimate conversations, creativity, sensible investments and action around goals. Do keep in mind how close we are to Mercury retrograde and it's good to keep some wiggle room in commitments made now. Today's color is Maroon.

Saturday: Scorpio Moon aligns with Pluto and Saturn and squares the Aquarius Sun. There's intensity in the air. Everything holds great power and weight. Our deepest fears or other emotions may be stirred or challenged. The fixed sign energy of Moon and Sun mean we may not yield easily and that persistence can be expected. It will be difficult to change an opinion or plan. Try to be sensitive to others as disappointment isn't likely to be taken well. Wear Indigo.

Thank you, and Happy Valentine's Day and Full Moon! Wishing you Love and Good News during this interesting and potentially intense week!

Appreciation, Thank You

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