Sunday: Happy Groundhog Day! This often feels like a turning point in winter falling between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. The Moon is in Taurus aligned in harmony with 4 planets including Venus in Pisces. There's a warmth to this, leading to creativity, romance and nesting. You may also feel strong resolve and acknowledge or work on a goal as planets in Capricorn align with the Moon. Today's color is Green.
Monday: Hail the one minute void of course Moon from 6:28 to 6:29 am EST and without skipping a beat and hopefully not in a quick confrontation as Mercury squares the Moon, Gemini Moon time begins and Mercury then shifts to Pisces almost immediately, at 6:37 am EST. So Mercury sets us up for a communicative day, one filled with news, instructions, and interaction. Mercury is Gemini's planet too, increasing the influence. Some people will not be able to stop or be quiet, and some will wish for more time to think before responding. Venus and Saturn align and lead to relationship or partnership agreements and decisions. The two planets balance each other out for fair, heartfelt, yet realistic actions. Today's color is Pink.
Tuesday: It's an interesting day as Gemini Moon aligns with the Sun for self expression and answers while Neptune is square to the Moon bringing up questions and curiosities. Mars opposes the Moon which can be argumentative and require us to consider wildly different perspectives. All of this will, in some cases, cause agitation or anxiety. Some will enjoy the energy and ever changing nature that is evident now. Remain centered and breathe well. Today's color is Yellow.
Wednesday: Gemini Moon void of course 9:20 am EST until 2:03 pm EST. These sometimes spacey hours are not the best for meetings or financial decisions, for example. Today Mercury and Uranus align and new news of a surprising nature is highly likely. Another possibility includes an unexpected, original idea to pursue. Gemini Moon squares Venus, which feels like what do we do next and how do WE go forward as partners, best friends or colleagues. Some irritability or indecisiveness may surround that. Mercury and Uranus could indicate the alternative solution or piece of information that neither of you thought of before. Uranus and Mercury both align with Cancer Moon too, increasing the likelihood of some out of the blue news, opportunity or answer. A wild card, wheel of fortune vibe resonates through the day and night. Wear Violet.
Thursday: Cancer Moon opposes Jupiter, encouraging the combination of softness and structure, yielding and remaining centered. How can you honor emotion and feelings while doing what needs to be done? Neptune aligns with the Moon for dreamers, shapeshifters, chameleons and lovers. Wear Light Blue.
Friday: Full Moon draws near. You may experience this as momentum or pressure, the build up to an event or a closure coming. Cancer Moon opposes the dynamic (sometimes depressing) duo of Saturn and Pluto. If you have trouble getting out of bed or feel overwhelmed, remind yourself that this is temporary. I predict more than the usual number taking sick days or mental health time or needing to. However, void Moon from 10:43 am to 5:45 pm EST leads us into Leo Moon zone which is more upbeat and energized. Maybe you get past a block or event that created stress of fear and ease into a fabulous weekend...Venus moves into Aries at 3:02 pm for revitalized energy and new love or interests. Leo Moon aligns with Venus at 5:59 pm EST. It's a great date night! Move and drive carefully as Uranus squares the Moon late night. Today's color is Orange.
Saturday: Leo Moon will be Full overnight into Sunday. It's an active, energized Full Moon. Even if endings come, there's also the vibe of beginning with Venus newly in Aries for life force and love life. Notice any sense of renewal or inspiration toward action as Mars is the supporting player for this Full Moon. Open to adventure and meditate upon the Sun and radiant energy. Today's color is Gold.
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Happy Full Moon from this Leo! Robin |
Thank You! Robin |