Sunday: Scorpio Moon time begins 12:58 am Eastern. Mars meets the Moon and opposes Uranus for stubborn conflicts. It is a day to use care and caution and take safety measures seriously. This is not a day for risk taking. Emotionally, the Mars Moon meeting could bring up resentment or anger also. On the positive side, Venus meets Jupiter in Sagittarius for open minds and hearts and abundance. Sagittarius and Leo may feel this in terms of luck and maybe gifts, while Aries might be leaving for exciting travels, and Scorpio could strike it rich while Pisces has an awesome career day. The Moon also meets Mercury for problem solving and long term planning and solutions. It's a powerful and potent day. Wear Red.
Monday: The day before New Moon is for reflection. A Mars/Uranus opposition yesterday could lead to more developments regarding sudden events as well as an anger hangover if conflict arises. Scorpio Moon is in harmony with planets in Capricorn and Pisces today so we look for resolution and more understanding. At 12:30 the Moon moves void of course until 3:11 am Eastern on Tuesday. The void Moon will be either confusing or relaxing depending on the circumstances. It may not be the best time for business, travel, or decisions including spending money. Venus moves to practical, methodical Capricorn at 7:28 pm and the weeks ahead are for sensible and rational relationship decisions. Taking some of the intense emotion out of situations could be helpful. Ease out of stubbornness. Wear Black.
Tuesday: Sagittarius Moon 3:11 am Eastern leads to New Moon as Moon and Sun meet at 10:06 am (or adjust to your time zone). The zodiac is free and clear of other aspects and there are no planets supporting or in direct conflict. Honesty, moving forward, opening to opportunities, people and places are all favored. If you need to make a decision or move on something, feel hesitation dissolve. Use your intuition and as always, do not be reckless so much as thoughtful and let unnecessary fears go. Wear White.
Wednesday: Sagittarius Moon is about travel, and indeed this is one of the busiest travel days of the year. Neptune in Pisces says you may be distracted, get lost or off track, take your sweet time, or forget something along the way. Neptune is direct this morning (after a retrograde period) and square to the Moon. Double check everything and do what you can to feel grounded. Light Blue is our color.
Thursday: Thanksgiving in the USA, and I hope yours is peaceful and happy. On this day of family gatherings and gratefulness, the Moon moves from Sag to Capricorn at 7:33 am Eastern time. Over night/early morning, the Moon mets Jupiter and Mercury and Neptune align. You may feel this as creativity, knowledge, wisdom or love, upon awakening. Capricorn Moon has many harmonious aspects both Thursday and Friday. This should help events go well, put us in the mood for tasks and chores and keep spending decisions logical and sensible. Moon and Venus meet for Capricorn couples or romances with a Cap involved, and also this helps our interactions with anyone from family to client to colleagues, especially the boss. Wear Blue.
Friday: Capricorn Moon in harmony with Neptune and Mercury and meeting Saturn and Pluto. Take care of the serious and enjoy some lightness and fun too. Problem solving skills are enhanced. This looks like a project day. Wear Gray.
Saturday: The earlier part of the day finds Capricorn Moon void of course (beginning Friday at 10:57 pm EST). It's not a favorable shopping day since judgment isn't as sharp during v.o.c. time. The Moon moves to Aquarius at 3:13 pm Eastern for social gatherings. A square with Uranus creates an unpredictable atmosphere. Turquoise is Saturday's color.
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