Saturday, October 26, 2019

New Moon in Scorpio & Mercury Retrograde October 27th-November 2nd, 2019

Sunday: Reflective and quiet, these are the hours before New Moon. Burn or cleanse what you no longer need. Cut any negative ties and re-evaluate as you prepare for a new cycle. This is a powerful one that may include destruction to re-create, regenerative energy and rebirths. Void Moon 4:22 am to 4:29 pm EDT, then the Moon moves into Scorpio and New Moon is at 11:39 pm EDT. Scorpio Moon equals emotion, sometimes emotion that has been suppressed. That energy has to go somewhere and must be released so it doesn't turn to anger, bitterness, violence, revenge, or illness. Today find a way to peacefully or productively channel emotions that have been harbored inside. The Moon opposes Uranus for outbursts of release just minutes after New Moon. Stay out of harm's way in every way. Create, talk with close friends, and express in healthy ways. Mars is square to Saturn for extra challenge around relationships and other major life themes and situations. Peace is our challenge during this Moon shift. Today's color is White.

Monday: Sun opposes Uranus overnight adding to the New Moon power. How can you recreate or contribute to rebirth. This is Phoenix type energy such as what rises from the ashes of endings and makes new beginnings. The Moon and Saturn add to the somber and seriousness while Neptune adds imagination and color and contributes to re-imagining and creative force. Wear Indigo Blue.

Tuesday: Scorpio Moon void of course 1:34 pm to 5:58 pm EDT. The earlier hours hold feelings and actions related to the past few days and there could be a tying up of loose ends, an internal aha moment where understanding comes, or some fear and anxiety as the Moon aligns with Pluto. Hopefully it leads to some resolution instead. The Moon meets both Venus and Mercury for a highly intuitive, passionate, and emotion centered day. In the void hours, find some meditation time or a nap to regenerate you. Sagittarius Moon tonight starts opening us up to what else is out there, what interests or actions to pursue with senses of adventure and freedom. Today's color is Purple.

Wednesday: Mercury and Venus meet in Scorpio. This whole week has been a peak Scorpio time and all Scorpio matters such as sex, reproduction, death and recreation or rising out of the ashes are highlighted. This week could be called a volcano of internal and personal significance. Mercury will retrograde for a few weeks beginning tomorrow. Things may slow down, become complex, or increase thoughts and feelings about or from the past.
Today communication and relationships are in focus. You may feel and act with passion toward someone else or create something for or in the name of someone you've loved. What we hope to avoid is anger or lashing out. Sagittarius Moon squares Neptune and the urge to escape follows. Healthy escapes can involve road trips, watching a movie or hiking. Seek something that inspires you or offer inspiration to others who may really need a new vision. Today's color is Dark Red like cranberry or maroon.

Thursday: Halloween, a turning point in the season. Whether you celebrate or not, tune in and notice the very end of harvest, the later falling leaves and all the signs that the earth is going into hibernation to regenerate in the spring. Void Moon starts at 10:30 am and last until 10:38 pm EDT and Mercury retrograde begins at 11:41 am. The Moon is supported by Mars and they have dynamic effect in terms of movement, action and change. Jupiter and the Moon meet for broadening our perspectives, opportunities and for successes. Be aware, or wary, during the void hours. Capricorn Moon 10:38 pm EDT is setting up for a business-like Friday. Wear Black.

Friday: Capricorn Moon aligns with the Sun for a significant decision making day. Emotions are 'taken out' of the equation or reduced. What's sensible and reasonable is favored. People may be business like even with personal interactions. Sometimes reducing the emotion can be useful in order to cope or do what's right. Uranus forms a trine with the Moon and we may destabilize or 'knock down' structures in the way of progress or what needs to be done. There might be a suddenness to some actions or news. Venus moves to Sagittarius, a sign of free thinking around relationships, at 4:25 pm. Relationships that need to be reimagined, refreshed or let go of can be influenced during the month ahead. Look for natural beauty and feelings of true freedom often found in nature. Wear Green.

Saturday: Capricorn Moon meets Saturn and Pluto, is also challenged by Mars in Libra and in harmony with Neptune in Pisces. We're likely to be concerned with fairness, with deep inner thoughts or emotions and it could be a day of calculated decisions and transactions, negotiating with others or with self, and could feel a bit heartless. Neptune in Pisces soften things around the edges and you may notice this through someone compassionate or creative which shifts your point of reference. Wear Blue today.

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