Friday, September 28, 2018

Robin's Zodiac Zone Astrology September 30th-October 6th, 2018

The Moon wanes. Maybe there's some sense of relief or unwinding. There may also be preparations for changes after October 8th's New Moon. Build some rest and self care into your week. I'm at Greener Postures for Yin yoga classes, down on the floor stretching with meditative atmosphere and thoughts and suggestions for being more at ease in your body and mind both. Those classes are Sunday 5:30-6:45 pm and Thursday 5:30-6:45 pm every week in South Portland GP studio.

Also, I'm one of four teachers leading a donation based benefit class there Friday, the 5th, coming right up. Here's a link to my blog with more info on that and a set of songs even if you live far away and wouldn't make a class.

As we move from one month to the next, here's your daily forecast with the Moon in mind.


Sunday: Pluto direct in Capricorn. Those of you with Pluto in a prominent place in your own chart or having a Pluto transit may be most interested in knowing that. If you have been engaged in a deep and sometimes scary internal process, Pluto direct may be a turning point. This is Scorpio's planet. The influence may be below your daily consciousness, in the recesses of the emotional mind.
Gemini Moon void of course 11:38 am EDT on. Ideally take it easy today. A Sunday drive might be nice! Today's color is Light Blue.

Monday: Void Moon until 2 pm EDT. Adjust for your time zone. This could make the morning really easy going or it could add to confusion, adjusting or forgetfulness depending on your schedule. It's best to have nothing of great importance planned. At 2 EDT the Moon shifts to Cancer. Harmony with Uranus and opposition to Saturn indicates a LOT going on today, particularly with family, home, property and investments. Today's color is White.

Tuesday: 4th quarter Moon. Wind down if you can. Take care of your body and any symptoms under Cancer Moon. I personally find this Moon time a vulnerable one for having a cold or needing extra rest. See how you feel and follow suit. Pluto and Mercury are the most active planets today and so communication and the things we push to the back of our minds and hide from are exactly what needs to be aired out, dealt with, reconciled or acknowledged. Take a deep breath and let something go in favor of healing or intimacy. Notice what your blocks or triggers are and see if there's a way to move through them peacefully. Today's color is Black.

Wednesday: Another long void of course Moon is  from 4:33 am to 5:12 pm EDT. If you have something to look forward to in the evening, the Leo Moon shines well for that. Stubborn-ness or perhaps it's more like persistence characterizes the later hours too. Know when to say when though. Go easy with criticism and self talk today. Make some space for resting or taking care of things at home, or both. Today's color is Purple.

Thursday: Leo Moon opposite Mars, ingenious and inventive in Aquarius. Sun and Moon in harmony in air signs. Work together on something that'll wow 'em. Let stubbornness go in favor of the kinds of compromises needed to make it all happen! Today's color is Orange.

Friday: Leo Moon void from 7:34 am to 7:19 pm EDT. If you've felt challenged in getting things done, committed to, or to focus, these void Moon hours may be a reason. Be gentle with yourself. It'll all be accomplished, perhaps after Monday is best anyway. Today is about connecting with others, socially or in meetings where flexible plans may be made. Venus retrograde begins. Some say it's not the best time to start dating and some relationship matters may need revisiting in the next few weeks. Virgo Moon 7:19 pm in harmony with Uranus. This is physical energy. Listen to your body. Today's color is Brown.

Saturday: Virgo Moon in the balsamic phase. It's dark Moon time where the Moon is a thin sliver if visible at all. Prepare and plan. Allow for flexibility in all that happens this weekend as well as in future oriented plans. Today's color is Navy Blue.

The next Yoga for the Lunar Cycle is 4th Wednesday, October 24th at 6 pm.
Please join us at The Sunshine Factory for a Taurus Full Moon class with yoga, meditation, and some dialogue about the month's aspects. Sign up is on at The Sunshine Factory Maine, located at Brick Hill Castle in South Portland, Maine.

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