Saturday, December 2, 2017

Robin's Zodiac Zone Weekly December 3rd-9th, 2017

It's been great to connect with so many of you at workshops and classes, through doTERRA oils accounts and readings! I am currently taking the year end off from readings and charts and will resume in 2018. Get started with doTERRA oils by browsing my site and email  me with any questions. They can support your well being and fill your senses on a daily basis, help with sleep, and focus and so much more.

Yoga Nidra training coming in the new year. If you are interested contact me and I'll get you information as soon the local studio announces the dates. Yoga teachers and other interested individuals may take part in the training this February.

Find me on the weekly yoga schedules of Greener Postures, both locations, Scarborough Yoga, Southern Maine Community College, and intermittently at Willard Beach Studio and Bridge studio at Art of Awareness South Portland, Maine. My schedule is always posted at

In December, Saturn completes a long tour of Sagittarius and Mercury is retrograde for most of the month.

Sunday: Full Moon in Gemini 10:47 am EST. Mercury retrograde begins. Anxiety could raise. Things that feel urgent may actually be able to wait as they may wane in the days ahead.  Think and consider your actions and words to see that they are motivated with positive reason and will not have undesired effects.  High tide in the mind this weekend.  Avoid escapism by any unhealthy means. Today's color is White.

Monday: Gemini Moon void of course 2:13 to 3:37 pm EST. Cancer Moon follows. Moods may shift quickly and emotions may peak. Today's color is Light Blue.

Tuesday: Moon opposite both Pluto and Mercury. Considerations of structure and strength versus things softer and more vulnerable. Example: adhere to strict rules or regimens or consider individual differences that require adaptation or understanding.  Today's color is Blue.

Wednesday: Cancer Moon void of course 12:56 pm to 3:37 pm EST then Leo Moon.  Mercury retro meets Saturn and aligns with Mars.  Mars and Saturn also align. There may be reversals in plans and courses of action. The rethinking could be beneficial.  Act from a responsible and fair perspective. Today's color is Gold.

Thursday: Leo Moon combines with Venus for relationships and the Sun for enthusiasm and adventures. Pink is today's color.

Friday: Leo Moon void 5:40 pm to 6:09 pm EST. Many things may go well or easily as the Moon is in harmony with 4 planets! Virgo Moon 6:09 pm EST through most of Sunday for constructive tasks and approaches. Green is today's color.

Saturday: Virgo Moon. Mars moves to Scorpio. Ground in projects and keep actions positive tempering any feelings of jealousy or compulsion.  Navy Blue is today's color.

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