Tuesday, October 10, 2017

New Moon in Libra, October 19th, 2017

New Moon in Libra on October 19th is opposite Uranus, the rebellious, inspirational, sometimes destructive planetary influence. Uranus tears down in order to re-create in a new, original way. Relationships and independence vs. joining forces are themes of this New Moon.

Sabian symbol for this New Moon, 'An Eagle and large white dove turning into each other'. This image of blending energies acknowledges two different qualities or ways or being. Polarities of Peace versus Force and The Hunter versus the Herbivore represent. Is cooperation a possibility even when the other party thinks and acts much differently from you? Can duality or opposing energies co-exist or even meld to form something stronger that each on it's own? The polarities are obvious and strong and continue the impacts of Jupiter opposing Uranus in early October just before leaving for Scorpio.
The Wow effect, breaking free of restrictions or oppression and acting on out of the ordinary ideas and inspirations are some effects. Now with New Moon, it may be time to seek the next level, perhaps with a complementary energy, a supportive person or entity who thinks unlike you or comes from a different background, perspective, or strength.

artist unknown
For New Moon in Libra, diffuse Serenity Blend and/or Lavender into the air or into your skin (with a lotion or oil carrier). For more about doTERRA oils, see www.doterra.com/robinivypayton.
I am happy to answer your questions or tell you more about essential oils and how they support you and your loved ones. robinivy88@gmail.com

October 26th, Thursday from 6-7:30 pm, come to Gentle Yoga and Essential Oils for the Zodiac Signs and find out your special blends and discover something new. In South Portland at Willard Beach Studio www.willardbeachstudio.com/workshops to register.

Or take this class at Scarborough Yoga on Sunday, November 19th.


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