Zodiac Yoga with goats at beautiful, rustic Sunflower Farm in Cumberland, Maine Thursday, August 17th 5:30 pm. Donation yoga for Leo solar eclipse & summer season. I hope you can join us! It's 30-40 minutes outside Portland depending on traffic. Allow time, but if you're late, just come anyway.
Next Thursday, August 24th Zodiac Yoga with music played by Todd Glacy. Free on Congress Square Park Portland. Yoga for Virgo season and a calming meditative practice with Gentle Flow. 5:30 pm (feel free to just enjoy the music, do chair yoga (plenty of chairs for you!), and breathe with us.
Thursday: Waning Moon as we get closer to solar eclipse of August 21st, Monday. Void Moon n Gemini 9:38 am to 12:13 pm EDT. Venus square Jupiter at 2:40 am EDT and it's natural to wake up with matters of relationship balance/imbalance and justice on your mind. As for the signs hosting these planets, Cancer is family oriented, holding closely and Jupiter worldly, favoring big ideas and experiences. You and a loved one may struggle through a transition such as one moving away, off to college, or needing a different atmosphere. We must reconcile ideas that don't seem to be in harmony, especially where our relationships are concerned. Education, the justice system, and long distance journeys are part of the picture. Gemini Moon aligns with Leo Sun and Uranus in Aries, the major players of the August 21st solar eclipse, giving us a glimpse or the first inkling of what's to come. Cancer Moon appeals to our reflective side. Today and tomorrow especially, be in natural environments, in or near water, or in sacred space that's an oasis from the busy chatter of the world. That way you can feel, even more than think. Today's color is White.
Friday: Cancer Moon in harmony with Mercury retro and with Neptune (Virgo and Pisces signs). There's a sentimental, romantic air about us. Reunions, out of the blue reconnections and special events feed the soul. Moon also opposes Pluto in this monthly gesture. It can bring up fears and security questions or issues. Seek the support you need if this feels strong. Moon squares Jupiter continuing all mentioned in yesterdays' forecast, about family, loved ones, transitions and justice. Moon and Venus meet for family harmony and wonderful date nights! Today's color is Black.
Saturday: Cancer Moon void from 11:17 am to 1:58 pm EDT. Moon and Venus aligned overnight for creating more peace with emotions and with loved ones. If you're in love, this may be a highly romantic time. Some will reconnect with former lovers or spouses now. Mercury retro is a good time to see how things go on a temporary basis and avoid long term expectations. The Cancer Moon squares Uranus, a planet active at this solar eclipse time (Monday). All that is sudden, exciting and unanticipated and that involves destruction and re-creation is the domain of Uranus. Breakdowns must often precede rebuilding, reawakening and growth. Are you taking apart your household so you can move to a better location? Or perhaps you feel you're losing everything you once had. Is that necessary so you can have a different and more enlightened life? These are not always easy transitions. Alternately, Leo Moon moves in and asks us to enjoy life today. What makes you happy and is healthy and enjoyable? Do that for a while. Today's color is Orange.
Sunday: The eve of our powerful solar eclipse features Leo Moon meeting Mars, the warrior. Jupiter is in harmony with the Moon, from Libra, and Jupiter also aligns with Mars (as they say in the song "Age of Aquarius"). Whatever is going on, the energy is dynamic, active and bold. Find your inner Lion traits, like courage and self esteem. Also remember this is a time of clearing the way, of reconsidering and removing obstacles or situations that hold us down or back. Yet, the answers may not be clear while Mercury is retrograde. So if you drop one thing, the other may not be immediately right there waiting. Reflection time may be necessary. Live the processes rather than try for shortcuts or the easy way (which can become the hard or lengthy way sometimes). Leo is the sign of heart, backbone and strong will as well as creativity and children's issues and voices. May you learn from someone youthful today. Listen. Today's color is Gold.
Monday: Solar Eclipse in Leo at 2:30 pm EDT, and at that time void of course Moon begins. The eclipse is near Regulus, a powerful star. All related to leadership, royalty, pride (the good or bad kind), heart, bravery, and victories is highlighted now. This solar eclipse continues a very active time of transitions that began July 23rd, continued with lunar eclipse two weeks ago, and lasts powerfully for another month. A six month cycle until the next two eclipses also begins. Uranus, the volatile, adventurous, rebellious planet forms trines to the Sun and Moon. Uranus is in the late degrees of Aries, the sign of birth, rebirth and initiative as well as war and anger. There are many ways this can play out in personal lives and in the world. Saturn retro is also an influence, from Sagittarius. The retrograde of saturn is almost over. Solutions may begin to present themselves, particularly in long term problems. It's a potent time for life changes, breaking unhealthy habits, overcoming addiction, facing up to what you've been running from, acting on creative and heartfelt inspirations to name a few positives. A major challenge will be how we deal with anger, violence, or misuse of power. I wish you the very best. Leos born now and those at the tail end of Aquarius, Scorpio and Taurus may feel this one most, if not today in the month ahead. Today's color is White.
Tuesday: Virgo Moon began at 4:25 pm on Monday (though that was not the big story of the day). Now Sun moves into Virgo at 6:20 pm. This begins the last third of summer. Moon meets Mercury retro, opposes Neptune, and trines Pluto. The truth could be clouded by lies or fluff intended to distract you. You may begin a conversation or agreement that needs time to gestate, process and solidify in a few weeks when Mercury retro ends (September 5th). Mars and Saturn retro form a trine. I feel it's too bold and brash though it can be adventurous. This is not a good shopping day, and it may be best to lay low in general. Unsettled energy dominates the day. Wear Indigo for intuition and instincts.
Wednesday: At this point in the forecasts, I feel like calling a chill out day! Someone may ask you for an answer or final word. It may not be the best time, but use your own good judgement to decide. Meditate, take time in nature, go fishing or walk in the woods or on the beach. The Moon and Venus favor harmony and connection to the water and earth. Void Moon in Virgo 4 pm. A good date night or relaxing evening at home. Libra Moon 9:05 pm EDT. Think and be peaceful. Organize if you must. Things are in flux. Today's color is Lavender.
free Yoga and live music on Congress Square Park Portland, Maine Thursday, August 24th 5:30 pm. Don't forget! Grounding, meditative, slow flow and seated postures.
Peace! Robin