Monday, May 22, 2017

Robin's Zodiac Zone May 25th to 31st, 2017

Note that this is a few days ahead and begins with May 25th. Look ahead for the prior week.

Thursday: Gemini New Moon is at 3:44 pm EDT. Venus in Aries is square to Pluto retro in Capricorn today. Reconsider and weigh options today. Go back and face a relationship issue with more courage and willingness to be vulnerable or intimate in how you share. Today's color is White.

Friday: Gemini Moon creates a lively, interactive atmosphere, aligning with Venus for dates and social occasions and with Jupiter for an expansive, open minded way of thinking. Mars and the Moon meet and you may suddenly express something that's been bothering you or trapped inside. Avoid the angry approach. How can you be tactful with words? Wear Blue today.

Saturday: Void of course Moon 2:08 to 7:25 am EDT. The Moon lines  up with Uranus overnight. Take care and watch out for your friends. Volatile situations are to be avoided and diffused. Overnight, things could get out of hand quickly.  Cancer Moon today for taking care of home and of family concerns or immersing in joys with the ones we love. Today's color is Light Blue.

Sunday: Mercury aligns with Neptune for creativity and inspiration. Connect with the earth and the water in meaningful, playful and nurturing ways. Cancer Moon. Intuition is heightened as are our senses. The Moon makes a variety of aspects to other planets. Keep close relationships and fairness in mind as you move through the weekend. Today's color is Purple.

Monday: Void Moon 2:59 to 8:12 am EDT. Sleep and dream well. Note any messages or emotions that come through in dreams. Leo Moon for fun and activities with kids or games and competitions. Mars opposes Saturn in Gemini and Sagittarius. Keep debates under control. You may rethink a vacation or travel plan. Trust your instincts and don't force what doesn't seem meant to be. Note where the resistance is. Today's color is Yellow.

Tuesday: Leo Moon for a dynamic start to the business week, and it's also great for vacation time. The Moon aligns with Jupiter for gifts and glamour. Moon squares Mercury in Taurus which can mean stubbornness or strong will and resolve. Back words with actions.  Mars sextile to Uranus, and things happen quickly. This can signal success and inspiration, though we also want to be mindful with actions and not take big risks. Today's color is Orange.

Wednesday: Leo Moon void from 7:14 am to 12:16 pm EDT. Mix networking in with business, show interest in people and note how a seemingly random conversation could be favorable! Virgo Moon moves in at 12:16 for the practical part of the week. Mercury in Taurus is trine to Pluto retro in Capricorn and once Virgo Moon kicks in, there's an abundance of earth sign energy for getting things accomplished and making realistic plans as well as acting on them. Today's color is Navy Blue.

Thursday, June 22nd on Congress Square Park, join me for a Solstice/New Moon celebration with yoga and live music by Happy Folk 5:30-6:45 pm. Come for the yoga or the music or both! Bring your own yoga mat. All are welcome to this free Robin's Zodiac Yoga brought to you by Congress Square Arts Portland, Maine.

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