Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Robin's Zodiac Zone February 23rd to March 1st, 2017

Yes, that heading says March 1st! We're on our way to spring, officially on March 20th around 6:30 am ET.  Planets headed into Aries before the Sun this year. Mars and Venus fight and flirt, instigate and initiate, in the first sign right now, as we move through the Pisces eclipse that closes the Virgo/Pisces series that began in 2015.

Let's look at the essence of the solar eclipse for Sunday, February 26th. At 8 degrees of Pisces, it's symbol is a 'royal coat of arms'* and it's momentum is forward. Because it's Pisces, the 12th sign, there's a letting go and moving out of a cycle, making space and path for what's new and different. Pisces is a mutable sign, and that means adapting and changing.  Neptune's influence is potent, so creativity peaks. So do questions of duplicity and what's real. The eclipse will stimulate some deep or dark corners, in search of honesty and cleansing. We may have to sort through lies, false perceptions, and erase or let go of stories we've created to protect the fragile parts of us or those around us. Drugs that alter the mind or facilitate escapism fall under Neptune's domain, and events and activity related to addiction may peak with the eclipse. Some people will be presented with strong reason to change these habits and others that keep them from being truly authentic and truly free.

Mars meets Uranus in Aries on the same date. This is provocative, argumentative and volatile. It's quite different from the eclipse itself, however as the two combine forces, anxiety and over reactions will be common.  It's best not to engage in debates during this time. Do what you can to avoid an outburst or conflict. These two planets in Aries can increase violence and anger. Games and other competitive situations become serious and relentless.

The positive side of Mars in Aries is also present. Surprising action, more motivation, and pure passion can lead to discoveries and awakenings.

The solar eclipse marks a new time in life for Pisces and for Virgos born on the direct opposite side of the zodiac. The closer your birthday to February 26th or the 6 month marker on the other side, the more impactful you may find this eclipse.  That's you if you're born during the final days of August or earliest dates of September, August 28th being a median date.  Gemini and Sagittarius in the late dates of May/November and earliest of June/December also have the eclipse at interesting, impactful points for your Sun sign.

*As for the royal coat of arms, I see this as what you carry forward and how you represent yourself on this new journey. Notice what you wear on your sleeve, so to speak. What you make public and the parts of your experience you identify with most will impact how others respond to you as well as what you believe about yourself.  Is it time to redesign your 'coat of arms'? Do this actively by choosing 4 images you'd like to represent yourself with going forward. Draw it. Post them on my facebook page if you like.

Welcome change on an emotional level. Invite the new!
Thank you!


Thursday: Void Moon in Capricorn until 12:27 pm ET. Do your best to be on time and accomplish what needs doing, but realize there will be distractions and possibly errors in judgment during those hours. Double check. Aquarius Moon and Mercury sextile Saturn. Agreements are better timed for after 12:27 pm. Negotiations and progressive decisions.  Today's color is Turquoise.

Friday: Waning Moon in Aquarius sextile Venus in Aries. Exciting and interesting meetings and dates. People oriented and forward thinking.  Today's color is Violet.

Saturday: Aquarius Moon void of course 1:11 pm to 7:24 pm ET, then in Pisces.  The Moon aligns with planets in Aries and with Jupiter in Libra and Saturn in Sagittarius and meets Mercury. An eventful, social day with good aspects for business, study, legal agreements, contracts and decisions. New Moon is Sunday, and normally this is a consideration and planning day. This month the dark Moon time is highly charged and active.  Silver is today's color.

Sunday: Pisces Solar Eclipse 9:58 am, and Neptune meets the Moon at 3:56 pm ET. Mars and Uranus meets in Aries. Be conscious, thoughtful, and minimize reactions. Give yourself time to pause as some events happen quite surprisingly and rapidly, not only today but in the days surrounding the eclipse.  Take your time. Honor feelings and emotions. Do creative, imaginative work or play. Act with compassion and sensitivity. Avoid altered states that cloud your judgment or could be dangerous, and avoid volatile people. White is today's color.

Monday: The eclipse is in action for days, even weeks. Keep that in mind.Pisces Moon. Mars opposes Jupiter. Seek fair and honest answers and solutions.  Moon squares Saturn in Sagittarius. Ask the tough questions, but ask nicely. You can be both clear and strong and also gentle or humble. Know your limits and what you stand for. From 6:08 to 11:52 pm the Moon is void of course, then enters Aries. Today's color is Pink.

Tuesday: Red is today's color as Aries Moon meets Venus for passionate actions, encounters and initiation.  New love may be exciting. The power of attraction is strong.  Notice what's changing or different.

Wednesday: Aries Moon void of course from 9:18 pm to 2:43 am ET. Fresh starts are encouraged all week. Dynamic activity in the zodiac including planets in Sagittarius and Aries, fire signs, as well as Sun meets Neptune, in water sign Pisces.  Start-ups. New opportunities to consider or act right away on. In some cases, there won't be much time to decide on options. Get in touch with your gut feelings. Sometimes, in fact often, the first answer that comes to you has power.  Resist overthinking and on the other extreme, avoid impulsiveness.  Can you find the sweet spot where neither exists? Rebellion and expressiveness vibrate now.  What are you a warrior for? (we'll explore this more with yoga and live percussion and gong at Greener Postures South Portland, Maine during the next New Moon, Saturday March 25th. You ought to come!) Taurus Moon begins overnight. Today's color is Orange.

Restorative Yoga with Reiki Healing is at Scarborough Yoga (Maine) on Sunday, March 19th. Treat yourself. It's more than a treat, really. It's a renewal and commitment to feeling well. Pre-registration is necessary. Addie Powers Johnson will provide Reiki during the entire practice.

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