Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Robin's Zodiac Zone December 15th to 21st 2016

Waning Moon through December 29th. Even during this event filled season, Mercury retrograde and the lunar cycle favor slowing down. Pause frequently to rest, enjoy, or retreat.

Thursday: Cancer Moon opposite Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn. Attend to practical matters and family needs. Communicate with understanding and feeling. Cook, clean and prepare the home for guests or gatherings.  Moon square Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries. Curb impulsive actions or words that could be hurtful. Make fairness a priority.  Void of course Moon 4:37 pm EDT until 8:15 am. Today's color is Black.

Friday: Leo Moon begins at 8:15 am EDT. Outgoing and celebratory, persistent and energetic Friday. Children, games, and performances are highlighted. Purple is today's color.

Saturday: Leo Moon opposes Venus, harmonizes with Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. A variety of aspects and energies on this busy, fast paced Saturday. Relationship and children take priority. There's business to do very intentionally, and it's also a very festive date or party time.  Today's color is Gold.

Sunday: Moon in harmony with the Sun and opposing Mars. Fixed energy is dominant for the first half day. Fulfill a promise. People may be opinionated and show firm loyalty. We're into the day before Mercury retro officially starts though the effects are already happening or foreshadowed for days now. Void of course Moon in Leo 11:55 am to 12:52 pm EDT. If you must shop, decide, or have an important talk, do it before or after that hour. Virgo Moon 12:52 pm EDT with no aspects until Monday. Virgo Moon is good for getting routine things done. Today's color is Indigo.

Monday: A transitional and unpredictable day as Mars moves to Pisces and Mercury retrograde begins. Keep today simple. Mercury retrograde is in Capricorn. Organizations, systems, hierarchy, and leadership will be impacted for the next 3 to 4 weeks. Virgo Moon. Stay close to the earth and the basics. Today's color is Blue.

Tuesday: Virgo Moon (void of course is 8:56 to 9:40 pm EDT) square to the Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius. Strong differences and a need to reconcile different methods, values, and business matters.  This may manifest as organized versus flying by the seat of the pants, or as controlling versus winging it. Different personalities clash over such things today. Try to mix in versatile thinking and a more easy going attitude. Libra moon 9:40 pm. Today's color is Lavender.

Wednesday: First hours of Capricorn as the Sun shifts at 5:44 am EDT, the Winter Solstice.  Libra Moon, Capricorn Sun means urge for progress, justice, and accomplishment. To do lists make life more manageable. Mercury is retro so think carefully about anything with long term implications. Can that decision wait? Today's color is White.

Gratuities welcome. Thank you!

See your horoscope in the Portland Phoenix in print and online.

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