Sunday, October 25, 2015

Robin's Zodiac Zone Weekly Astrology October 26th to November 1st, 2015

This Veteran's Day, please help me raise funds for Veterans and their families. This benefit is through Mass General Hospital Boston, Mass and the Red Sox Foundation.  Thank you so much for any contribution! My modest goal is $150 and it would be wonderful to raise more. In gratitude, 

hOMe Base Yoga for Veterans

Donate Now - Secure Online Fundraising Monday: Void of Course Moon in Aries

The Moon enters void of course time at 8:25 am EDT until 2:07 am Tuesday.  Moon and Uranus meet and Mercury is directly across in Libra.  Unanticipated events, changes and communication challenges are likely.  Temporary fixes, substitutes, and alternative plans dot the day.  Tuesday is a better day for most activities. The Full Moon is in Taurus at 8:05 am Tuesday and it's a fruitful, solid time for all sorts of things from pleasures to accomplishments. Today could be a scramble to meet a due date, completion, or just keep matters calm and under control.  Wear yellow.

Tuesday: Taurus Full Moon

The Moon is Full in Taurus, in harmony with Neptune and Pluto. Opportunities and settlements come.  Resolve something, finish a project successfully, and celebrate abundance.  Quite a friendly Full Moon, this one's also influenced by Jupiter and Venus in Virgo. The earth sign trines lend stability to decisions and foster growth.  Actions taken now have lasting results and impact.  Commit.  Today's color is white.

Wednesday: Taurus Moon

The Moon aligns with Venus, Jupiter and Mars, all in Virgo. Today can be productive or relaxing. Love and relationship, especially the practical aspects of living together and being agreeable, are favored today.  Full Moon finish ups continue including trying loose ends, acting with long term intention and bringing the body into balance and good health.  Void of course Moon from 11:20 am until Thursday 2:24 am EDT. Today's color is green.

Thursday: Gemini Moon

Gemini Moon arrives at 2:24 am, opposes Saturn in Sagittarius and squares Neptune in Pisces.  The dualities of responsibilities versus freedoms, honesty and half truths, and fanciful versus pragmatic thinking contrast and show themselves.  It would be natural to have an inner struggle with decision making or choice of words or topics.  Creative use of wording can be humorous or misleading.  The mind is likely to be busy today.  Keep some flexibility in thinking and the way you respond to others.  Shift your perspective if seeing the other side could be beneficial.  Today's color is blue.

Friday: Gemini Moon

The Moon squares Jupiter, Venus and Mars, and we'll exchange and explore ideas, searching for agreement and plans while sorting through points of disagreement as well. The Sun and Neptune form an idealistic trine, and with the Sun in Scorpio it may be hard to let go of a fixed idea. This water sign trine is imaginative and magical at best. It can be romantic and passionate, especially for the water and earth signs.  Tonight the Moon and Mercury align at 10:52 pm EDT and then the Moon is void of course. It's a social night out followed by a family or home oriented Halloween tomorrow. Today's color is light blue.

Saturday: Cancer Moon

The Cancer Moon moves in at 5:09 am for Halloween and Day of the Dead on Sunday.  These ancient feast days have both pagan and religious roots, but most notably, they connect to our ancestry and those who have passed as does the sign Cancer.  Being home or with family is favored. Honor the elders or relatives who have passed.  Feel the psychic aspect of the season and the magic of the natural world.  Moon align with Scorpio Sun and Neptune in Pisces continuing yesterday's vibe of Sun and Neptune.  Today's color is indigo.

Sunday: Daylight Savings Ends 2 am EDT

Cancer Moon continues until 10:48 am Monday morning.  Today the Moon aligns with Virgo planets that are highlighted in the entire week forecast, Mars, Venus & Jupiter.  This is down to earth energy lending well to cleaning, sprucing up home and improving relationships.  The Moon also opposes Pluto and squares Uranus. This may cause tension or anxiety.  Grounding in tasks helps with scattered energy of Uranus in Aries or the fear that Pluto can bring up.  Pick a project you love and dive into it fully.  Today's color is black. 

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