Friday, October 31, 2014

November 3rd to November 9th, 2014

Welcome to Robin's Zodiac Zone! These 4casts give you insight into each day's astrological energies! Ideas and thoughts in the 4casts are intended for your enjoyment and are not intended as recommendations for how to live your life.

Join me for Robin's Zodiac Yoga, RoZoYo®, with gallery style readings following yoga postures for each and every sign in a specially designed sequence. Beginners are welcome and will enjoy this practice which is a great intro to the physical practice of yoga. Everyone, enjoy a new take on your practice!

 At Greener Postures in South Portland on Saturday, December 6th 12:30 to 3 pm. Register online or at Greener Postures locations. Link here to register. I hope to see you to share winter astrology for your sign including insights to Capricorn New Moon & Solstice, Cancer and Leo Full Moons, a winter Mercury retrograde, and the Full Moon in Gemini that weekend! Click to Greener Postures registration link from here. 

Happy Late Fall days & nights to all! Robin

Monday: Sun sextile Pluto

The Moon starts in Pisces, is void of course from 4:05 to 1:53 pm EDT and then in Aries. The Moon harmonizes with Saturn at 4:05 setting the tone for at least the first half of the day.  Saturn points out all that needs attention now. If boundaries and limits need to be set, it might be easier to communicate that during the early part of the day, but be sure to follow up or the conversation may breeze by. Void of course Moon time can make things flow more easily and that can go either way.  Make sure you're well understood. At 1:53 pm EDT the moon moves to Aries and will square Mars overnight so power struggles may surface. The Sun and Pluto align in Scorpio/Capricorn. Pluto is Scorpio's planet and  rules fears, mysteries, the hidden, and relates to the past. Actively work to purge what's hidden, stored and buried including secrets that are now gnawing and no longer serve your purpose.  Get to the core of something important. Today's color is red.

Tuesday: Aries Moon

The Moon squares both Mars and Pluto in Capricorn and meets Uranus today. The conditions are ripe for struggles about who's in charge and how things should be done.  Mars in Capricorn favors being organized and productive. Aries is all about initiating the new. Full Moon is Thursday and requires decisions and final products. The push is on today, but we may feel ill effects of authoritative people.  However, maybe they light a fire we need. Uranus has it's own fire about to start, and an unanticipated event can be motivating or throw us completely off balance.  Try to be productive and stay sane with your responses. Today's color is black.

Wednesday: Void of course Moon

The Moon is void of course from 8:25 am to 4:33 pm EDT. The Moon opposes Mercury, now direct, at 8:25 am setting the stage for debates and extremes in perspective.  Going back over an unsettled problem or dispute is likely. The long void Moon is not the best time to promise, but may ease tension and make conversation a bit easier to broach.  Taurus Moon moves in at 4:33 pm expecting loyalty and long term agreements, and almost Full. Full Moon is at 5:23 pm Thursday.  Understand what you're agreeing to since it's al most certain to be hard to reverse any time soon. Today's color is yellow. 

Thursday: Full Moon in Taurus

The Taurus Moon is full at 5:23 pm, with some after vibes from last month's lunar eclipse and also from the solar eclipse two weeks back. Though this is a very solid, earthy Full Moon in harmony with Neptune, Mars and Pluto, continued developments from the eclipses may rock some of us a bit. Mercury was retrograde then, but no longer. This is a time for resolving, solving, finishing, and bringing things full circle. Consider things to be quite permanent if decided or acted on now. The Moon opposes Venus stirring up relationship questions and discussions, for Taurus and Scorpio especially. Today's color is gold.

Friday: Taurus to Gemini Moon

The Moon opposes Saturn and squares Jupiter. What's reasonable and manageable comes into focus.  The Moon is void of course from 11:17 am on. Get something figured out before then, ideally. Still in the Full Moon zone, expect news and word of long term changes. At 8:45 pm EDT the Moon moves to Gemini. This is a social night, but watch out for people who are not what they seem to be or project.  Hold things close and act on the conservative side generally. Today's color is yellow.

Saturday: Mercury in Scorpio

Mercury transitions back to Scorpio at 6:09 pm ET, retracing the threshold crossed back during the retrograde (October 10th to be exact). Business unfinished at that time may come up again or resolve in the next few days.  Gemini Moon squares Neptune and that can mean creative differences, often worth putting effort into for a sum greater than the original parts.  Allowing flexibility will create more ease. Uranus aligns with the Moon from Aries for bold statements and quick or sudden movements. Take time to think and consider slowing down if things are whirling too fast.  Today's color is light blue.

Sunday: Gemini Moon

The Moon aligns with joyous Jupiter in Leo for a great social Sunday! Get tasks done before afternoon if need be. At 11:22 am the Gemini Moon moves void of course and all we'll want to do is have some fun! Gather with friends or family. News & adjustments from the Full Moon will be bouncing around too. Today's color is white.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

October 27th to November 2nd, 2014

Welcome to Robin's Zodiac Zone! These 4casts give you insight into each day's astrological energies! Ideas and thoughts in the 4casts are intended for your enjoyment and are not intended as recommendations for how to live your life.

Happy Halloween, Day of the Dead and Samhain!

Listen at

Any tips or donations you make now helps buy yoga props for women doing prenatal yoga. Prenatal Yoga helps prepare Moms for childbirth while strengthening their bodies and minds for the new challenges of motherhood. Mamas learn ways to cope and reduce or avoid post natal depression and anxiety. Yoga and meditation foster a deep connection between Mama and baby. Your help is much appreciated & will help bring happy new babies into the world! I'm happy to list you or your business on my site as a contributor, if you wish.

Thank you from the Robin's Nest :)


Monday: Venus trine Neptune, Sagittarius Moon

The Moon aligns with Uranus in Aries, Mercury in Libra, and Jupiter in Leo. Assertive, brave, confident energy dominates the day. We'll tend to ask for what we want. Some announcements and declarations will come form out of the blue! Knowing the spontaneous nature of the day, consider balancing it out with some thought and care before you act and speak, both to protect your own best interests and other people's feelings. The Sagittarius Moon sometimes leads us to forget about sensitivities in our forward motion. And progress it is! The Moon is void of course at 12:18 pm ET though, so slow down a bit this afternoon when a whirlpool of activity could be fun but cause forgetfulness or careless mistakes.  Venus and Neptune are the best partners today, encouraging romance and passion in Scorpio and Pisces. Cancer, Taurus, and Virgo also get the best of this especially in love and friendship too. Today's color is turquoise.

Tuesday: Sun trine Neptune, Moon conjunct Mars in Capricorn

The Moon moves to Capricorn at 6:03 am and the Sun is in perfect harmony with Neptune at just about that time.  There's plenty of agreement between Sun, Moon and planets touring Capricorn, Scorpio and Pisces. Things fall together or apart easily on days like this. The Moon and Mars in Capricorn are the glue holding us to structure and productivity, otherwise we could flow in aimless directions. Use Capricorn traits like perseverance and organization and be constructive with those water signs influences like artistic sense and vulnerability. Build with and around what you have. Be a magician today and manifest! Appeal to feelings and personal connections to get things done too. Today's color is navy blue.

Wednesday: Capricorn Moon

The Moon meets Pluto, challenges Mercury and Uranus on opposite sides of the zodiac, and plays well with Saturn in Scorpio. This looks like a progressive day, a day to break down one system to put a better one in place or a time to resolve a long standing issue with a truly effective action plan. Effort and a positive attitude are required. Try to let go of the pessimist or doubting voice that holds you down. Find confidence to confront something important, within yourself or with another party. Do it in a detached Capricorn Moon-like way, looking for solutions and answers not dramatics. The Moon is void of course from 11:01 pm to 9:52 am tomorrow. Wear black today. 

Thursday: Aquarius Moon

Another day meant for progress as the Moon moves to Aquarius at 9:52 am ET. This is often a time to collaborate and get like minded people together to make a difference or re-invent. The Moon and Sun square so it's not all about agreeing. See how someone else's idea complements your own. Put the best pieces together and make things happen. Get impartial advice and perspective on anything. Make technological and system upgrades, from your phone to a much bigger network.  It's also a good day to read books, find information, research and dream up new designs. Today's color is light blue.

Friday: Aquarius Moon, Happy Samhain!

The Moon is between New and Full. It's a potent time after the Scorpio solar eclipse on the 23rd of October. Movement and change are in the air, and the Aquarius Moon is one for envisioning and drawing up plans as well as inventing and building the prototype. Be assertive and persistent with goals now. Find your support team while the Moon is in harmony with Mercury in Libra, sign of partners. Venus squares the Moon so there needs to be give and take. All one way will put us on opposing sides today. Also, scale down or be more expansive if you're leaning one way too hard. Collaborate. Halloween night is for groups, parties, and big gatherings this year! Make it full weekend of fun! Today's color is silver.

Saturday: Pisces Moon

From 2:22 am to 12:37 pm EDT, the Moon is void of course in Aquarius. Avoid morning expenses. Shop later, for boots & shoes especially with the Moon in Pisces, sign of the feet! Mercury is in harmony with Jupiter for socializing and big events in the planning or finishing stages. Venus and Pluto align for strong connection in our relationships and the ability to intuit what each other think and need. This helps with decisions  you're making together. Mars, Neptune and the Moon align for creative potential and pushing those limits to design something original. Today's color is green. 

Sunday: Pisces Moon

This weekend is about following intuition and finding a good flow. Plans may not go quite the way you thought, and today's Pisces Moon is in line with the Sun, Pluto, and Venus for adaptability and getting along. It's a nice day for couples and also best friends to spend happy time together. Feel your connection to others and to the natural and maybe even spiritual realm today.  Daylight savings time ends at 2 am this morning, so adjust the clock and be there on time or at least avoid your own confusion. It gets dark early on this day! Wear blue.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

October 20th to 26th, 2014

Welcome to Robin's Zodiac Zone! These 4casts give you insight into each day's astrological energies! Ideas and thoughts in the 4casts are intended for your enjoyment and are not intended as recommendations for how to live your life.

This week features multiple turning points! Thursday, the Sun moves to Scorpio and a solar eclipse rocks the same sign! Venus moves to Scorpio bestowing all her beautiful traits at eclipse time! Saturday, Mercury stations direct in Libra. 
Listen at

Any tips or donations you make now helps buy yoga props for women doing prenatal yoga. Prenatal Yoga helps prepare Moms for childbirth while strengthening their bodies and minds for the new challenges of motherhood. Mamas learn ways to cope and reduce or avoid post natal depression and anxiety. Yoga and meditation foster a deep connection between Mama and baby. Your help is much appreciated & will help bring happy new babies into the world! I'm happy to list you or your business on my site as a contributor, if you wish.

Thank you from the Robin's Nest :)

Monday: Venus sextile Mars, Mercury sextile Jupiter 

If improving your love life is a priority, today is your day! Venus in Libra and Mars in Sagittarius activate long distance romances, travels with your lover, and excitement about romances blooming or refreshing with new energy. Venus and Mars are the chemistry planets when it comes to love. Ease relationship tension with pure fun, a spontaneous approach, and maybe a tiny adjustment in attitude or perspective. Mercury and Jupiter align for inspired brainstorming possibilities, activity around education and travels, and openness to meeting new people or former colleagues to see what might be brewing that you could be involved with in the months ahead.  The Virgo Moon aligns with Saturn and there are strong pulls to organize and be persistent with business that needs to be done.  Overall, this is a good day for most anything you have planned.  Tonight the Moon squares Mars at 11:30 pm and is then void of course until 7:12 am. Be where you're expected to be. Today's color is navy blue. 

Tuesday: Libra Moon

The Libra Moon sails freely from 7:12 am on. Tomorrow the Moon will meet Mercury retrograde one final time during this cycle, and old business is in the spotlight this week. Libra Moon is time to weigh pros and cons, engage in intelligent decision making or at least thinking about options. Decisions may be better made early next week. New Moon is Thursday. Today and tomorrow, reconsider and bring in some new ideas too.  The New Moon may get a delayed start in terms of bringing things together and starting fresh. Now is the time to set a flexible course of action, a simple adjustable plan. Listen well and observe today. File away your insights for the time when they are most valuable. Avoid gossip and speculation. Today's color is lavender. 

Wednesday: Mercury retrograde conjunct Libra Moon

Mercury stations direct on Saturday. Meanwhile, there's a solar eclipse New Moon tomorrow and Mercury touches base with the Moon, guardian of our emotions, childhood, and upbringing. This happens at 5:25 pm EDT to be exact. It's a happening day for rediscoveries, memories, and reversals. Some may go back on their word because they have to! Mercury retrograde results in introspection, connection with the past in a variety of ways, and therefore, changes our priorities or the way we see things. In Libra, this is likely to relate to what's fair, what's imbalanced, how to relate to another significant person and whether to move forward together or not. Legal justice is another Libra matter, so legal implications may be involved in some of this too. There are still a few days of Mercury retrograde, and the final day is notorious (Saturday), however you may feel like you're clarifying and seeing something important with new eyes by now. Some patience is probably a good thing. Hold on a little bit longer.  Today's color is white.

Thursday: Sun and Venus to Scorpio, Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

Hello Scorpio! This is the darkest part of the year, as the Sun shifts to Scorpio at 7:57 am (the actual end of Daylight Savings Time is November 2nd this year). Venus follows to Scorpio, where she is passionate and sometimes jealous, at 4:52 pm for about a 4 week stay. The Moon starts in Libra energized by Mars. Feeling fired up will be a common effect!  The void of course Moon is from 1:22 pm to 5:10 pm and the New Moon in Scorpio, a solar eclipse as well, is exact at 5:57 pm EDT. Venus is in perfect harmony with the Moon, and our love lives, and strong passions in other areas too, get a big jolt of solar energy! Feel it in your heart, you will not be able to deny where this eclipse leads. It's very positive having Venus's power at eclipse time. The planet of harmony, romance, beauty and art brings her goodness to many parts of life including romantic love for Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer, earthly goods like work and money for Libra and Aries, career and positive recognition for Aquarius, and a loving home life and shift for Leo. Today's color is pink.

Friday:  Scorpio Moon

Still in the aura of the solar eclipse, word of change makes it way in. Digest it all slowly, no matter how sudden or urgent it seems. Mercury is retrograde through Saturday. Let things process. Simmer. Even with the good things, maybe hold back just a little and let excitement bubble a bit, just to be sure things are the way they appear.  Pluto and Neptune engage with the Moon in supportive ways. An inner feeling that something is really good, an intuition that something is brewing, or an inspiration you can build on are some of the effects.  Intuition should be strong today. Do not doubt yourself. Listen carefully and let the rest absorb. Today's color is indigo blue.

Saturday: Mercury stations Direct, Sun conjunct Venus

The Sun meets Venus and Mercury is direct at 3:17 pm! Romance is in the air! Cancer and Scorpio are feeling the love, and Aquarius may be feeling the love from all directions in terms of public recognition and positive career attention, for example. Wherever Scorpio falls in your chart is where you're getting the best vibes. That's also the sign we had a New Moon/solar eclipse in on Thursday. To maximize the positive impact of this well intentioned wave, ride it rather than fight it. Change is part of what's going on here and it relates to some of our deepest emotions and what's dearest to us. Let something take hold in a new way rather than expecting things remain the same. Scorpio is a fixed sign and changes are for the long haul now. It's a new phase, and Venus the planet of love has supported this all week. Ideally, even in the midst of struggle, you feel cleansed, somehow detoxified and ready to move forth. On this last day where Mercury has retrograde hours, avoid the big announcements or complex discussions. Saturn and Jupiter are also players today, with messages about expansion versus constriction, and what creates stability and abundance both. Let this day be quiet and contemplative, however don't resist a date or night out with friends while the Sun and Venus inspire love and connection. Wear maroon.

Sunday: Mars to Capricorn, Sagittarius Moon

Mars moves to industrious, physical Capricorn. The planet that influences our energy level, sex drive, and fire brings it all back to earth in Capricorn. From exploring possibilities during October, we moves into action and take real steps with a grounded approach. Mars in Capricorn wants to make it a reality. With Mercury direct, still in pause mode though, we can start to initiate for results. Building, creating organizations, and deciding who's responsible for what and holding accountability is favored with Mars in Capricorn. Launching or restructuring a business makes sense now. Capricorn, you need to prevent overwork which manifests as fatigue.  Virgo you're feeling the physical chemistry in your love life and/or the urge to do manual labor that makes you happy, like renovating or painting before the holidays. Take on a project now. Pisces, your friendships may be shifting and social life amping up. Know who your true friends are though and try to stay out of disagreements you don't need to be involved in. Sagittarius Moon squares Neptune today. We may just feel like wandering without a destination. Choose your adventure or creative pastime. Today's color is red.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

October 13th to 20th, 2014

Your 4casts can be heard on soundcloud/robin-ivy

Monday: Gemini to Cancer Moon

Sun and Mercury in Libra align with Gemini Moon. Mars is across from the Moon, in Sagittarius. The past becomes relevant with Mercury retrograde. It's a peak day for revisiting places, people, and unresolved business. There's strong energy around collaboration, partnerships, legal matters and travel.  It's a day for choosing your team, at least for the moment, or you may be reconsidering who your supporting players are. Mercury retrograde is a time for trial periods or trial and error. Allow room to adjust any decisions you make. Give it a month or so, and then revisit and refine.  Friends or former colleagues get in touch and chance meetings with people you haven't seen in a long time happen on days like this.  The Moon is void of course from 1:58 to 7:30 pm. It's a homebody night with the Moon in Cancer. Today's color is silver.

Tuesday: Venus sextile Jupiter, Moon square Uranus

What a mixed day! Cancer Moon squares Uranus in Aries and opposes Pluto and this recurring pattern is not usually welcome since it stirs up feelings and resurrects fears and things that are hard to let go of. There's a sudden nature to Uranus's influence and Cancer Moon leans toward defensive reactions or melancholy blues. On the bright and beautiful side though, Venus in Libra harmonizes with Jupiter in Leo, and this is a song of love, joy, and opportunity! This angle is wildly social, friendly and enthusiastic. Love and partnerships are favored. Surround yourself with true friends or enjoy time with the love of your life. Along with Libra and Leo, Aries and Gemini really resonate with Jupiter and Venus this season. Today's color is light blue.

Wednesday: Sun sextile Mars

The Sun/Mars team in Libra and Sagittarius energizes this morning's wake up with ideas, collaborations and places to be! Travels refresh our perspective now. It's a good time to be on vacation as long as your schedule is flexible. In fact, today the less planned the more you're likely to enjoy it. The Moon is in Cancer, void of course at 7:27 pm EDT. The Sun and Moon square in Cancer and Libra, and we can sort out feelings and arrive at solutions if we put in the effort, caring and earn trust. It's delicate, but possible today with the 4th quarter Moon and Mercury retrograde bringing up topics that need attention and honest discussion. The Moon is void for the entire overnight until 6:29 am EDT. Avoid online shopping and late night messages that might be misread.  Today's color is red.

Thursday: Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde/sextile Mars

The Sun, Mercury, Mars action continues. It's mainly optimistic and initiates movement rather than the usual Mercury retro slow downs. As you make decisions just leave room to change your mind or alter the course later. Agree to temporary things rather than permanent-schedule changes or responsibilities, for example. Adventures & spontaneity, as well as reconnections with people you used to know, dominate today and tonight. A chance meeting might lead to a dinner date and a new start with old friend, for Libra, Gemini, Leo and Sagittarius in particular. Cancer may enjoy a visit back home or time with family. Capricorn, you may find yourself interested in what's happening where you used to work or feel led in a different career direction. The Moon is in Leo from 6:29 am on. Today's color is yellow.

Friday: Leo Moon conjunct Jupiter, Mercury conjunct Venus

This is a sweet day with two exciting conjunctions. If there's a downside it would likely be the reappearance of an interested ex you don't want to get back together with. Otherwise, enjoy the Jupiter in Leo vibes which expand opportunities and creativity. If you're an Aries or Leo hoping for good news about pregnancy or children you already have, maybe this is your day! Mercury and Venus in Libra favor better communication in partnership and boost love lives and romance generally. Libra, Aries, and Gemini are some of the benefactors today. Realize why you love your life! Today's color is pink.

Saturday: Leo to Virgo Moon

The Leo Moon aligns with the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Libra and also Mars in Sagittarius, filling the day with energy. Social events are charged with enthusiasm and friendliness, perhaps with a bit of competitive nature thrown in. You may see people dressing to impress and relaying stories of their travels and accomplishments. Yet most of this is likely to be friendly and open. Mars in Sagittarius is planting or activating the travel bug this season, so  it may feel great to take a trip, even just a short drive away. Act on educational plans during these weeks too, though actual applications are best sent after Mercury retrograde ends on the 25th.  If you send materials earlier, make sure they are well backed up, copied, and confirm that they arrived in the right place.  Mercury retro in harmony with the Moon makes it likely we run into old friends that we still like and are happy to hear from if they call! Void of course Moon is 9:10 am to 7:08 pm so it's not the best day to spend your hard earned dollars. Save shopping for night or better yet for after the 25th. Virgo Moon tonight. Today's color is purple.

Sunday: Virgo Moon

Catch up on projects once abandoned or unfinished. Virgo Moon favors simple tasks and clean up today. The Moon and Pluto can help you organize your stuff or your ideas and thoughts. Neptune adds a flow and a creative influence. No need to rush, no need to feel or exert pressure. Ease your way through the activities that call for your attention. That includes friends who may be in need of a hand. Today's color is brown. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

October 6th to 12th, 2014 (Eclipse time begins!)

For yoga in Maine, your October Day by Day planner & other things, see

I'm spending my Mercury retrograde with my last weeks in Tampa, teaching my final classes, saying goodbyes, getting a little sun, planning yoga for you, scheduling readings, and counting the number of sleeps left til Portland. 
See you soon, Maine.


Monday: Full Moon warming up, Pisces Moon

The Moon will be full with a lunar eclipse on Wednesday morning, in Aries. This will continue a 2 year cycle of Aries and Libra eclipses, and it will not pass through quietly. Aries is the warrior, and the individual. Get ready to lead your own charge fearlessly as everything whirls with change and potentially confusion. Confrontations will be easily triggered this week.  Allow for change. With an eclipse, we have to give up control and adjust to events that are quicker than anticipated or totally unexpected. You may see some rash action or judgment. Being in a healthy routine and surrounded by supportive people is the antidote for any other madness that may or may not impact your world.  Today the Moon is in sensitive Pisces squaring Mars in Sagittarius. I usually find these two signs get along well together and appreciate each other's tendency to fluctuate, both being mutable signs. However, Mars in Sagittarius is much too overbearing for Pisces Moon. People will be easily injured by words or harsh actions today. It may seem like compassion and understanding is hard to come by. Mars in Sagittarius is adventurous, but very pushy and outspoken. If you're a quieter or more sensitive soul, you may feel the need to dodge someone or hide out.  Void of course Moon is 3:38 pm on. Do something that feeds your soul this afternoon. Tea with grandma or grandpa might be just the thing. Today's color is blue.

Tuesday: Aries Moon

The Moon is void until 6:07 am EDT. The Sun opposes Uranus in Aries, our Full Moon sign, and the Moon opposes Venus. The lunar eclipse will peak at 6:51 am tomorrow and is pushing the agenda now. If you're not in a relationship going through a change/make or break time, you probably know someone who is. Libra and Aries are the obvious choices, however rising sign has lots to do with it so any sign could be involved. Long, drawn out relationship issues may finally reach their breaking point so things have to go one way or another now. Aries is the self, and Libra is the sign that brings two together. I suspect we'll hear lots about breakups, partner decisions, and changes that seem to come from out of the blue as well as ones that don't surprise anyone.  The Full Moon is tomorrow, but today is event filled with eclipse activity.  During a lunar eclipse, we tend to complete cycles and have endings.  Avoid acting rashly or harshly. Tempers and feelings may be on edge all around.  Today's color is pink.

Wednesday: Lunar Eclipse in Aries, Full Moon

Lunar eclipses are always at Full Moon time.  Aries is the initiator, brave warrior, child, and individual as far as archetypes go. This eclipse could bring out any of that. When things get rocky, some act like children or want someone else to take care of things while some step up and become fierce, maybe even too much so. In relationships, a final break would be  more likely than a reconciliation now. Mercury retrograde is a factor too, but with an eclipse changes tend to be permanent with less room to change your mind later. Tread lightly through whatever events you're navigating. With a tendency toward fast and furious, maybe go extra slow and with lots of thought and care.  Balance the energy out. There are too many to mention, so suffice to say all signs are touched by the planetary aspects of the day itself.  Aries personally, Pisces employment wise, Leo with travels and communication, Cancer with career, money and home life. The Moon is Full at 6:51 am and void of course starting at 10:20 am for the rest of the day. Give yourself extra time for everything today and build in some relaxation or quiet.  Wear white.

Thursday: Taurus Moon

At 7:44 am the Moon shifts to Taurus, a sign that would love to come in and stabilize, simplify and fix everything. There's a tendency to be controlling today, partly due to lunar eclipse whipping certain things into a frenzy. Neptune tones it down a little bit, with room for imagination and creativity. The Moon is across from Mercury and misunderstandings are highly likely. Try not to guess or assume. Some of use will operate with the wrong set of directions in place. Ask questions. Save yourself some frustration by clarifying anything from where and when to the steps you need to follow. Do physical work, get lost in a project you that can't really go wrong based on someone else's expectation. Soften the edges around a situation or lend an ear to a friend having difficulty. Today's color is light blue. 

Friday: Mercury Retrograde to Libra

Mercury retrograde shifts into Libra at 1:26 pm. When Mercury changes signs, wait things out, expect your mind may change, and speak thoughtfully. Saturn across from the Moon can feel like a task master or bring out the critics. If you must give feedback or speak with authority, do so with a tone that won't trigger extreme responses. The Sun in Libra trine to Jupiter in Leo brings optimism, extroversion, & joy to the surface. That's where you want your focus and attitude to be! Laying low a bit may help ease tension or Mercury retrograde communication issues.  Lighten someone's burden or keep things light on yourself. The Taurus Moon moves void of course at 8:49 pm EDT, not interfering with the traditional business day. Reconnecting you unexpectedly with friends is one of Mercury's jobs while retrograde and you might enjoy (or avoid?) that tonight. Wear yellow.

Saturday: Gemini Moon

The Moon is void until 11:51 am and then in Gemini for the rest of the weekend including much of Monday, a holiday weekend in the USA. This morning, take your time and try not to overextend yourself. Venus is opposite Uranus and some relationships will be undergoing change, stress, excitement or unanticipated news. This might make it feel like Full Moon all over again and the eclipse is still impacting life events.  It takes time and processing to adjust when news isn't expected or even when a relationship is going to the next level.  Let yourself adjust and don't expect too much too fast.  Neptune also squares the Moon today. If you have lots of free time,  you might enjoy the floaty feeling of water and air signs interacting. Life might easily be compared to soaring through air or navigating at sea this week with the movement and energy of an eclipse and the fire sign grand trine simultaneous to the fluctuations of Mercury. This could be a day to go back over things, review or revise.  Make art, daydream or wander somewhere you used to go and don't make time for or live near now.  Today's color is blue.

Sunday: Gemini Moon

Yesterday looked a little tricky if anything important had to be dealt with. Today perhaps the Gemini social vibe will take over. Connections with people and even the surprises look more pleasant as Venus and Jupiter harmonize with the Moon. If possible, just enjoy the day. If you're going through a challenging time, it's a good day to talk, be with a best friend or contact an old friend you have an easy relationship with (not someone you left on bad terms with). Jupiter in Leo is about thinking expansively and acting the same, opening doors rather than limiting possibilities. Consider all the possible ways you can improve on life as you know it now.  Discussions may include forming partnerships, going forward together as a couple, engagements and other decisions you make together, with another.  Keep things somewhat flexible. Maybe put off setting a date or definite plan, but open up the possibilities. Enjoy a party or other gathering. Today's color is pink.