Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Strengthening during Full Moon in Capricorn

Full Moon in Capricorn on July 12, 2014 at 7:25 am is one of building and strengthening. If this Capricorn Full Moon was human, he or she would be a constructive thinker and a doer interested in proving her abilities and succeeding. He/she would be of pitta constitution in ayurvedic terms. As a person, this Capricorn Moon might be coming out of a dark or complex time, winning a battle with depression or a health matter, and might be a bit hard on himself even with the future looking bright.

During this Full Moon, it would be natural to finish an important project or to move into the next phases, building on a foundation already set.  In personal, family and long term relationships that have been tumultuous, things are crystalizing one way or the other and as the Moon wanes and Saturn, Capricorn's ruling planet, moves direct on the 20th, some issues will be put to rest once and for all, with final decisions solid and strong.  The cardinal cross in Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra is breaking up this month, and that is good news! Frustrations, even if present now and this weekend, should wane with the Moon, making way for a gorgeous Leo Moon conjunct to Jupiter on the 26th.  Your most persistent problems can take a hike as you kick them out of your life and your mind.  The end of July is even better than your usual New Moon for fresh starts and clearing negative, cloudy, or uncertain energy!

Getting back to Full Moon in Capricorn Saturday, it's flanked by Mars in Libra and Uranus in Aries and there are challenges to be once again confronted. You're likely to know what they are because they've been recurring since last October, through the holidays, and during spring. Jupiter is across the zodiac about to leave Cancer, and Cancer/Capricorn relationships in particular may find "just right" growth, not too quickly and not too stalled.  That may apply to other signs as well since those with Cancer and Capricorn rising, Moon and Venus experience this too. 

Capricorn is the sign of the skeletal system, the knees, the teeth and bones. Take extra care. Do not overdo or put strain on old injuries. If aches and pains flare more now, suddenly, this may be a deeper healing time so take it easy. Full Moons do amplify, increase swelling and remind you of places that have been scarred. Retracing injuries from the past is an interesting phenomena that I have personally experienced with a concussion.  Do alleviate stress on the body and avoid situations that cause mental stress which contributes to physical pain. Also, if it's not an emergency, wait it out for a few days while the Moon moves into Aquarius and Pisces because the "swelling" may go down on it's own. 

(Note: In Maine and in Asheville, it's Yoga Fest time, and if you are attending or participating in a similar event like a race, err on the side of taking it easily generally. Full Moons and injuries go together. That is one reason why Ashtanga yogis do not practice during Full Moon and some other yoga philosophies recommend Moon Salutations and more yin practices versus something more strenuous.)

Here's a list of some things favored to act or decide on: building plans, construction, medical advice (treatment such as surgery is better timed away from Full Moon), finalizing a business decision, closing a deal or continuing to negotiate for a better deal, ending a toxic relationship, easing up on too much perfectionism, changing up your exercise plan and including strengthening activities & weight bearing (ease in) and doing easy yoga like legs up the wall.

The main idea is to strengthen the weak spots! Identify the weak links and reinforce! Take something solid and build upon it. 

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