Sunday, May 13, 2012

Weekly Astrology May 14th to 21st 2012

Monday: Pisces Moon

The Pisces Moon is in harmony with Mercury and Pluto. Mercury also forms a trine to Pluto in Taurus and Capricorn. This is suited for working out a deal of some kind. Put things in writing, make business agreements or take action on personal matters. Business of a sensitive nature is in the forecast today. Pisces Moon favors compassion and understanding when dealing with others. This Moon sign is very emotional and expressive. Outlets such as music, art or writing can helps us through moods or days like this. The energy is mostly agreeable and positive though, so ask for what you need and listen to others. We may be more likely than usual to indulge a request or just give someone time to talk or vent. The night could easily evolve into long phone calls or late night discussions. We're in a story telling mood. Wear light blue.

Tuesday: Mars retrograde in Virgo

The Pisces Moon is void of course from7:59 am to 5:45 pm. This could seem like a lost day, be very relaxing and creative, or turn out to be frustrating because you can't quite get things going. Mars retrograde in Virgo starts at 10:33 am. The mutable energy of the day leaves us very much in flux, but does work if you're in transitional phases. There's ambiguity about things which can be forgiving if you want to put something off or just feel undecided. The Moon squares Venus bringing up relationships questions particularly for Sagittarius, Aquarius and Gemini. The Moon and Sun work together helping our align our inner desires with the actions we take. The Moon is in Aries tonight, which can make us feel more energized or on the other hand, feel pressured. We may need to tell someone or be told to back off a bit for the next day or so. Wear red.

Wednesday: Moon conjunct Uranus in Aries

The Moon and Uranus are fast, spontaneous and sometimes combustible when combined. Today is fiery with some earth energy thrown in as Mars and Pluto align. There could be too much going on, too much pressure to act in uncertain or quickly changing circumstances, or we may feel highly motivated to finally act on something that was shelved for a while. Mars and Pluto can help us clear out clutter and confusion if we're willing to take on the work. Reorganize some part of your life or your space under this trine. Pluto is bringing up what we've pushed aside or hoped would go away on it's own. The Moon and Pluto favor speedy action though we don't want to be too impulsive along the way. Make sure you're giving things enough thought. The Aries Moon is about breaking new ground and making attempts. Wear orange today.

Thursday: Aries Moon

The Moon in Aries works well with Venus in Gemini if you're looking to make a new romantic connnection or take an adventure with the person you love being with most. Today is about movement including travels and good connections including romantic ones. In business, our social network counts and emails and news will be buzzing today. The people and things we care about and are interested in personally will be priority. Topics that bore us or are obligatory only will be avoided or abandoned. High interests may include home life and better routines for Capricorn, career and other personal plans for Cancer and Virgo, romance for Sagittarius, and friendship and love for Gemini. The Moon opposes Saturn at 5:44 pm EST and is then void of course until 6:03 am. Social plans can be spontaneous and it's a good night out though Saturn's influence could leave some feeling a bit guilty or like they should be two places at once. Taking care of a responsibility before fun might leave you feeling more at ease. Wear pink today.

Friday: Moon in Taurus

Two days before the solar eclipse in Gemini, you might feel major changes coming even if you're not sure what they are yet! The Moon is in Taurus as of 6:03 am and we're in the right zone for solid decisions and commitments we can fulfill. The Moon aligns with Neptune today, and we'll stay in touch with emotions while doing what needs to be accomplished. Today is a little less "bull headed" than some Taurus Moon days. Neptune adds an escapist effect and a movie or field trip will be appealing. Today's color is green.

Saturday: Solar Eclipse in Gemini

The solar eclipse in Gemini is tomorrow. This weekend think back to last year around the end of May and the month of June and see if some of the events of that time coincide with what's going on now. That could be in the form of unfinished business or a further development in what the news was then. The Moon is in Taurus and so is the Sun today, but both will move on tomorrow. This is a day of rethinking, getting things ready for major transitions, and also could be a day of news we didn't anticipate. The eclipse tomorrow could quickly move a situation that seems stagnant today. Be ready to roll with whatever comes along. At the same time, do be both in the moment and forward thinking at once. Perhaps you can anticipate what's next and have a few alternate plans. The Taurus Moon in harmony with Pluto and Mars grounds us in what we need to accomplish today. Wear brown.

Sunday: Sun in Gemini, New Moon in Gemini, Solar Eclipse

The Moon is void of course from 8:35 am to 7:05 pm in Taurus. Those hours are a transition to a new cycle as the Sun shifts to Gemini for the last phase of spring at 11:16 am followed by a New Moon/solar eclipse tonight. The Moon meets Jupiter and Mercury in Taurus first with very postive vibes and benefits including improved communication, reason to grow and expand, prosperity and health. Act on any situation you could improve or heal! The Moon moves to Gemini at 7:05 and the solar eclipse occurs at 7:47 pm EST. A Gemini eclipse related to brothers and sisters, communication, and news. A solar eclipse also impacts Leo, ruled by the Sun, fathers as represented by the Sun, and other men in our lives. Rapid, unexpected change and turns of events are likely. Today's color is yellow.

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