Sunday, October 3, 2010

Weekly October 4th

The Moon is void of course in Leo from 9:53 am to 4pm. It's a good day for regrouping and getting into routine.  Take care of simple work rather than delving into complex things that require your best judgment.  It might be hard to focus and make long term decisions.  Putting that off until after 4 pm is probably best.  The void Moon in Leo also puts us in the mood to socialize. Today will be full of stories from the weekend. Any reason to have fun or celebrate will seem like a good one! Leo is an expressive sign, and the Leo Moon opposite Neptune romanticizes the day too. Throw a little bit of flair, artistic expression and magic touches for effect!  The Moon in Virgo from 4 pm on is more practical and pragmatic. Tonight is work oriented for studies and other tasks that need tending to. Wear brown today.

The Virgo Moon is in harmony with Venus and Mars today.  This helps us ease tension and make peace.  Flexibility and willingness to help each other are two of the benefits of the Moon working with planets in Scorpio.  As far as work goes, this can also increase both concentration and creativity.  This Virgo Moon also helps if you need to convince someone. Build your story and present it today.  Scorpio, you're likely to feel very supported by friends. Cancer you may be feeling lucky.  Leo and Aquarius, it's a good day to do business and make improvements at home or with family relationships (Leo in particular with home and family matters.) All in all today is a good day to take action, make decisions, help each other out, and attend to details or do detail oriented work.  Tonight the Moon begins to approach Jupiter and discussions of scaling up or down and how much is enough is in the forecast. Wear navy blue.

The Moon is in Virgo and will be void of course for a few hours in the middle of the day.  Our best work and decisions will probably be best timed for morning.  Get ready to or go ahead and put things in writing as the Moon meets Mercury this week. The Moon opposes both Uranus and Jupiter in Pisces.  It's a very changeable time. The hours between 12:43 pm and 3:51 pm are less than reliable. If you need to bow out, do that gracefully and apologetically. Surprises aren't likely to be very welcome, in terms of schedule changes and other news, but those things are likely.  The Moon moves to Libra at 3:51 pm.  The Moon squares Pluto and approaches Mercury creating significant discussions and a need to make things right.  Go for equal treatment and balanced approaches. We'll be especially tuned into what is fair or unjust.  With the Moon in Libra couples and partners are in focus, and making sure we do our fair share is one way to avoid conflict.  Any business we engage in with partners is likely to need attention in the next couple of days.  Expect things to come up that you might have hoped would go away or thought were said and done.  This is the day before the Libra New Moon and tonight is a good time to weigh pros and cons and reconsider a course of action.  Wear light blue.

The Moon meets the Sun, Saturn and Mercury today.  It's one of this fall's pivotal dates!  The New Moon in Libra at 2:44 pm EST marks a turning point. The major themes are justice, partnership, and mental discipline.  Put structures in place and gain some control over anything that's fallen out of balance.  This can include your bank account, your relationship situation, or legal matters among other things.  Libra is a sign of judgment and logic. Approach problems accordingly.  This is also the sign of couples and so love, romance and also the practical parts of sharing responsibilities and a household or business are activated.  Taking a new and improved direction is ideal now.  The New Moon in Libra is also a time of changing the appearance or surface of things, so a haircut or any kind of "facelift" is favored for Libra especially.   Cancer, shop for and decorate at home this week or make any kind of improvement at home this month.  Negotiate and compromise if that will help balance a situation or make it right.  Aries and Pisces, this is especially true in any co-ownership or partnership where you share resources.  Virgo, it's a good time to look for new work.  Today's color is white.

The Moon is void of course from 9:48 am EST until she joins Venus and Mars in Scorpio at 3:52 pm.  The void of course hours are best suited to simplicity and routine. Avoid big decisions and try not to press others for their word or commitment.  Mercury and Saturn meet urging us to settle disputes fairly and honorably.  Try to take an objective stance in legal matters, disagreements, and practical matters.  Do that sort of serious business before 9:45 am or after 4 if at all possible.   Today is also the beginning of  Venus retrograde in Scorpio, and one effect is reverting to past relationships or rethinking the ones we're currently involved in.  Venus's extra time in your sign this season is generally favorable for you Scorpio. Be in no rush to make relationship commitments. Venus in Scorpio is also a sign of affairs that are kept more on the dl.  Watch out for jealousy and gossip.  Taurus, this happens in your sign of partnership and you may be intense one way or another in your long term relationship this fall. Cancer and Scorpio, you're more on the flirtatious side and into having fun while Venus stays in Scorpio.  Pisces and Virgo, on the other hand, Venus is attracting you to far and maybe exotic places, especially for return visits.  Tonight the Moon and Pluto align and the atmosphere may be heavy with secrets and undercurrents.  Wear black today.

The Scorpio Moon meets Venus and Mars. Above all else this is a very sexy and passionate influence. Beyond matters of love and romance, we'll tend to feel and react very strongly about most anything! All of this Scorpio influence includes high levels of creativity, possessiveness, focus, and sex drive. There's not much else to say! Don't expect anything to be moderate.  Avoid any kind of angry confrontation. Wear dark reds.

The Moon starts in Scorpio, still fueled by meetings with Venus and Mars. Relationships are in the forefront and  affairs heat up! The Moon works with Jupiter in Pisces also stirring passionate feelings and exaggerating emotions in general.  The Moon is void of course from 2:27 to 6:09 pm and in harmony with Mercury instigating conversations that need to be had. Secrets are likely to surface as well as other elusive information. Solve a mystery today.  The Moon moves to Sagittarius tonight and conversations are philosophical. We'll tend to want freedom and space.  It's a good night for travels, study, reading and socializing.  Other work will be hard to focus on.  Wear orange.

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