Happy Full Moon in Capricorn on Sunday! And on Monday at 3:44 am EDT, the Sun moves to Leo.
This Full Moon is harmonious with loving Venus & can take us to beautiful places, literally & spiritually.
It's a beautiful wedding weekend or time for engagements. The Sun & Neptune offer some water sign magic in Cancer & Pisces to add to the atmosphere and elevate creative & spacious states of being.
There's also a sense of speed & sudden need to deide on important things, like where you'll be living or whether to change career or job. That's the Uranus effect, and it also may tune us in to the unusual, strange or inexplicable.
If you would like a deeper reading for yourself, my July special is back on after completing quite a few readings and taking a week off to clear and re-energize. For July only, it's $75 for an emailed reading. Send your birthdate, please, with a check, venmo or paypal and I'll line them up in order. Try to do this by Monday the 22nd and allow for up to two weeks to receive the reading. I'll be in touch with you if it should take longer. Some readings may come within the first day or two.
If you have a special area of interest or question, include that. Expect channeled information related to your energetic profile, the chakras, animal allies or other spirit messages, and whatever else comes up.
Here are a couple of the many affirmations I received about this summer's readings:
"Robin - you are so spot on as usual! Every bit
of this reading is accurate and true... I can’t tell you how parallel these
readings are and how useful they are to me."
This really resonates with me! Definitely seeing some ancestral/female/mom
shadow work coming up again..."
Another reading showed me a man pointing to his chest and his ribs were open. He relayed a message and an emotion for the person I was reading for. The receiver of the reading told me she lost her partner to heart failure and was still moving through grief. Not always do people on 'the other side' appear, but sometimes they do. All of this surprises even me, and I am honored to share these messages with you. It is a true privilege to do your reading, often as the sun is rising, with coffee in hand. Still meeting you in the morning after all these years :)
email leapingwatersyoga@gmail.com to order an emailed reading
send $75 to either Venmo @Robin-Payton-1 or robinivy88@gmail on paypal
If you want to send a check let me know when you order, and I'll provide my mailing address.
My intention is that your reading have some information that forwards your journey, affirms something, helps heal a situation from now or in the past, gives you some insight you really need, right now.
The Wolf is a totem of this Full Moon
Yellow finches are a totem at my home
Red Wing blackbirds are my favorite this summer
My husband is seeing trios and pairs of hawks regularly
The butterfly bush is blooming for the first time in 3 years
My peace lilies are loving life with multiple blooms while the cactuses are taking a break
What's going on in your world? What are you noticing? All of this is full of meaning.
I hope you are well and that the life struggles are minimal and/or supported well.
My mom is near end of life I think. Send her some love in your own way.
We all share much more than we know, all of these life experiences are common, whether they are the most challenging or the most full of joy and promise.
Wishing you some joy & promise today as the Sun prepares to enter the playful, generous sign of Leo.