Quick zoom around the zodiac
Sun in Cancer, Moon moves every 2.5 days, Mercury in Cancer,Venus and Mars in Leo, Jupiter in Taurus, Saturn retrograde in Pisces , Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius
Full Moon in Capricorn is in harmony with Jupiter and opposite Mercury, on Monday, July 3rd7:39 am ET. Communication and growth, especially expansion of businesses and organizations, are highlighted by this Full Moon. I'm living it, personally. Are you?
Sunday, July 2nd ~ Moon square Neptune and Venus square Uranus on this Sagittarius to Capricorn Moon day. Struggles, internal or external, may come to crossroads. Some will experience this in relationship and others in relation to mental health or ability to cope. From 10:34 am to 1:20 pm the Moon is void of course and then moves into the Capricorn Full Moon zone. Expect today to feel very full moon-ish with deadlines, pressures, emotional intensity and/or other peaks. Wear Blue.
Monday ~ It may seem in the USA that a holiday weekend would give way to more relaxation. But honestly, this Full Moon looks like a business oriented one, with contracts, leases, and other finalizing of things needed. Do whatever business needs to be done. Then enjoy outdoors and physical activities in the spirit of this earth sign Moon. Moon sextile Saturn aligns with follow up and adhering what you agreed to and taking ownership of what's yours and what's needed. Moon trine Jupiter, allow for and invite growth and learning. Moon opposite Mercury, be true to your word and avoid over dramatizing which may put others off. Have family meetings and call family for catch ups. Wear White.
Tuesday ~ Still in the Full Moon zone, the Capricorn Moon engages with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, the outer planets. This may lead us into meditative places, especially the Pluto and Neptune influences. You might be in a group or crowd, yet be more attuned to the undercurrents inside. Listen to your inner voice. Decline invitations if your personal priority is time for you or time at home. The Moon and Uranus may spark unanticipated feelings or occurences that change plans or minds. Go with a creative spark. Work the land and plunge in the water. Do something that feels cleansing. Tune into the connections you share with all beings and the earth. The afternoon and night feature Aquarius Moon for groups and gatherings. There are no planetary aspects, which may quiet things after a full start to this week. I hope you enjoy a day off or some hours of self connection and self care. Create some space for yourself. Void Moon from 12:46 pm to 1:30 pm ET. Today's color is Turquoise.
Wednesday ~ The Moon and Jupiter form a square, highlighting challenges or hurdles in the process. How to approach things, for example earthly or spiritually, could be a question. Note that earthly and spiritually or physically and mentally can go hand in hand. Sometimes perceived differences are smaller than one thinks. A phrase that comes to mind for today is "it's all relative". Consider another point of view if not portal :) The growth spurt you're going through is real. Today's color is Teal Green/Blue.
Thursday ~ Before 9:42 am ET, there are a few lunar aspects that signal 'one thing leads to another' and feel to me like 'boom, boom, BOOM'. These things have a personal nature and may require responses and plan b or c. So have alternate possibilities in mind. Venus and Mars in Leo, strong, confident and potentially beautiful and charismatic, opposes Aquarius Moon. Love relationships and friendships could either experience instant attraction, deepening connections, OR might experience this as questions about loyalty, friendships and love relationship being at odds, a pull away from someone/a group you once loved, perhaps in favor of exploring new relationships. The Moon moves to Pisces at 1:33 pm ET, highlighting feelings around all of this. Authentic is a word to guide us. Stay rooted in that. Overnight Mercury and Uranus blend energies. Expect unusual or out of the blue declarations and other news. Wear Green today.
Friday ~ Turns of events, related to plans, conversations, announcements and potentially ideas, begin Friday as Uranus and Mercury join forces in Taurus and Cancer. This indicates matters of the earth, water, possessions, home, family, security/insecurity, and has a quality like a big wave or a kind of earthquake. It may not quite be as dramatic as an earthquake and could be more of a tremor or aftershock from Full Moon time. If you're waiting for word on something, this may be the cue. Jupiter, Saturn and the Sun are supporting, which makes me feel like good news overrides anything else. Also notice lightning strikes in the form of ideas too good not to pursue. Today's color is Silver and elements are water and earth.
Saturday ~ Pisces Moon aligns with the planets that were most active during Full Moon time. Look for closures and finalizing things, especially matters of the heart and emotions. Void Moon 2:22 pm to 3:19 pm ET. Aries Moon offers a fresh feeling, particularly if you've decide and/or madepeace with something. Today's color is Red.
What a major week for me! My little aerial and yoga business, two years old, is growing into a Yoga-Spa with 2 treatment rooms and the main studio. Of course the rooms are Solar and Lunar,and the studio is Leaping Waters. It's no surprise I'm on Ocean Street, in South Portland, Maine.
Please come in for a personal session with my awesome, kind practitioners
Lydia Libby for Chakra Balancing Sound session or Restorative Yoga and Breath with Sound, Sundays starting July 9th in the Solar Room email back2yourbody@gmail.com to book
Lydia is a Taurus
Nico DePamphilis offers a reading like no other. Their signature reading is Elemental with Crystals and Runes. Nico can intelligently and intuitively talk crystals & rituals with you. Aura Portraits with Nico also available! Book with me for Nico's services on Thursday afternoon/evenings this summer at leapingwatersyoga@gmail.com
Nico is a Scorpio (I think! I have to double check this)
I'm all booked for readings & energy balancing sessions until the later part of August. Contact me to book a late summer session in the Lunar Room
Other practitioners are joining the team soon with awesome services
Self Care is more than a treat, it's how we thrive. My intention is to create the best, most inclusive and comfortable place for you to recharge and receive. <3
Come feel the waves we're creating www.leapingwatersyoga.com