Friday, June 30, 2023

FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN July 2nd-8th, 2023 Astrology

 Quick zoom around the zodiac

Sun in Cancer, Moon moves every 2.5 days, Mercury in Cancer,Venus and Mars in Leo, Jupiter in Taurus, Saturn retrograde in Pisces , Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius

Full Moon in Capricorn is in harmony with Jupiter and opposite Mercury, on Monday, July 3rd7:39 am ET. Communication and growth, especially expansion of businesses and organizations, are highlighted by this Full Moon. I'm living it, personally. Are you?

Sunday, July 2nd ~ Moon square Neptune and Venus square Uranus on this Sagittarius to Capricorn Moon day. Struggles, internal or external, may come to crossroads. Some will experience this in relationship and others in relation to mental health or ability to cope. From 10:34 am to 1:20 pm the Moon is void of course and then moves into the Capricorn Full Moon zone. Expect today to feel very full moon-ish with deadlines, pressures, emotional intensity and/or other peaks. Wear Blue.

Monday ~ It may seem in the USA that a holiday weekend would give way to more relaxation. But honestly, this Full Moon looks like a business oriented one, with contracts, leases, and other finalizing of things needed. Do whatever business needs to be done. Then enjoy outdoors and physical activities in the spirit of this earth sign Moon.  Moon sextile Saturn aligns with follow up and adhering what you agreed to and taking ownership of what's yours and what's needed. Moon trine Jupiter, allow for and invite growth and learning. Moon opposite Mercury, be true to your word and avoid over dramatizing which may put others off.  Have family meetings and call family for catch ups. Wear White.

Tuesday ~ Still in the Full Moon zone, the Capricorn Moon engages with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, the outer planets. This may lead us into meditative places, especially the Pluto and Neptune influences.  You might be in a group or crowd, yet be more attuned to the undercurrents inside. Listen to your inner voice. Decline invitations if your personal priority is time for you or time at home. The Moon and Uranus may spark unanticipated feelings or occurences that change plans or minds. Go with a creative spark. Work the land and plunge in the water. Do something that feels cleansing. Tune into the connections you share with all beings and the earth. The afternoon and night feature Aquarius Moon for groups and gatherings. There are no planetary aspects, which may quiet things after a full start to this week. I hope you enjoy a day off or some hours of self connection and self care. Create some space for yourself. Void Moon from 12:46 pm to 1:30 pm ET. Today's color is Turquoise.

Wednesday ~ The Moon and Jupiter form a square, highlighting challenges or hurdles in the process. How to approach things, for example earthly or spiritually, could be a question. Note that earthly and spiritually or physically and mentally can go hand in hand. Sometimes perceived differences are smaller than one thinks. A phrase that comes to mind for today is "it's all relative". Consider another point of view if not portal :) The growth spurt you're going through is real. Today's color is Teal Green/Blue.

Thursday ~ Before 9:42 am ET, there are a few lunar aspects that signal 'one thing leads to another' and feel to me like 'boom, boom, BOOM'. These things have a personal nature and may require responses and plan b or c. So have alternate possibilities in mind. Venus and Mars in Leo, strong, confident and potentially beautiful and charismatic, opposes Aquarius Moon. Love relationships and friendships could either experience instant attraction, deepening connections, OR might experience this as questions about loyalty, friendships and love relationship being at odds, a pull away from someone/a group you once loved, perhaps in favor of exploring new relationships. The Moon moves to Pisces at 1:33 pm ET, highlighting feelings around all of this. Authentic is a word to guide us. Stay rooted in that. Overnight Mercury and Uranus blend energies. Expect unusual or out of the blue declarations and other news. Wear Green today.

Friday ~ Turns of events, related to plans, conversations, announcements and potentially ideas, begin Friday as Uranus and Mercury join forces in Taurus and Cancer. This indicates matters of the earth, water, possessions, home, family, security/insecurity, and has a quality like a big wave or a kind of earthquake. It may not quite be as dramatic as an earthquake and could be more of a tremor or aftershock from Full Moon time. If you're waiting for word on something, this may be the cue. Jupiter, Saturn and the Sun are supporting, which makes me feel like good news overrides anything else. Also notice lightning strikes in the form of ideas too good not to pursue. Today's color is Silver and elements are water and earth.

Saturday ~ Pisces Moon aligns with the planets that were most active during Full Moon time. Look for closures and finalizing things, especially matters of the heart and emotions.  Void Moon 2:22 pm to 3:19 pm ET. Aries Moon offers a fresh feeling, particularly if you've decide and/or madepeace with something. Today's color is Red.

What a major week for me! My little aerial and yoga business, two years old, is growing into a Yoga-Spa with 2 treatment rooms and the main studio. Of course the rooms are Solar and Lunar,and the studio is Leaping Waters. It's no surprise I'm on Ocean Street, in South Portland, Maine.

Please come in for a personal session with my awesome, kind practitioners

Lydia Libby for Chakra Balancing Sound session or Restorative Yoga and Breath with Sound, Sundays starting July 9th in the Solar Room email to book

Lydia is a Taurus

Nico DePamphilis offers a reading like no other. Their signature reading is Elemental with Crystals and Runes. Nico can intelligently and intuitively talk crystals & rituals with you. Aura Portraits with Nico also available! Book with me for Nico's services on Thursday afternoon/evenings this summer at

Nico is a Scorpio (I think! I have to double check this)

I'm all booked for readings & energy balancing sessions until the later part of August. Contact me to book a late summer session in the Lunar Room

Other practitioners are joining the team soon with awesome services

Self Care is more than a treat, it's how we thrive. My intention is to create the best, most inclusive and comfortable place for you to recharge and receive. <3

Come feel the waves we're creating


Robin's Zodiac Zone Gratuities Thank you!

Friday, June 23, 2023

June 25th-July 2nd Astrology ~ Mercury & the Sun in Cancer

 Hello Friends! How are you, and an official happy summer to you!

The outdoor weather hasn't been that summer-y, but internal weather is the most important of all. I'm reading The Microstress Effect and it really puts present day life in perspective. I bought it spontaneously in Heathrow airport while traveling and I think this was no coincidence (ever have the universe land a book or message right in your lap?). I'm in the midst of professional shifts, and I see that I can manage my microstress and have a positive effect on people I collaborate with (rather than add to their microstress) by using best, healthiest practices to communicate and deal with the inevitable things that come up and need to be resolved and solved. 

I also see how my little yoga-spa in South Portland, Maine can be and is an outlet, a safe harbor where others can come to relieve their minds and take good care of themselves. Self care is an act of resistance in this mind boggling and ever stress filled world. 

I am back to offering readings, energy balancing sessions with reiki and sound, and guided meditation for one or more people, in person at Leaping Waters. Email me to set a date and time, if this speaks to you. 

And sessions-including crystal readings and Aura Portraits-are also offered with other practitioners in the Solar and Lunar Rooms beginning July 6th, on Sunday and Thursdays. 

Thank you for supporting me energetically or otherwise, as I leap into business expansion and my new chapter. 


Leaping Waters

146/48 Ocean St Suite 4 South Portland, Maine


Sunday, June 25th ~ Evening is more focused or productive while daytime hours could be emotionally charged, spaced out or free flowing. Allow for flexibility during this Virgo Moon. At 6:24 pm ET, the Moon moves void after a trine with Pluto. Meditate and reflect before getting on track with priorities for the week. Mercury near the end of Gemini, squares Neptune. Much uncertaintly could be felt or clouding the answers and plans. At 6:57 pm, the Moon moves into Libra to help set a new perspective or course. Be impartial and objective tonight. Wear Lavender.

Monday ~ Today truly looks challenging or upsetting as Mars squares Uranus. Do take care and avoid risk taking of all sorts. The Sun and Moon also square and point out where we are out of sorts, out of balance or having difficulty with decisions. Family and home are implied as the Sun is in Cancer. Mercury shifts to Cancer at 8:24 pm ET. Today's color is White.

Tuesday ~ Libra Moon aligns with Venus and Mars in Leo. This helps with  interpersonal relationships and interactions. We might find more enthusiasm, confidence and ability to act on what's important. Today's color is Pink.

Wednesday ~ Libra Moon squares Pluto at 4:19 am ET. We may experience this as doubt or reflecting back on what's occurred. Try not to overthink or dwell. At 4:55 am ET, the Moon moves to Scorpio & aligns with Mercury and the Sun in Cancer and Saturn retrograde in Pisces. It's a water trait day. Decisions have emotional tone, but are easier or more clear. Revise things to make more sense or feel more intuitively right as the Sun also aligns with Saturn. Opportunities to make something better or have a second chance may be available. Today's color is Indigo.

Thursday ~ Scorpio Moon's strong personality and stubborn traits are highlighted and so are Leo's. The Moon squares Venus and Mars in Leo. We'll tend to stand our ground even if confidence is shaken or there's alot of push back. The Moon opposes Uranus in Taurus, which may mean curves are thrown and adjustments are needed. Be practical and avoid overreacting on this sensitive day. Wear Black.

Friday ~ Scorpio to Sagittarius Moon at 10:59 am ET after just about 40 minutes void of course. Mercury aligns with Saturn in the waters signs, focused on agreements and resolutions that may have begun yesterday or the day prior. Feeling more emotionally safe and sound is one possible effect of lunar and planetary activity today. Neptune retrograde begins at 5:07 pm ET. Perhaps it helps us get back to using our imagination and letting some things go. If you're getting nowhere, look in another direction. Today's color is Purple. 

Saturday ~ Sun and Mercury in conjunction gives rise to announcements, decisions, finalizing, and to self expression today. There's a home/family/emotional aspect to all of this. If your birthday is now it may feel that much more powerful. The Moon is close to Full, intensifying everything. Do not mistake the words intense or emotional for something negative. That isn't necessarily the case. Emotional is FEELING, Intense is ACCENTUATED. Both Mercury and the Sun align with Jupiter which feels like expansion and opportunity as well as learning and healing. Sagittarius Moon aligns with Venus in Leo for fun! Wear Gold.

Robin's Zodiac Zone Gratuities Thank you!

Friday, June 16, 2023

Collective Reading for Gemini New Moon & One on One Sessions This Summer

Hi Everyone,

I'm going on a short vacation, and I'll be in London during New Moon. When I return, I'm doing in person readings and energy balancing sessions for the first time this year. Last winter's sessions were really wonderful, and now I have a new space to meet you in. The Lunar Room at Leaping Waters is about to be home to my crystals and cards, crystal bowls and sofreggio tuning forks. Your session can be customized to include a tarot reading with some astrology insights, Reiki and sound clearing, or a gentle yoga session where we co-create a sequence you can do at home including some astrology based yoga. Guided meditation called Yoga Nidra relaxes your nervous system. We can record one on your phone so you can listen and practice anytime you need that relief.

I'll also offer 30 minute sessions on zoom and longer emailed readings if meeting in person isn't an option for you.

Email to book a session

Restorative Yoga/Meditation for Emotional Well Being

Tarot/Astrology Reading/Intuitive Guidance

Energy Balancing Session with Reiki/Crystals & Sound Bath

60 minutes $88 single, two people $150

90 minutes $108 single, two people $180

Zoom session 30 minutes $55

Email Reading with Tarot/Astrology/ Crystal & Totem messages $108


June 26th-30th 2 Email Readings available

Thursday July 6th (full)

Friday, July 7th 2:30/2:45 pm 60 minute session 

Friday July 14th 2:30/2:45 pm 60 minute session

Tues July 18th 4:30 pm 60 or 90 minute session

Friday July 21st 2:00 pm (full)

Wed July 26th (full)

Friday July 28th 2:30/2:45 pm 60 minute session

Booking August dates Tues, Wed, Fri times vary


In true Gemini fashion, we have two animal messengers and two crystals supporting through New Moon. The atmosphere is layered with light and love as Mercury and Venus align in Gemini/Leo. Partnership decisions and merging with another person for romance or professional collaborations is favored and communication is enhanced and highlighted. The shadow side of this could be deception, so be very aware of your intuition about people telling the truth vs misleading. 

Our animal messages come from two seemingly different creatures, Wolf and Dolphin. Both feel like Cancer totems and the Solstice and Cancer Sun cycle does arrive just after New Moon, on Wednesday the 2st at 10:58 am ET.

Both mammals travel in groups, the pack and the pod. They speak of caring for the young and for family. Wolf says if you are called to be a mentor to a group or one person, the time is presenting itself. Impart wisdom and provide sanctuary for a group if you are the leader, or find mentorship from someone experienced and also humanitarian if you are growing in your personal life or profession. The teacher will show themself now. Joining a training such as a yoga teacher training or a group who share reiki or knitting or even outdoor skills is favored particularly if there's a strong leader in place. Wolf also says do not try to coerce or dominate but instead let your pack evolve and allow members of teh family or paack to have individuality within a 'democracy'. We do not all have to act or think alike. Wolf has a protective, parental type of influence on this cycle. And the Full Moon in two weeks is "my Moon' says the wolf. Notice how things of this nature come to fruition in early July.

Dolphin is the light bringer, connected to spirituall realms and swimming in for a surprise visit. Dolpin says you will be extra in touch with the subtle, magical energies that cannot always be explained, yet are felt deeply. Notice if you meet someone or interact with someone now who has a bit of otherworldly energy and who's light and creativity extends to make others/yourself feel good about life. Dolphin says there's a healer or a healing modality that feels light and flows easily and also shows up in surprising ways. And in the spirit of the group or the family, take care of and perhaps help lead those around you to positive, hopeful, and imaginative 'helpers'. Or allow yourself to be led in such a way.

Both creatures speak of taking care of and being cared for and supported by the group, in whatever form that takes. And both say journey with the group whether that's travel by land or sea or whether that seems more of a metaphor and could include traveling back to heal and reconnect after a disconnected or imbalanced time. Get back to socializing and being with people who bring out the light and the teacher or curious novice in you. 

Crystal messengers are Tektite, a black metallic for grounding deeply to the Earth Star Chakra, the center of the earth while also being able to astral travel and have lucid dreams. You may connect with spirit guides and messages with Tektite as your crystal ally. Red Jasper is our other New Moon crystal, offering grounding, calming the mind, attuning to gut instincts (this feels like wolf energy) and replacing survival mode with more trust that what you need, security, is available. Both crystals say grounding is necessary during a cycle that includes lots of movement. Both crystals can be held, carried or worn to remind us of the root of things and to address root causes beyond surface symptoms. Remember you are a multi layered being and take care of your physical body during any mental or emotional stress or change. 

Happy New Moon! Maybe I'll see you soon!


Aura Portraits and Elemental Readings with Nico DePamphilis also available Thursdays 2-7 pm

30 minutes $66 Reading

45 minutes $88 Reading or Aura Portrait

60 mimutes $111 Reading or Aura Portrait

Robin's Zodiac Zone Gratuities Thank you!

Sunday, June 11, 2023

June 11th-24th Astrology & New Moon Sound Bath June 18th

Join Tara Moulton, Balance by Tara, for a New Moon Sound Bath on June 18th in South Portland at Leaping Waters, my yoga & wellness center. 

Leaping Waters is growing and offering Sound Healing sessions, Reiki and other services in the Lunar Room and Solar Room starting the first week in July. My first couple of weeks are booked for Reiki and Energy Balancing. I have a few more sessions in later July on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons.

Aura Portraits and Elemental Readings with Crystals by Nico on Thursdays 2:00-7:00 pm begin July 13th

Restorative Yoga with Sound sessions Sundays with Lydia Libby, or choose Chakra Balancing session.

email to book

More offerings and sessions also available. to rsvp or browse the site

Yoga Nidra Teacher Training and Personal Immersion now booking for October 28/29th during the Lunar Eclipse. Tuition $325

Sunday, June 11th ~ There's a LOT going on today. Pluto retreats into Capricorn for personal and in depth reevaluation. This may be subtle or hardly felt at all. But the focus may go from roles in groups to inner wisdom about what you need especially in terms of structure. Mercury aligns with Pluto and then moves to Gemini for travels, studies and interpersonal connections for the next few weeks. The Pisces Moon meets Neptune and aligns with Pluto this morning, relating quite a bit to helping and being compassionate as well as creative and open hearted. Also be a friend to yourself. Aries Moon follows and coaxes us out of introversion as the Moon aligns with both Mercury and Venus. This may bring on social and other activities and interactions. It's quite the full and mixed day. Do a little of anything and everything. Wear Orange.

Monday ~ Aries Moon in harmony with Mars in Leo and Gemini Sun. This is very outgoing and some will be pushed out of their social comfort zone. Act on what you feel is true and inspiring. Wear Red.

Tuesday ~ Aries Moon squares Pluto 2:27 pm ET. We may question ourselves or we may need to slow down and tune in. Find that balance of healthy confidence without overstimulating the ego. Void Moon starts then and the Moon shifts to Taurus 4 minutes later. Feelings may shift too and be fleeting. Notice how quickly things can change. Grounding is important. Feel your feet and stabilize. Today's color is Brown.

Wednesday ~ Taurus Moon meets Jupiter, squares Venus and Mars in Leo, and aligns with Saturn. The big question or pull seems to be about growth and how to grow while maintaining healthy, thriving relationships. There's relationship tension today, yet it can lead to amazing creative collaborations and solutions. Be willing to listen. Try not to let ego get in the way. Focus on personal and professional growth. We might indulge extra. Take care of the plants and the earth. Today's color is Green.

Thursday ~ Taurus Moon connects with Uranus, the catalyst for unexpected change of either mind or events. This happens monthly. Neptune and Pluto are in harmony with the Moon today. All of this contributes to a feeling or awareness of what's been happening outside and beyond our usual senses. What's been hidden, dormant, kept secret, or bubbling up to now rise and surface...and what is coming alive from within yourself? Mercury squares Saturn and we may struggle or need to give extra energy with words, statements, writing, contracts, and commitments. Void Moon 9:36 pm to 9:46 pm ET. Today's color is Black.

Friday ~ Gemini Moon squares Saturn and meets Mercury, continuing yesterday's business. Communication and how we interact is of utmost importance and affects outcomes. The Moon aligns with Venus making it an interesting date night or good time for heartfelt talks or other interactions. Performances may be inspired! The Moon squares Saturn and we may be wavering on what to agree to, what the terms are and how much to give of ourselves as the Moon wanes and fresh starts will be favored on Sunday/Monday. Wear Blue.

Saturday ~ The New Moon is tomorrow at 12:37 am ET, and tonight if you're on Pacific time. Along with New Moon in Gemini, we have Venus and Mercury in conjunction which is beautiful for love, heart centered decisions and connections, for writers and vocalists and their work, and for maybe just feeling good about life. I wish you that feeling! Saturn retrograde begins at 1:27 pm ET in Pisces. This looks like an energetic day filled with reasons to socialize, gather, and make things more beautiful and appealing. Magnetic personalities will shine and this might be seen on stage or in your own backyard with friends. It's a very Gemini/Leo day. Wear Gold.

Sunday, June 18th ~ New Moon in Gemini refreshes communication and travel plans. It also initiates a 'busy season' with lots of activity and movement. New Moon 12:37 am ET. Void Moon 2:24 am to 6:58 am ET when the Moon shifts to Cancer. This is a favorable day for initiating important communication and for scheduling future plans. The Moon is in harmony with Jupiter and Saturn, for opening the mind and for steady progress. Sun square to Neptune later at night brings up matters of deception vs truth. Some will avoid realities. Try to see things as they are, yet with a creative outlook. Today's color is White.

Monday ~Jupiter sextile to Saturn continues an effect from yesterday when these two were aligned with the Moon. What you've been feeling and contemplating may lead to decisions today. This can relate to education, job opportunities, and expanding your role in any way. It's a commitment and there's emotional tone to this. Feel into what's right for you. Cancer Moon. Wear Light Blue.

Tuesday ~ Cancer to Leo Moon. The Moon aligns with Uranus for aha moments and sudden understanding or clarity, and may relate most to family and home. It's an introspective and creative day as Neptune and Pluto engage with the Moon. Try not to get caught up in self pity or judgment. Tap into your intuitive side. Void Moon 5:43 pm to 6:04 pm, nice and short! Leo Moon tonight for getting out to play on a weeknight. Wear Orange.

Wednesday ~ Leo Moon squares Jupiter and eventually meets Venus. Big things in the works may include personal relationships, love interests and on the other hand, how to grow in business or professional life. Many things are in favor on this day. Mercury and Mars align for getting plans into action and agreements in order. Today is more outgoing and collaborations are likely. It looks like an awesome date night. The Sun moves to Cancer and this is the Summer Solstice, at 10:58 am ET. 

Happy Summer! Today's color is Pink.

Thursday ~ Leo Moon meets Mars and is in harmony with Mercury in Gemini. This creates energy for plans, actions, agreements, contracts, performers, writers and surrounding education plans and more! Tap into the source of inspiration, motivation and drive. Surround yourself with people who help make things happen. There's one interesting square which may mean unforeseen events or shifts, but maybe that's just exactly what's needed and meant to be (even if it throws things off track momentarily). Void Moon 1:01 pm ET into Friday. Today's color is Yellow. 

Friday ~ At 6:35 am ET the Moon shifts and Virgo Moon is in harmony with the Sun in Cancer. This feel very earth and water, a day to be outside, at the shore, in nature. Alternatively, it could be a good day to work on things at home, move to a new space or prepare for that, and do domestic type things that make you feel good or create a sense of accomplishment. Wear Navy Blue.

Saturday ~ Virgo Moon square Uranus in Taurus. Roll with the changes and be versatile as plans and perspectives are shifting and in flux. Try to be flexible.  Wear Brown. 

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Venus to Leo & Post Full Moon Forecast June 4th-10th, 2023

This week I was attuned as a Reiki Master. I've practiced reiki for many years, but felt called to the master attunement this spring. I'll be booking energy balancing sessions with Reiki, crystals and sound at Leaping Waters beginning in July.

Email to book in advance

You can also book with Kristine Keegan who is the Reiki Master that attuned me and also who I did my Reiki II with in 2018. Kristine will be offering sessions at Leaping Waters soon. Email me for info.

New Moon Sound Bath Sunday June 18th with Tara Moulton

60 minutes of soud vibration to clear the way for your intentions during this powerful time


register at 

Here's my own schedule:

Sunday Floating or Mat based Yoga Nidra for Full Moon 6:00 pm at Leaping Waters

Tuesday Private session 7:00 am & Robin's Zodiac Zone on WMPG 10:00 am-11:30

Wednesday Aerial Decompression 5:30 pm at Leaping Waters

Thursday 7:00 am Private Session

Friday Deep Stretch at Greener Postures South Portland 2:30 pm

Sunday June 11th Aerial Earth, a yin style aerial close to the ground 6:00 pm (come try it!) 

at Leaping Waters

Sunday, June 4th ~ The Moon was just Full before midnight, and today Mercury and Uranus meet in Taurus. Expect surprising or exciting news and conversations. Alternate ways and approaches are likely. Authentic and original thinking and self expression come up with this conjunction. Sagittarius Moon void from 11:24 PM to 3:31 AM. Purple is today's color.

Monday ~ Capricorn Moon 3:31 am on. Venus moves to Leo at 9:46 am. Venus is bold and daring in Leo. Extravagant purchases and other luxuries will be very appealing. Can you afford it? Will you go for it anyway? The Moon aligns with Taurus for the 'how to' and it's a day to repair, build and do physical things. Venus opposite Plutobrings up questions of fidelity and loyalty to be reconciled or investigated. Saturn and the Moon suggest calls for help and advice. Green is today's color.

Tuesday ~ Mercury and Uranus align with the Moon, continuing the effects of any surprise news or excitement in the past few days. Try not to be overly fixed on one way or one idea. Change is inevitable, and might be just what's needed. Wear another shade of Green and stay centered in both mind and heart for best outcomes.

Wednesday ~ Void Moon 12:40 am to 4:42 am ET. Aquarius Moon meets Pluto, opposes Venus and squares Jupiter. This indicates energy that really needs to be moved, broken up, and released from stagnant places in the body or mind. Get some energy work as needed. Notice if group work is challenging because of rigid ideas or personalities. What can you do to shift that? Makybe it's humor or maybe it's speaking up. Things could feel either activated and dynamic tonight as the Moon and Mars oppose, or it could feel argumentative or ego driven. Go easy with interactions. Wear Turquoise.

Thursday ~ Aquarius Moon aligns with Gemini Sun for a social atmosphere. Share ideas. Maybe that stagnant energy feels more light and there are some breakthroughs this week. The Moon and Uranus square saying it may take some effort, but try to turn a corner. Think creatively. Connect and network. Make an agreement. Today's color is Blue.

Friday~ The Moon and Mercury square may bring up things we were dealing with in May during Mercury retrograde. This may apply to last night. Void Moon 12:24 am to 6:14 am ET. Pisces Moon in  harmony with Jupiter for open hearts. The Moon also meets Saturn reminding us of obvious and also self governing rules that help us with boundaries, for example. Stay aware of your energy on this expansive day. Mercury and  Neptune favor creativity with words, color, and communication generally. Light Green is our color.

Saturday ~ The Moon and Sun square as the Moon wanes. It feels like a crossroads, mentally and emotionally. Sit with your thoughts and feelings. Keep processing, yet avoid pressure to decide or commit until you feel that inner knowing. Uranus aligns with the Moon and the answer might come tonight, possibly in the form of unexpected communication such as a phone call, email, letter or other form of message. Today's color is Yellow.