Mercury is newly retrograde and will be until February 20th.
Sunday: Virgo Moon opposite Neptune and in harmony with Pluto. Doers, do more dreaming. Dreamers, take more action. Listen to your inner guidance and guides of a spiritual nature. See what happens when you acknowledge your shadow and work with it instead of fearing it. See what happens when combining your best traits, both creative and realistic. Today's color is Blue.
Monday: February 1st, and the Virgo Moon forms a harmonious trine to Venus in Capricorn. This may assist partners in decision making and feeling more aligned with each other. Practical decisions are favored, with Mercury retrograde flexibility in mind for the future. Resolve an 'old' or recurring issue. The Moon is void of course from 6:10 am to 6:25 am when the Moon shifts to Libra. Libra's strength is justice, and judgment on appearance is Libra's shadow. The Moon aligns with Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius as this 24 hour period goes on, ending with an 11:58 pm EST trine. Libra and Aquarius are externally focused, people and policy oriented signs. Social is all people and Justice is acting in truth and fairness to all. This is a theme today and tomorrow. Venus enters Aquarius today and we may feel like joining groups and establishing more community during the month ahead. Today, the Sun squares Mars in the morning and it may bring a sense of persistence through difficulty or obstacles to the whole day. If that is too activating, step back to rest and recover. The work will still be there for action when you're rejuvenated. Notice any extreme activation or the feeling of pushing hard and going nowhere. That is when it's time for self care and rest. Today's color is Pink.
Tuesday: Will the Groundhog see his shadow? And is he a He? This tradition was born from the feast of Imbolc, a celebration of the slowly returning daylight and last phase of winter. Use candles or battery powered candles and lights (safer :) ) to honor our need and love of brightness. Recognize your own ability to bring light where it's needed. How can you help humanity in your own way on this day during Aquarius time, the sign of the collective and the sign of vision. Libra Moon aligns with the Sun and our actions sync with our emotions. Team and parter action and decision are favored. That includes good times created together. Today's color is Lavender.
Wednesday: Libra Moon squares Pluto and aligns with Mercury retrograde overnight. Reconnections are likely and you may hear from or reach out to someone you haven't connected with in a long while. You may also recognize feelings or experiences that were repressed. Perhaps they come out in dreams, to be revisited and considered once again. Sometimes this is a new level of healing. Void Moon 1:15 to 9:15 am EST, and the Moon moves to Scorpio. Scorpio Moon resists or challenges in the areas of relationship and responsibility today. Squares to Venus and Saturn make compromise difficult. We may be less willing to listen or be patient. Notice if you're feeling closed off or hiding from something or someone. Then consider if that's what you need right now and is productive or if you're denying an inevitable and necessary interaction or action. Saturn requests a mature response, if you're ready. The Moon opposes Uranus this evening, and emotions may arise in unexpected ways. Today's color is Maroon or any dark shade of Red.
Thursday: Scorpio Moon is mostly in challenging aspects with the Sun and planets. This may give reason to reevaluate, pause, notice what's being pushed too hard, or alternatively where we are unwilling to give in, yield or act. Stubborn energy arises with today's squares and an opposition to Mars in Taurus. We may feel or encounter qualities such as unforgiving and strongly opposed. There is one easier, creative and healing trine of the Moon with Neptune in Pisces. Take advantage of that if you can. Find peace or ease with yoga, meditation, music, and art. They are all much needed now and can really shift us when we're stuck in a process or problem. Today's color is Indigo.
Friday: Scorpio Moon squares Mercury retrograde overnight. This may bring up things you cannot control or cannot do anything about right now. Be patient with problems. Maybe there's not yet enough information to resolve them. In some cases, this will come after the retrograde ends February 20th. At 4:20 am the Moon and Pluto are in harmony. This conjures spiritual perspective, peace within, reflection on our selves, and may require extra sleep or quiet time. Void Moon lasts from that time until 12:16 pm EST when Sagittarius Moon requests that we reemerge, more hopeful or ready to learn. We are forever learning and that is how we grow. The Moon is in harmony with planets in Aquarius, both today and tomorrow. This helps us see beyond our own problems and feelings. Widen your lens. Ask for support or new experiences. This Sagittarius Moon time feels like an opportunity to connect to a larger group or bigger vision. Today's color is Turquoise.
Saturday: Venus and Saturn meet, activating commitment to one another. Do the right thing by someone else. Make amends and seek resolution. Sagittarius Moon time is about wisdom and truth. Jupiter and the Sun lend optimism and brightness with regard to both. Work on applications or explorations around higher learning and fulfilling your dreams and purposes. If you send an application or document, follow up and also make duplicates as Mercury retrograde can mess with such things getting to the right place or being seen. With Venus square to Uranus tonight, avoid personal confrontations since things can get out of control easily. Today's color is Purple.
My weekly public yoga classes are Monday 9-10 am EST through Scarborough Yoga &
Wednesday 8-9 am and Thursday 5:30-6:45 pm EST through Breathing Room in South Portland
Contact me about 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training or see for all the information. Autumn-Winter 2021/22 training dates tba. Apply with no fee or obligation and I will read and process your application and contact you with upcoming dates and format which may include outdoor and zoom sessions as well as potential in studio hours.
Take Free online classes with two of my current teachers in training on February 6th 12-1 and 4-5 pm. Sign up at Scarborough Yoga website for your zoom link!
Find a free Yoga Nidra to listen and rest with at
My next live, online Yoga Nidra is Sunday, February 21st through Breathing Room. Sign up in advance for your link to be there live or receive the recording.