Sunday: Aquarius Moon favors gather around a mission, sharing ideas, and envisioning what we can achieve especially when working together. The Moon squares Uranus at 4:31 pm EDT bringing wild and outrageous plans to the forefront. We may need to consider something we never thought we'd venture into. Open your mind to possibilities. Two significant planetary aspects also influence this day and possibly the whole weekend into Monday. Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn for soul searching with regard to close relationships like partnerships and family relations. This may lead to intimate and important talks. Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces softening the tone of conversations. However, try not to romanticize in a way that muddies your real feelings or message. One challenge is to be real and another is to face what's been simmering inside. We are closing in on Full Moon now, and emotions are rising. Today's color is Blue.
Monday: Aquarius Moon is without any major aspects today. It's likely to feel like a continuation of Sunday's priorities and feelings. Full Moon arrives in the early hours of Wednesday, at 1:22 am EDT to be exact. Anything that requires an action or decision may be a big topic and require sorting out or effort today. Wear Turquoise.
Tuesday: Aquarius Moon aligns with Mars in Aries for the air feeds fire effect. This happens in the midnight hour, just before 1 am EDT and leads us into void of course Moon time. Dreams and intuitions are amplified. The next action may come through clearly, whether it's today and during this Full Moon week. Take your time and allow for plenty of leeway during void Moon which ends at 5:34 am EDT, so may not affect shopping or day to day business in USA times zones. Mercury and Pluto align, reminding that the real answers come from within. Tap your inner wisdom near daybreak or when your day begins. Pisces Moon increases sensitivity of all kinds. Today's color is Silver.
Wednesday: Full Moon in Pisces at 1:22 am EDT, and both Moon and Sun are in harmony with Uranus in Taurus. Your own emotions may surprise you. Something may seem to sneak up, suppressed feelings or an unexpected conversation for example. Announcements are likely and have emotional impact. Venus forms her second opposition of this week, to Saturn in Capricorn. Serious relationship actions or decisions follow. Venus in Cancer asks that you put family and love first, while Saturn in Capricorn could make work or other competing factors an issues in relationships. The Moon is in harmony with the 3 planets in Capricorn, today and tomorrow. This helps put sensible and heartfelt thoughts and ideas together. Service, helpfulness, empathy, problem solving and constructive approaches are called for. Today's color is White.
Thursday: Pisces Moon opposes Mercury then aligns with Venus in Cancer. Like all of this week, this is much about love, relationships, family and sharing of real feelings and needs. Conversations, discussions and in some cases debates, are necessary. It's time to get 'everything out on the table' in order to find appropriate and useful resolutions. The tricky part is the high emotional tone of this Full Moon sign and week. Void of course Moon from 10:34 am EDT to 4:22 pm EDT when the Moon makes way to Aries. Today's color is Pink.
Friday: The Moon moving from Pisces to Aries is like shifting from emotion to action. Aries Moon has no significant aspects with planets or the Sun, so it may be go, go, go. Burn off some energy in a healthy way. Venus squares Mars for a continuation of the long and thorough relationship theme of this week. A square challenges us for progress. Venus in Cancer is extremely different from Mars in Aries. It's like your sensitive and boldest friends or family members being at odds or looking for some sort of consensus. Take feelings into consideration for best response from others. Wear Red.
Saturday: Aries Moon squares planets in Capricorn. I feel like this is rarely easy and often involves balance of power or questions of who's in control. Mercury moves from Virgo to Libra, an indecisive place for the planet of thoughts and words. Disagreements may result in a stalemate for now. It's probably not the best day to push for answers. Wear Yellow.