Monday: Libra Moon square to both Pluto and Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn. This could create difficulty either processing pros and cons, making decisions or coming to terms with employers, government, or other large organizations and their representatives. The Moon begins void of course time at 9:02 am EDT. If there's something you can do to relax and take your mind off things you can't control, ease into that. At 6:48 pm EDT the Moon moves to Scorpio. We close in on the 2nd Jupiter/Pluto conjunction of this year. It's unusual, transforming, revealing and awakening. Healing of some kind may take place, though we must go back, review and acknowledge for this to happen. This is part two of three this year. Today's color is Indigo.
Tuesday: Scorpio Moon. Jupiter and Pluto meet overnight for truth, healing, and digging deep for honesty and reflection that leads to growth. These planets are retrograde so you may be pulled into past memories and feelings. It could be instantly cathartic or very difficult, like pulling teeth. Mercury is retrograde and angled with Uranus in Taurus for rapid developments around previously unresolved matters. Some will be resistant to change and progress, yet it's impossible to keep things as they are. Take good care with mental health, not waiting or ignoring for yourself or someone else. Major shifts are taking place. It can feel disturbing or revolutionary and exciting. Today's color is Black.
Wednesday: The Sun is in harmony with Uranus at 2:07 am EDT. It's a high energy aspect happening in Cancer and Taurus, signs related to family, stability, and security. Those matters are spotlighted and energized, though the way that plays out is anybody's guess. Expect this whole day, weekend ahead and period to be news filled and eventful. The Sun is expressive and Uranus is a rebel. Scorpio Moon aligns with Jupiter and Pluto, the two that met on Tuesday in such a profound progression of their 3 conjunctions this year. There's sure to be some meaningful action and reflection around transformation, intimate relationships, and healing from the past. Meanwhile Saturn backtracks into Capricorn, his home sign. Saturn represents Father Time. Note what that personally means to you. And realize that also there are wider implications about the world, governments, and large organizations like corporations. Saturn moves back to unfinished business in these areas and others. Saturn and the Moon align for serious business and what feels like reckonings tonight. Karma, reparation, and restitution in any form come to mind in relation to this. Sagittarius Moon moves right in after that aspect without skipping a beat. Take into consideration any interactions with any entity considered in authority, from a boss to parent to government official or judge. It does feel like a judgment day, or night. Wear Purple, for wisdom, today.
Thursday:The Moon will be full and eclipsed on Saturday/Sunday 12:44 am EDT in Capricorn. One sign closer as the Moon now in Sagittarius aspects Mars at 1:35 am EDT. The Moon and Venus are opposite in Sag/Gemini bringing the truth around relationships prominently forward. Half truths may create problems. Ask questions to define what's real. Movement and shift in love and romantic relationships is likely. Venus in Gemini is flirtatious and changeable. Sagittarius Moon will burn truths into plain view, one way or another. Also, Sag Moon is not that loyal, wanting freedom and flight. Some may end relationships under these circumstances. Some may do their best to avoid the issues. This is a very fiery day, so whatever is happening is action oriented, easily heated up, and potentially volatile. It could also feel adventurous. Today's color is Red.
Friday: Sagittarius Moon squares Neptune in Pisces at 9:06 am and then moves void of course, the transition time, until 12:48 am EDT on Saturday. The Full Moon warmup is in full swing. These hours are unreliable and may also be unfocused. Take good care. Read a mind opening book or engage in other interesting studies. Move energy through the body with yoga, swims, or an easy run. Keep activity fun and not overly strenuous through Full Moon. This eclipse of the Moon relates to the legs and knees and bones. Go easy as the rising energy can lead to overdoing and injuries. Oh yeah and then in the US we have the holiday which means even more reason to take it slow and not overdo. Tonight be careful with fire of any kind including fireworks while the Moon is in Sag until after midnight. Today's color is Light Blue.
Saturday: 4th of July, 2020 and a lunar eclipse at once feels intense. Emotions may be suppressed during Capricorn Moon. They are more likely to be expressed as dominance or authoritarianism than in healthy ways. This sign is challenged by emotion and opposite Cancer, the sign of emotions and the Moon. That's where the Sun is, and hence the eclipse at 12:44 am EDT on Sunday technically, though it's on Saturday in some time zones. Capricorn Moon square to Mars leads to power plays and struggles. Moon opposite Mercury retrograde will create some reconnections, maybe between lovers, though it may also cause significant confusion in communication. Uranus in Taurus aligns with the earth sign Moon. One effect, literal or metaphorical, is an earthquake. The ground lacks definite stability as the Moon and Sun eclipse. What can you do to maximize your safety and sanity while protecting those you love in the same way. What's needed is reassurance that all will be ok. A safe holiday is recommended due to astrological conditions and the accelerated action eclipses bring. Wear Gold today.